Advanced Nuclear Power - AREVA

Advanced Nuclear Power - AREVA

Advanced Nuclear Power - AREVA


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Nuke NotesAnnual Meeting on <strong>Nuclear</strong>Technology in DresdenExperts from 19 countries attendedthis year's Annual Meeting on <strong>Nuclear</strong>Technology that was held in Dresdenfrom May 15 to 17, 2001. The eventis organized each year by theDeutsches Atomforum (GermanAtomic Forum) in collaboration withthe (Kerntechnische GesellschaftGerman <strong>Nuclear</strong> Society.) At thisnuclear conference - the mostimportant of its kind in Germany -Framatome ANP was represented byan impressive total of 41 paperspresented at the topical and technicalsessions covering all fields of nucleartechnology. In his widely acclaimedpaper for the plenary session,Dominique Vignon, President ofFramatome ANP, described Germany'splans to phase out nuclear power asincomprehensible and called for achange in views on nuclear energyin Europe, as is already underway inthe US.Framatome ANP's display atthe accompanying exhibition was apopular meeting point, not justduring breaks. While enjoyingvarious German and French delicaciesand refreshments, there was ampleopportunity to exchange ideaswith customers.Framatome ANP's traditionalevening get-together was attended by arecord of 120 worldwide customersand took place in the casemates of theold Dresden fortifications. The maintheme was Framatome ANP's motto -"You're right to ask for more."Framatome ANP in KoreaDuring the latest KAIF (Korean Atomic IndustryForum) on April 18, 2001, Framatome ANP held areception in Seoul for 100 attendees, includingexecutives from Korea Electric <strong>Power</strong> (KEPCO),Korean Hydro & <strong>Nuclear</strong> <strong>Power</strong>, Korea <strong>Nuclear</strong> FuelCompany, and Korea Plant Engineering and Services,to celebrate the merger between the nuclear activitiesof Siemens and Framatome.21st FROG SteeringCommittee MeetingThe 21st FROG Steering CommitteeMeeting took place April 4 - 6, 2001at Saint Rémy de Provence.The agenda included presentationson Framatome ANP's neworganization, Ringhals 4 RPV nozzlecracks issue, IntercontrÔle's recentimprovements in reactor pressurevessel (RPV) inspection and contributionto RPV life extension. Membersdiscussed main events at their plantsand their efforts towards maintainingcompetencies. To gain a betterunderstanding of outage duration,Framatome ANP made a presentationon PWR outage duration in the USand Electricité de France (EDF)delivered a presentation on Cruas NPPoutage's success factors. The remainderof the day devoted to outages coveredintegrated service packages, the impactof safety requirements on outageduration, the reduction of in-serviceinspectionand periodic tests andfrequencies, core unloading andloading operation optimization, andcooling and draining of RCS untilmid-loop operation. FROG Membersvisited the CENTRACO facility atBagnols-sur-Cèze of the SOCODEIcompany where low radioactive wastesare either melted or incinerated,according to their nature.Number of operating plants serviced by Framatome ANPCanada (22)United States (104)Mexico (2)Brazil (2)Editorial Staff of <strong>Advanced</strong> <strong>Nuclear</strong> <strong>Power</strong> magazine:Annie Wallet – Vice President, Communications Martha Wiese – Managing EditorSusan Hess – Editor-in-ChiefBill Warner – Production ManagerRegional Editors: Christine Fischer, Philippe Rouiller, Martha WieseGraphic Design: Bruce ThompsonContributing Writers:Allen Chipley, Gerhard Engelhard, Günter Engl, Christine Fischer, Angel Gelpi, Robert Horbach, Bernard Jaulain, Hans-UlrichMaar, Alexander Machowetz, Gérard Mahaud, André Malaval, Bruno Marchal, Günter Marquardt, Gilles Monet, NicoleMontmessin, Dieter Pelkofer, Jean-Claude Peyran, Bernd Purucker, Rémi Thévenet, Philippe Rouiller,. Thomas Rothe, RenateRühling, Heinrich Schäfer, Erich Seeberger, Jim Shires, Stefan Vom Scheidt, Peter Urban, Martha Wiese, Georg WinklerFramatome ANP-Worldwide OfficesTour FramatomeF-92084 Paris La DéfenseCedex - FranceTel.: +33 1 47 96 00 00Fax: +33 1 47 96 36 36info@framatome-anp.comThe Netherlands (1)Argentina (2)Belgium (7)UnitedKingdom (1)France (59)Spain (9)Sweden (11)Switzerland (5)Germany (19)Finland (4)Slovenia (1)Czech Republic (4)Hungary (4)Slovakia (6)3315 Old Forest RoadLynchburg, VA 24501 - USATel.: +1 434 832 3000Fax: +1 434 832 0622info@framatech.comArmenia (1)Ukraine (13)Bulgaria (4)Rumania (1)South Africa (2)Kazakhstan (1)China (3)Russia (14)Freyeslebenstr.1D-91058 Erlangen - GermanyTel.: +49 9131 18 95374Fax: +49 9131 18 93746info@framatome-anp.deSouth Korea (6)Taiwan (6)Japan (34)Framatome ANP reception in KoreaROGER is a registered trademark of Framatome ANP. The following are trademarks of Framatome ANP: ATRIUM, EMPATH, M5. TELEPERM is a trademark ofSiemens. CORD and AMDA are registered trademarks of Siemens.38 <strong>Advanced</strong> <strong>Nuclear</strong> <strong>Power</strong> 08/2001

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