1885 Watch Tower - A2Z.org

1885 Watch Tower - A2Z.org 1885 Watch Tower - A2Z.org


it each member is made dependent on others. So surely as we areliving in the "Day of the Lord," so surely as the bringing back ofZion is in progress, so surely we are living in the time when the"watchmen shall see eye to eye," with clearness and harmony ofvision; all should be of one faith and enabled to point out thewaymarks and bulwarks so clearly that every earnest member of thebody may see light in God's light.====================

R769 : page 1VOL. VI.PITTSBURGH, PA., JULY AND AUGUST, 1885.NOS. 11 & 12.==========page 1ZION'SWatch TowerANDHERALD OF CHRIST'SPRESENCE.----------PUBLISHED MONTHLY.----------C. T. RUSSELL, Editor and Publisher.----------BUSINESS OFFICE:NO. 40 FEDERAL ST. ALLEGHENY, PA.----------The Editor recognizes a responsibility to the Master, relative towhat shall appear in these columns, which he cannot and does notcast aside; yet he should not be understood as endorsing everyexpression of correspondents, or of articles selected from otherperiodicals.TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION.TERMS:--Fifty cents a year, postage prepaid. You may send byDraft, P.O. Money Order, or Registered Letter, payable to C. T.RUSSELL.FOREIGN TERMS.Three shillings per year. Remit by Foreign Postal Money Order.TAKE NOTICE.

it each member is made dependent on others. So surely as we areliving in the "Day of the Lord," so surely as the bringing back ofZion is in progress, so surely we are living in the time when the"watchmen shall see eye to eye," with clearness and harmony ofvision; all should be of one faith and enabled to point out thewaymarks and bulwarks so clearly that every earnest member of thebody may see light in God's light.====================

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