1885 Watch Tower - A2Z.org

1885 Watch Tower - A2Z.org

1885 Watch Tower - A2Z.org


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come, buy wine and milk without money and without price." Andyou that have it-- "Wherefore do ye spend money for that which isnot bread? and your labor for that which satisfieth not? Hearkendiligently--and eat ye that which is good, and let your soul delightitself in fatness."-- ISAIAH 55:1,2.page 1====================WALL CHARTS.--We still have a supply of the "Chart of theAges," such as appears in FOOD FOR THINKING CHRISTIANS,page 105, only enlarged--33 inches long, mounted on rollers. Thesewe will send free to our SUBSCRIBERS who are willing to payexpressage on the same.R747 : page 1====================The pamphlet entitled THE TABERNACLE AND ITSTEACHINGS is now out of print. Many requests for this pamphletcontinually coming to hand we have arranged to publish it soon as anumber of the TOWER. Thus all may have it and appreciate thebeauty and force of those types which God caused Israel to performyear by year continually--for our edification upon whom the ends ofthe ages are come.R730 : page 1====================VIEW FROM THE TOWER.The National Baptist, commenting upon the report of the Baptistchurches of Philadelphia says:"We have a total membership of 19,676. Of the additions bybaptism, 300 came from three churches: Grace, 125; Shiloh, 111;Mantua, 64. Nine churches reported no baptisms. We have alsonineteen missions, some of whose members are not members ofcity churches. Let us place our Baptist army at 20,000. Think of thevast expenditures for pastors, church buildings, Sunday schoolrooms, etc., and only a net gain of 450. It took over forty membersto gather in one convert. And the figures over our State are equallystartling, when 235 churches during the past year do not report asingle baptism."Our Baptist friends are perhaps as near the truth, or more so, thanany other sect of Babylon, which is not flattering them, we hope.The above statement affords an opportunity to suggest a criticismapplicable to all the Babylonish sects. The rivalry among them isfor numbers; for quantity rather than quality; for the praise of menrather than that which cometh from above only.Two or three centuries ago, when Baptists were only called such bytheir enemies, and when they called themselves simply Christians,

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