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1885 Watch Tower - A2Z.org

1885 Watch Tower - A2Z.org


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"SHOW me the man you honor. I know by that symptom; betterthan by any other, what kind of a man you are yourself; for youshow me what your ideal of manhood is, what kind of a man youlong to be."--Carlyle.R743 : page 6====================IS PROTESTANTISM A PROTEST?The tendency toward a union between Roman Catholics andProtestants becomes daily more apparent. It is not long sinceBishop Potter, of the Episcopal Church, instituted a "Holy Order,"after the manner and covenant of the Romish priesthood. It is notlong since the Council of the same denomination held in Detroit,heard approvingly an essay advocating the "Auricular Confession,"by one of their members, and now comes the Rev. Dr. Kellog, aprofessor in the Presbyterian Seminary of Allegheny, as anadvocate of a sort of PURGATORY.All this must be very comforting to their Mother, the Church ofRome. That she appreciates it, is evidenced by the following remarkclipped from the Catholic:"We entertain no other feeling but that of pity for the man whorehashes the worn-out calumnies of Protestant bigotry and hate, at atime that Protestants and Catholics are being brought closertogether, and to a clearer understanding of the religious issues thatkeep them separated."For some years, we have endeavored to point out that Protestantsects are the daughters of Rome referred to in Rev. 17:5. ThatPapacy is not only called a harlot (system), but also the MOTHERof harlots and abominations. Little did we expect that so soon wewould hear Protestant ministers boast of this relationship, as in thequotation below from the Rev. Mr. Donehoo [Presbyterian] of thiscity:"Wince as you will, you must admit that this (the Catholic Church)is the Mother Church. She possesses an unbroken history extendingback to the times of the Apostles. For every fragment of religioustruth which we prize we are indebted to her as the depository. If shehas no claims to being the true Church, then are we bastards and notsons."Very true: the "fragment of truth" and the great mass of error,nearly all came to the daughters through their mother. From herthey got the fashion of sprinkling babies and calling it thefulfillment of what the Bible calls baptizing believers. From themother they got their idea of an eternal hell of woe.R744 : page 6She taught them how to twist the words sheol and hades from theirplain and obvious meaning to the support of that blasphemous

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