1885 Watch Tower - A2Z.org

1885 Watch Tower - A2Z.org

1885 Watch Tower - A2Z.org


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Riddlesburg, Pa.DEAR BROTHER:--I now enclose my subscription for '85,together with a small sum for the Tract Fund.I have been a reader of the TOWER for three years and I thank Godthat it was sent to me, as I believe through Divine providence.When I first received the paper I was a Class-leader in theMethodist Church and also Sunday School superintendent. Sincethat time I have withdrawn from the church (?) and am walking thenarrow way. I was about to say alone, but, thank God, I amaccompanied by my Leader and Guide.My name has been cast out, and I am no longer an "influential"person, but I am doing what I can to bring others to a knowledge ofthe truth as it is in Christ Jesus. The TOWER comes to me monthlylike a gentle shower to a thirsty land, and I am refreshed andinvigorated, and am enabled through the grace of Him who lovedus, to withstand the wiles of the adversary.May God bless your efforts to extend the tidings of salvation to allmen.Your brother in the work, __________.R771 : page 2Argentine Republic, South America.TO EDITOR ZION'S WATCH TOWER.Respected Sir:--I again write you for a repetition of your favor. Ipreviously wrote you from city of Callao, Peru, giving youinformation of how a fragment of your "Food for HungryChristians" accidentally fell into my hands from an Italian sailor,and asking you for a complete copy of the same, to which you atonce made reply by forwarding me the copy and also several copiesof your WATCH TOWER. Before, however, I had time for the fullexamination I could have wished, my friend, C.W.H., then inCallas, carried them off from me, and as I embarked in a shipmaking the round trip to Valparaiso, Lobus Island, and finally toEngland, I lost the run of the book.I am much pleased with the annual celebration of the Lord'sSupper, as noticed in one of the numbers of WATCH TOWER yousent me. Now, I want you to send me the September sample numberof WATCH TOWER, also, "Teachings of the Tabernacle," and oneother copy of "Food for Christians."It is needless for me to inform you how very much interested I amin this movement, and to give you my promise of earnest support.I now leave you, in the hope of future pleasant correspondence,with the good old Spanish parting of "May God be with you." Iremain, therefore,Yours sincerely,

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