1885 Watch Tower - A2Z.org

1885 Watch Tower - A2Z.org

1885 Watch Tower - A2Z.org


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asked, God would always, as in Paul's case, refuse them. Thus Jesussaid in Gethsemane, "Thinkest thou that I cannot now pray to myFather, and he shall presently give me more than twelve legions ofangels? But then how shall the Scriptures be fulfilled, that thus itmust be." Matt. 26:53,54.If the legions of angels had protected him from the priests andsoldiery then where would have been his sacrifice? Therefore hedid not ask. Likewise those who now tread the same "narrow way"[See "Food," page 134] refuse to ask for the same reason--that theymay complete their covenant of sacrifice. At times, however,without asking, such have been relieved in such manner as toenable them to accomplish further labor in the Lord's vineyard(Phil. 1:12,13,24,25).What think you of the signs of our times? How is it that you candiscern the face of the sky, but cannot discern this time? Is it notmore clearly marked than was the first advent? Are there not moreconvincing proofs now, than there were then, even in the signs ofthe times, that we are in the Day of the Lord's presence?The Lord willing, we purpose hereafter to devote more space to themention of cases of healing on every hand, that this sign ofrestitution and hence of the Lord's presence (Acts 3:21) may beduly noted by our readers.====================R749 : page 2EXTRACTS FROM INTERESTING LETTERS.Ellenton, April 29, <strong>1885</strong>.C. T. RUSSELL, DEAR SIR: I wish to ask a question on a subjectthat does not appear quite plain to me in the TOWER. I have been amember of the Presbyterian Church for twenty odd years, havingjoined that Church at my old home, St. Louis, Missouri. I am quitecertain that I joined the Church with a sincere desire to become oneof Christ's followers, and I fully understood the nature of the vows Itook, and experienced great pleasure in reading the Bible with itscommentaries; and this for a number of years. I either expected toomuch in this new relation I had placed myself in, or else I had neverexperienced a change of heart, for in spite of my earnest desire aftera Christian life and holiness, I was continually breaking God'sWord in some way or other. This caused me so much trouble thatfinally I grew cold, and of late years have taken very little interestin religion, thinking that I must long ago have been out of its pale,and might just as well let myself drift along with the masses andtake my chance with others. At no time, however, has my belief inthe fundamental truths of the Bible been lost, nor do I think theyever will be. I simply found I could not live up to its teachings soconsidered myself out of

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