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1885 Watch Tower - A2Z.org


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this light how forcible his argument when he says (Rom. 10:14):"Whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved,"but "How shall they call on Him in whom they have not believed?and how shall they believe in Him of whom they have not heard?"His argument is that Faith in Christ is essential, and that knowledgeis a pre-requisite to faith.Hence our argument is: No one can be a Christian without firsthaving a knowledge of Christ. Not merely a historic knowledgethat such person lived, died and rose, but a knowledge of the objectof these, and the results accomplished thereby, for us. All this anda grateful mental acceptance of those results, constitutes believingin Jesus--believing in Him as our ransom, who in consequence shallsoon deliver from death those whom he redeemed with his ownprecious blood.To such a believer only, is the name Christian at all applicable, andin its strictest sense it applies only to those, who heartily believing,present themselves joint sacrifices together with Jesus; or as hehimself expresses it, (Matt. 16:24): "If any man come after me [bemy disciple, a Christ-ian] let him deny himself and take up his crossand follow me." Let him deny all ability to wash away his ownsins, let him deny his own righteousness and accept of mine, andthen become my follower."If any man have not the spirit of Christ" in this respect--to sacrificeearthly advantages and things highly esteemed among men, for thesake of being co-workers with Jesus in the accomplishing of theplans of Jehovah-- "he is none of His;" (Rom. 8:9.) he is not in thetrue sense of the word a Christian. Beloved think it not strangeconcerning the fiery trial that is to try you, as though some strangething happened unto you, but rejoice inasmuch as ye are partakersof Christ's sufferings.... If any man suffer as a CHRISTIAN let himnot be ashamed; but let him glorify God on this behalf." 1 Pet. 4:12-16.====================R761 : page 3TO THE ELECT OF GOD (IN A TIME OF TROUBLE.)The elect of God exist, although no man can individually identifythem. They are after a common family likeness, althoughdifferently situated in the present evil world. They have one faith,and one aim, and one mind, though following different occupations,and living in different parts of the earth. We greet them in thename of the Lord, wishing them and praying for them grace, mercyand peace from God the Father and our Lord Jesus Christ.Beloved, ye are known of God, though you may not be discernedby men. You are scattered up and down the world, in a cloudy anddark day, undistinguishable to human eyes, from the common massof mankind. Your divine mark or seal, wherever you are to be

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