1885 Watch Tower - A2Z.org

1885 Watch Tower - A2Z.org 1885 Watch Tower - A2Z.org


R708 : page 2statement was "hard-earned," and onlysent by a similar self-denial to that ofthe widow mentioned by Jesus. Suchgifts only as cost us self-denial insome form are sacrifices, whether it costsus friendships, or conveniences, orluxuries, or ease.Let us make sure of the Master's"Well done, good and faithful servant,thou hast been faithful over a few things,I will make thee ruler over manythings." Such, having sacrificed withChrist, shall enter into the joys of theLord. May it be true of us as of Mary,"She loved much"--"She hath donewhat she could."====================R708 : page 2AN INCONSISTENT CONTEMPORARY.We have not an inch of space to waste,nor a moment of time to devote to merecontention or argument, hence omit manyof the moral reform topics which thoughgood, are not vitally important to ourreaders, the majority of whom we trustare past the necessity for such exhortation.In any event these themes have ableradvocates than us, to set forth their claims.But as we long since (1880) pointedout, a great and severe trial of faithcoming with increasing force upon thechurch--"the fire of that day" which"shall try every man's work of what sortit is." We saw that this fiery trial thencoming, aimed to destroy the very foundationof Christian faith and hope, thefirst principles of the doctrine of Christ--"How that Christ died for our sinsaccording to the Scriptures" (1 Cor. 15:3)and that he thus redeemed, ransomed,bought us with his own precious blood.

And because truth on this subject is the"meat in due season" for the household offaith now, as well as because there arefew to publicly champion this truthwhich is now being attacked on everyhand, therefore, we feel that time andspace spent in criticizing and exposingthe arguments and sophistries of thosewho would make the Cross of Christ ofnone effect, is most necessary. Hence ifto any there seems to be an excuse orapology necessary for the pointed andcritical analyzing of the utterance of contemporarieson such subjects, our apologyis, our zeal for the truth; that its forcemay be seen in contrast with error: andfor you, that you may be strengthened,prepared, and armed against all the wilesof the devil, and that thus, many may beable to answer and refute his sophistries;thus helping and strengthening themselvesand others also.The recent issue of a contemporarydevoted to the NO RANSOM theory, presentsin its leading Editorial some glaringinconsistencies, in its effort to makeuse of Scripture phraseology, and at thesame time to discard the doctrine ofredemption and remission of sins throughR709 : page 2the blood of the cross. We were aboutto say--and at the same time maintain itstheory--but conclude that its theory,severely pressed for arguments, is changingand it would be difficult now to statewhat the exact theory is, except that theunchanged purpose is still plainly evident--the denial of the ransom.Before pointing out its sophisms, weplace some of its open and palpable contradictionsside by side, thus:------------"We not only claim that

And because truth on this subject is the"meat in due season" for the household offaith now, as well as because there arefew to publicly champion this truthwhich is now being attacked on everyhand, therefore, we feel that time andspace spent in criticizing and exposingthe arguments and sophistries of thosewho would make the Cross of Christ ofnone effect, is most necessary. Hence ifto any there seems to be an excuse orapology necessary for the pointed andcritical analyzing of the utterance of contemporarieson such subjects, our apologyis, our zeal for the truth; that its forcemay be seen in contrast with error: andfor you, that you may be strengthened,prepared, and armed against all the wilesof the devil, and that thus, many may beable to answer and refute his sophistries;thus helping and strengthening themselvesand others also.The recent issue of a contemporarydevoted to the NO RANSOM theory, presentsin its leading Editorial some glaringinconsistencies, in its effort to makeuse of Scripture phraseology, and at thesame time to discard the doctrine ofredemption and remission of sins throughR709 : page 2the blood of the cross. We were aboutto say--and at the same time maintain itstheory--but conclude that its theory,severely pressed for arguments, is changingand it would be difficult now to statewhat the exact theory is, except that theunchanged purpose is still plainly evident--the denial of the ransom.Before pointing out its sophisms, weplace some of its open and palpable contradictionsside by side, thus:------------"We not only claim that

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