1885 Watch Tower - A2Z.org

1885 Watch Tower - A2Z.org

1885 Watch Tower - A2Z.org


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them, and alas! they are not to be found. When springs are neededmost they disappear, and where their waters flowed is nothingfound but arid sand. It is not so hard to keep up appearances ofspiritual strength in times of revival, when "showers of blessings"fall around, but in times of drought, under the scorn of the world,under the burning heat of bitter opposition, of fiery trial, ofpersecution --how is it with the soul then? Does it remain in itsplace, giving out as before the gracious influences of a pure andmeek and lowly spirit, or does it disappear and fade away in sin andworldliness?Oh, how good a thing it is to be a constant Christian! A Christianthrough all times and seasons, in public and private, in allcircumstances and conditions of life. Do you not know such souls--sweet-tempered, gentle, gracious souls, always near to God, alwayswith their faces shining with a light from heaven? You alwaysknow where to find them-- at the foot of the cross--ready to giveyou, a weary, thirsty seeker, a precious draught from theoverflowing chalice of their own faith-filled, loving hearts. But thereason why the temperature of the spring is always the same isbecause its sources are deep. It has its origin far down below thesurface of the earth among the very foundations of the mountainitself. It is not fed by the drainage of the surface, but by an everlivingrock-hewn reservoir down in the secret places of the hills. Allits constancy and sweetness and purity is owing to the fact that itssources are deep. Herein we have the explanation of a mystery inspiritual things. The faith that is firm and changes not to suit thefashion of the times, the soul that is ever full of grace and truth, thecharacter that is Christ-like, conforming not to the ways of theworld, must have its sources deep--deep down in the bosom of theRock. It is no wonder that many fail who profess faith in Christ,depending, as they do, upon transitory emotions upon shallowconvictions and passing excitements. They cannot endure a spiritualdrouth, because they have no depth. They have no real, vital unionwith the only One who is able to keep them from falling, and topresent them "faultless before the presence of his glory withexceeding joy."--N.Y. Observer.R747 : page 8====================WORKS AND REPENTANCE.WHAT are "works meet for repentance"? What are worksanswerable to amendment of life? "Be renewed in the spirit of yourmind." "Put off ...the old man, which is corrupt, [and] put on thenew man, which after God is created in righteousness and trueholiness. Wherefore putting away lying, speak every man thetruth....Let him that stole steal no more; but rather let him labor,working with his hands the thing which is good, that he may haveto give to him that needeth. Let no corrupt communication proceed

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