1885 Watch Tower - A2Z.org

1885 Watch Tower - A2Z.org

1885 Watch Tower - A2Z.org


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BY sin [or on account of sin, as sacrifices; see Diaglott,] butalive unto God, through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Rom. 6:6-11.Hence, the statement that, Not the death of the Cross, but ourdeath to sin, reconciles us to God, is the very opposite of thetruth. The truth, as stated by the apostle is: Not our death to sinnor any works of the Law which we can do, could reconcile toGod, but being reconciled by the death of His Son, while wewere yet sinners and enemies, we love Him who first loved us,so that we detest and put away sin, and so far as possible cease tolive any longer therein, but the rather now present our membersas servants of righteousness unto sacrifice with Jesus, theRedeemer.R729 : page 8====================EXCEPT A CORN OF WHEAT DIE."Verily, verily I say unto you, except a corn of wheat fall intothe ground and die, it abideth alone: But if it die it bringeth forthmuch fruit." John 12:24.Thus beautifully and forcibly does Jesus teach the necessity forhis death, and the results which shall follow. The grain of wheatwas himself--"the man Christ Jesus." He was alone. All othermen were either dead or dying--under condemnation to deathand reckoned of God as dead already. Rom. 5:15. These were allimperfect decaying grains of wheat. Jesus alone, had life. Hemight have continued to live, there being no cause for death inhim; he was holy, harmless, undefiled. But if he should carryout his original purpose, on account of which he had left theglory which he had with the Father and been made flesh" hewould now die, as a grain of wheat in order that his life might beimparted to many--the first Adam and all his race.It was while considering his death, and when he knew that thetime or hour was about at hand, that Jesus used these words tohis disciples to explain to them the necessity for his death--inorder that the human race should be justified to life--"If it die itbringeth forth much fruit." Then realizing as no imperfect mancould do, the greatness of the sacrifice which death (extinction),meant, he cried to God in agony saying (John 12:27) "Now is mysoul troubled; and what shall I say? Father save [spare] me fromthis hour" [from death]! Then remembering the Father's infinitePower, Wisdom, Love, Justice and exceeding great and preciouspromises made to him of a resurrection to a nature much higherthan the one he was sacrificing, his FAITH in God triumphs andhe adds: "But for this cause [or purpose] came I unto this hour:Father glorify thy name."To Jesus, undeluded by Satan's sophistries, death was a bittercup, he did not think of death as some of his deceived followers

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