1885 Watch Tower - A2Z.org

1885 Watch Tower - A2Z.org

1885 Watch Tower - A2Z.org


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entered into the realization of her inheritance, but having Christ,knowing that with him God will freely give her all things, Rom.8:32.It is difficult to turn away from IsaacR752 : page 4in the manifold views of Christ we have presented through him."He was the first to arise from the dead," in the figure of his birth,and his arising from the altar on Mount Moriah. In him the people,(Israel) were called, by the birth of Jacob--but not until God hadfirst provided him a bride to share the riches and glory bestowedupon him by the Father. So in Christ, Israel are to be blessed, but,not until the Bride takes her place with the heavenly Bridegroom,Rom. 11:25,26. No part of the blessed Scripture is more calculatedto feed the souls of Christ's redeemed and chosen people, and to setmore plainly before them Christ our hope than Gen. 24, where wehave Abraham sending the servant after a bride for Isaac. It is not apublic event--the people of the land not seemingly interested, notoccupied with its import. The servant goes with the message guidedby God to the one whom God has chosen to be the Bride. Caravansof merchantmen, passing from Damascus to Egypt, soldiers of theking of Shinar, on missions of conquest, may have seen Eliezer ashe journeyed to Mesopotamia, and may have known his errand, butthey had no interest in it and knew nothing of God's purposes. Sonow the Holy Ghost has come from the Father with a message forthe chosen Bride, an invitation from an absent Bridegroom to sharehis Father's love, his inheritance--His throne. Noiseless as the treadof the camels' feet over the sands of the desert he pursues his way,and in every age and in every clime there are waiting Rebekahs,who have circumcised ears, believing hearts, and willing minds, tohear the story of God's dear Son--His dying love, His living power,the distant home, the coming glory, and to gladly say as didRebekah, "I will go." The world around takes no note of his errand--of his success, occupied with its schemes of wealth and ambition,and of a glory to be built up in Ishmael instead of Isaac. So Ishmaellives, and becomes a great nation, with twelve princes, they care notwho shall become the bride of Isaac.What interest to-day has the world at large in Christ, God's dearSon, in the revelation made of Him in the Scriptures as theheavenly Bridegroom. What light have they on the purpose of thisdispensation as the calling out of a people for his name? Whatsympathy have they in God's revealed plan and purposes, ascentering everything in heaven and on earth in the glory of HisSon? No more than the world had in Isaac's day in the call ofRebekah. Yet the message shall come with power, and the report bebelieved by those whom God shall choose. John 14:17; 6:45.Rebekah left her home to go to one she had never seen, to go to oneof whom she had heard, Rom. 10:16,17. She had a long journeyover the desert under the care of Eliezer. The one hope that lead her

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