1885 Watch Tower - A2Z.org

1885 Watch Tower - A2Z.org 1885 Watch Tower - A2Z.org


He was Lord when He gavehimself a ransom; or whenhe "bought us with a price,"but we also claim that an appreciationof His divinityand lordship as the expressimage or manifestation of theFather's substance is necessaryto a just estimate of thenature and value of the greatatoning sacrifice which hemade. The advocates of thetheory that the divine lawwas satisfied with the substitutionof one mere humansacrifice instead of the billionsof human beings musthave strained ideas of equityand justice; must ignore thestatement that man cannot"redeem his brother nor giveto God a ransom for him."Psa. 49:7...."The extremely literal materialistmay exclaim in horror,Can Divinity die? Ohno! it cannot die, in thesense in which you arethinking of death. He cannotlose his existence. But youridea of death is at fault."..."The GROSS MATERIALISTcould he but revise his theologyand open his eyes,might see a sublime truth inthis mystery of life impartedinstead of extinguished bymeans of death. THIS is thegrand MYSTERY of the crossof Christ."----------"It seems as if theidea of God acceptingan innocent substitutefor the life of

the guilty criminalsis so grossly inconsistentwith both loveand justice that insteadof winning toGod it must have repelledmany thinkingminds from Him.It places God in theattitude of demandingall men owe, insteadof in the graciousattitude of extendingmercy andforgiveness to thehelpless sinner.What is fully paidfor, cannot be acceptedas an expressionof the Father'slove and grace."In a formerissue the samecontemporarygave the followingexplanation(?) of the natureand value of thedeath of Christ,viz.:"Christ died to theold relation whichhe had COME INTOby Adam's sin.""The blood whichmust be shed, withoutwhich there is noremission of sins, ISthat which is theevidence of thedeath of the ENMITYWITHIN US--deathto sin."----------If this contemporary had more than one

the guilty criminalsis so grossly inconsistentwith both loveand justice that insteadof winning toGod it must have repelledmany thinkingminds from Him.It places God in theattitude of demandingall men owe, insteadof in the graciousattitude of extendingmercy andf<strong>org</strong>iveness to thehelpless sinner.What is fully paidfor, cannot be acceptedas an expressionof the Father'slove and grace."In a formerissue the samecontemporarygave the followingexplanation(?) of the natureand value of thedeath of Christ,viz.:"Christ died to theold relation whichhe had COME INTOby Adam's sin.""The blood whichmust be shed, withoutwhich there is noremission of sins, ISthat which is theevidence of thedeath of the ENMITYWITHIN US--deathto sin."----------If this contemporary had more than one

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