WM MKII Rules Errata Feb 2015

WM MKII Rules Errata Feb 2015

WM MKII Rules Errata Feb 2015


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ERRATA – FEBRUARY <strong>2015</strong>BLIGHTED NYSS ARCHERS.SUPPRESSING FIRE.Replace the fourth sentence of Suppressing Fire with thefollowing:After all models in this unit have completed their normalmovement, place an AOE completely within 12˝ of allparticipants, with its center point in LOS of all participants,ignoring intervening models.BLIGHTED NYSS STRIDER OFFICER &MUSICIAN. NAME AND SUB-TYPE.Change the name to “Strider Rangers Officer & Musician.”Change the sub-type line to “Legion Blighted Nyss UnitAttachment.”BLIGHTED NYSS STRIDER OFFICER &MUSICIAN. ATTACHMENT.Replace Attachment [Blighted Nyss Striders] with:Attachment [Strider Rangers] – This attachment can be addedto a Strider Rangers unit.BLIGHTED NYSS STRIDERS. NAME ANDSUB-TYPE.Change the name to “Strider Rangers.” Change the subtypeline to “Legion Blighted Nyss Unit.”HARRIER. TRUE STRIKE.Replace the first sentence of True Strike with:The next melee attack roll made by this model this activation hitsautomatically, then True Strike expires.LYLYTH, SHADOW OF EVERBLIGHT.PURSUIT.Replace the text of Pursuit with the following:If target enemy model/unit advances during its normalmovement, immediately after ending this movement one modelin this model’s battlegroup that is in its control area can makea full advance.NEPHILIM PROTECTOR. SHIELD GUARD.Replace the text of Shield Guard with:Once per round, when a friendly model is directly hit by a rangedattack during your opponent’s turn while within 2˝ of thismodel, you can choose to have this model directly hit instead.This model is automatically hit and suffers all damage andeffects. This model cannot use Shield Guard if it is incorporeal,knocked down, or stationary.SAERYN, OMEN OF EVERBLIGHT.FOREBODING.Replace Foreboding with:While within her control area, small-, medium-, and large-basedmodels in Saeryn’s battlegroup cannot be targeted by meleeattacks for one round.SERAPH. SLIPSTREAM.Add to the text of Slipstream:Slipstream lasts for one turn.SPELL MARTYRS. FIELD ALLOWANCEAND POINT COST.Change FA 1 to FA 3. Remove point cost text “Up to 2additional Spell Martyrs 1 ea.”SUCCUBUS. ATTACHED.Replace the phrase “friendly warlock” with “friendlyFaction warlock.”THRONE OF EVERBLIGHT. FEARLESS.Add Fearless to Throne of Everblight.MINIONSBLACKHIDE WRASTLER. RISE.(Apply only to the card. The Forces of HORDES: Minionsentry is correct.)Replace the text of Rise with the following:Target friendly knocked down Faction model immediately standsup.BLOODY BARNABAS. BLOOD BOON.Replace the phrase “without spending focus” with “withoutspending fury.”FERALGEIST. SPIRITBIND.Replace the fourth sentence of Spiritbind with the following:Remove this model from the table. The warbeast’s controller canreave fury points on the warbeast and the warbeast is no longerdestroyed. Fury points that are not reaved are removed.HELGA THE CONQUEROR. GRANDFINALE.Replace the first sentence of Grand Finale with:When a friendly Faction model in Helga’s control area hits anenemy model with a normal melee attack, instead of makinga normal damage roll, the enemy model can be slammed d6˝directly away from the attacking model.RHYAS, SIGIL OF EVERBLIGHT.ANTIPHON.Add Reach to Antiphon.WWW.PRIVATEERPRESS.COMContents and Game <strong>Rules</strong> ©2001–<strong>2015</strong> Privateer Press, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Privateer Press®, WARMACHINE®, Convergence of Cyriss®, Convergence, Cryx, Cygnar, Khador, Protectorate of Menoth, Protectorate, Retribution of Scyrah,Retribution, HORDES®, Circle Orboros, Circle, Legion of Everblight, Legion, Skorne, Trollbloods, Trollblood, warcaster®, warjack®, warbeast, and all associated logos and slogans are trademarks of Privateer Press, Inc. Permission is herebygranted to photocopy and retain electronic copies. Any such duplications shall be intended solely for noncommercial use and must maintain all copyrights, trademarks, or other notices contained therein or preserve all marksassociated therewith. Privateer Press reserves the right to remove this permission or revise contents herein at any time for any reason.16

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