1885 Watch Tower - A2Z.org

1885 Watch Tower - A2Z.org

1885 Watch Tower - A2Z.org


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Yours in the Lord.__________.Springfield, Mass.BROTHER RUSSELL, Dear Sir:--I have just received this month'sTOWER. Please let my subscription commence with this year. I donot want to lose the reading of any. I feel like one just waking outof sound sleep, dazed and bewildered, and yet feeling that I amreally waking up to the truth.Yours, etc., __________.R753 : page 1Canton, Ills.DEAR BRO. RUSSELL.--We, that is wife and I, have become somuch attached to the <strong>Watch</strong> <strong>Tower</strong> that we cannot give it up now. Iknow not how you got my name, or how it came to us. It came as alight to our minds clearing away the mists of creeds and enables usto see the truths of the Bible in a clearer light. We are still readingand comparing scripture with scripture. We have the privilege ofreading the WATCH TOWER "Food" and "Tabernacle," and thechart, and think that through a full consecration and an earnestsearch after truth, all will be made plainer still. We hope beforelong to be able to help advance the interests of the work.Yours in Christ.__________.R759 : page 1====================GRADUALLY, NOT SUDDENLY.Some evidently misunderstood our remarks in last issue relativeto faith healing. We do not wish to be understood that during theMillennial age God will limit the methods of restoration to health,to prayer and anointing with oil. We are by no means sure thatmedicine and other agencies will be discarded. The methods ofrestitution will doubtless be as varied as were the methodsemployed by Jesus in healing diseases at his first advent. Onesecretly touched the hem of his garment; another stretched forth hiswithered hand; for another he prayed. Some were healed in answerto their own faith (Mark 5:34); some in answer to the faith ofanother (Matt. 8:5-13; Mark 5:23,42); some were healed instantly(Matt. 8:14,15), and some sentR759 : page 2

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