1885 Watch Tower - A2Z.org

1885 Watch Tower - A2Z.org

1885 Watch Tower - A2Z.org


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which we read:"May 19th, 1780.--The darknesscommenced between 10 and 11 A.M.,and continued until the middle of thenext night. The wind was from thesouth-west, and the darkness appearedto come with the clouds, drifting fromthat point. It covered the country fromNew Jersey to Maine, and appears tohave been greatest in Massachusetts andthe adjoining portion of New Hampshire;yet it was intense in Connecticutand Rhode Island. It was much less inNew York, and in New Jersey itwas not particularly noticed. Where itmost prevailed it was impossible to readordinary print, or read the time by awatch or clock, or do ordinary businesswithout artificial light. An intelligentobserver says: 'Candles were lightedin the houses; fowls retired to roost;the cocks were crowing all around as atbreak of day; objects could not be distinguishedbut at a very little distance;and everything bore the appearance andgloom of night.'"--Library UniversalKnowledge, page 647.Again we quote:"The Dark Day, May 19, 1780.--Socalled on account of a remarkable darknesson that day extending all over NewEngland. In some places persons couldnot see to read common print in theopen air for several hours together.Birds sang their evening song, disappeared,and became silent; fowls wentto roost; cattle sought the barn-yard;and candles were lighted in the houses.The obscuration began about ten o'clockin the morning, and continued till themiddle of the next night, but with differencesof degree and duration in differentplaces. For several days previousthe wind had been variable, but chieflyfrom the south-west and north-east.The true cause of this remarkable phenomenonis not known."--Webster's

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