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1885 Watch Tower - A2Z.org

1885 Watch Tower - A2Z.org


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wait in the unconsciousness of death possibly many years, untiltheir turn for the awakening comes, and then must awake withouttheir past possessions and to be more or less severely disciplined upto perfection. But now that we are in the day of the Lord, thosefaithfully enduring trial and sacrificing even unto death, finish theircourse here, to be changed instantly, in the twinkling of an eye,without a moment's unconsciousness, to the glory of their newcondition--even the divine nature.Think on these things, dearly beloved, that ye may be enabled towalk in wisdom toward them that are without, securing theopportunity for sacrifice, remembering that it is a great privilegebecause of its great reward, and that now is the accepted time--thetime or opportunity granted. Secure the opportunity and with it thegreat prize of our high calling.R757 : page 7====================MRS. C. T. R.THE FEET OF CHRIST."How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of Him thatbringeth good tidings, that publisheth peace, that bringeth goodtidings of good, that publisheth salvation; that saith unto Zion, "ThyGod reigneth." Isa. 52:7.Among the many beautiful and appropriate figures used torepresent the "little flock" and their union with Jesus, is that of ahuman body--Jesus the head, and the true church the members ofthe body.Sometimes, as in 1 Cor. 12:13-27, all the parts are represented inany assemblage of the church, the hand and foot, &c., as well as thevarious excellent qualities which belong to the head-- hearing,seeing and expression. Thus the head of the church is present withthe members of his body whenever two or three or more of themmeet in his name; and the body is complete and as effective f<strong>org</strong>rowth in Grace, Knowledge and Love, and far more so, than ifhundreds of unbelievers and merely nominal Christians werepresent. When thus spoken of the more able and intelligent ones arementioned in contrast with the less able, by calling one class headmembers, (Eye, Ear, etc.,) and the other class feet (v. 21). Thusmentioned the word feet will be seen to mean the lowest memberswhich require the especial assistance of the others.But another sense in which feet may be understood, is as indicatingthe last part, or completion of the body. So to speak The Christ hasbeen in process of development during the Gospel age-- the headfirst, and we, the living, representing the feet, last. This certainly isnot an unreasonable deduction, and there are several texts whichseem to indicate that the last members of the overcoming band, are

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