1885 Watch Tower - A2Z.org

1885 Watch Tower - A2Z.org

1885 Watch Tower - A2Z.org


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would you not, sacrifice your honor and standing and "good name"and "broad-minded" reputation, for the TRUTH?That was one of the severest of all your SUFFERINGS, yet yousaid with the Master: "Father, glorify thy name"; and as you sawthe counterpart of this in the Lord's sacrifice, you heard him say: "Itis sufficient that the servant should be as his Lord." It has occurredto you as I forewarned you: When they shall say all manner of evilagainst you falsely [and often ignorantly] for my sake, rejoice andbe exceeding glad, for great is your reward in heaven. In yourrejoicing now you no longer think "strange" of the fiery trials thatencompass you. Hereafter let us more and more rejoice in suchsufferings--rejoicing that we are counted WORTHY to suffer forChrist's name.R740 : page 8===================="THE SAME NIGHT."We again remind you that Sunday evening, March 29, will thisyear be the anniversary of the Lord's Supper--"The same night onwhich he was betrayed." (See last issue.) We anticipate a blessedseason of communion on the part of all the dear members of theBody of Christ then.So many as can be present at the Allegheny meeting will be warmlywelcomed and entertained as best we may be able. Come on the28th inst. to the TOWER office. Such as will require lodgingsplease send word beforehand that arrangements may be perfected.====================

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