1885 Watch Tower - A2Z.org

1885 Watch Tower - A2Z.org

1885 Watch Tower - A2Z.org


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of man.The setting of the abomination is notthe sign, but the recognition, or discernmentof the abomination as such, and ofits improper place, is a sign that greatlyincreased light is shining, that knowledgeis increased, which is elsewherestated to be evidence of "the time of theend," Dan. 12:4.R711 : page 3The abomination spoken of by Daniel,and again by Paul, is the false system ofsystems which, assuming the name ofChrist, have misrepresented the character,plans and Word of God, anddeceived many. It includes not onlythe mother system, Papacy, but thedaughters as well, for she is the motherof abominations as well as an abominationherself; and the entire abominationsystem being ONE, and of the samespirit, it is so referred to by Jesus, Danieland Paul. It is "Babylon the great,""the mystery of Iniquity," the "Abominationof the earth." Rev. 17:5 and2 Thes. 2:7, Dan. 12:11.The "Mystery of Iniquity" came intoplace gradually, and it was not until ithad sat for a long time in the holy place,ruling and governing it, that its abominableand detestable character was seen,and still it is not seen by all the saints,many of whom still bow to the teachingsand commands of that system whichGod calls abominable.The god of this world--Satan--hasby many devices blinded the eyes ofmany, while exalting and keeping inpower this system, which is "after" orlike him, whose child it is. When hispower begins to fail, because the strongerthan he begins to spoil his house (Matt. 12:29),then this system will begin tobe seen, to be revealed and recognizedin its true character as "The Mystery of

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