Advanced Nuclear Power - AREVA

Advanced Nuclear Power - AREVA

Advanced Nuclear Power - AREVA


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F O C U S<strong>Nuclear</strong> ServicesSGs from the cancelled SeabrookUnit 2. Framatome ANP's extensiveexperience qualified them to performthe required analysis and install asteam generator design not intendedfor the Salem unit. A turn-keyapproach used the full range of skillsto provide the required seismic, licensingand safety analyses. Additionally,the technologies developed for componentreplacement in the area of digitalphotogrammetry, precision computernumeric controlled (CNC) machiningand narrow groove welding providedthe fit-up of the approximately 400ton components within tolerances of20 mils (.5 mm).The Gravelines 4 replacementagain demonstrated Framatome ANP'sstrength in planning and execution.Framatome ANP's innovativeapproach and careful planning "brokenew ground technically speaking as itinvolved not only replacing the threegenerators, but also three elbows andhalf a crossover leg," said SergeRostain, Electricité de France (EDF)SGR project manager. The replacementof elbows attached to the steamgenerators in the shop was anotherfirst-of-a-kind implementation. In2003 and 2004, Framatome ANP willbe applying the precision measurement,machining and welding technologiesto steam generator projects inthe United States where cold legelbows will be replaced as integralattachments to the generators.Gravelines 4 with the world’s first steamgenerator replacement with elbowEach plant's reactor building hasdifferent requirements for steamgenerator replacement.Framatome ANP, by adapting riggingand handling of the SGs, can load inone-piece SGs through equipmenthatches after external hoisting, or, ifspace available does not allow handlinga one-piece unit, can load in atwo-piece SGR. This later process wasapplied to the Bugey 5 SGR and willbe used again for the Fessenheim 1SGR in 2002. Framatome ANP alsohas completed a one-piece SG replacementthrough a temporary openingcreated in the containment building(Ringhals 3 in Sweden).Essential Competenciesfor SGRs• Management of large-scaleengineering projects• On-site project management• Technical inspection• <strong>Advanced</strong> welding techniques• Non-destructive examination• Precision cutting and machining• Decontamination(using various processes)• Topometry• ALARA• DosimetryFramatome ANP Expertise• Management of the SGR preliminarystages. Its factories manufacturethe RSGs which facilitates the topometryof the new SGs, and if necessary,enables SG and elbow assemblyprefabrication. Rigorous monitoring ofthe SG replacement up to connectionto reactor coolant systems (RCS) andsecondary cooling systems ensures anefficient changeout.• A highly skilled multi-cultural engineeringdepartment prepares both thesite operation packages prior to the SGreplacement, and the required tools.Once work begins on a turn-keyproject, engineering staff are presenton the SGR site and Framatome ANPmanages coordination between itsteams and sub-contractors, interfacesComputer numerically controlled (CNC)machining provides fit up tolerances ofless than 20 mils (.5mm)with the customer, and provides SGRtechnical expertise (including managementof unforeseen events).Engineering works closely with thecustomer to optimize unit outageplanning and the technical interfaces(services/radiation protection/systemlocking).• Based on key SGR activities,Framatome ANP has built up a core ofskilled SGR specialists in its variousdivisions and subsidiaries, able todeploy wherever they may be required.For example, American welders andmachine tool operators from theFramatome ANP US nuclear servicesdivision worked on the Gravelines 4and Kr ko SGRs.After the SGR at Kr ko by aFramatome/Siemens consortium,Stan Rozman, Director of the Kr koNPP Slovenia said "We feel that therewas a really positive environmentamong all the participants, opennessand mutual trust were evident. We cansay there was good coordination of theteams between NEK and all theparticipants."The key to any SGR is teamwork.A close working relationship betweenthe customer and its contractors isessential. Because Framatome ANPhas performed turn-key replacements,has acted as prime contractor as well assubcontractor, the company hasunique experience and expertise toperform SGRs. That's whyFramatome ANP is the world leader insteam generator replacements. @Electrical and I&C Outage Services:Process Improvements Cut CostsBased upon the good performanceduring the 2000 refueling outage atGermany's PWR plant Grohnde, theplant operator - GemeinschaftsKernkraftwerk Grohnde GmbH -awarded Framatome ANP anotherfixed-price contract for a comprehensivepackage of services for the plant'selectrical systems and instrumentationand control (I&C) equipment duringthis year's outage. As in the yearbefore, the package consisted of inserviceinspections of the reactor protectionsystem, the reactor limitationequipment, the turbine control systemand the switchgear, as well as overhaulsof high- and low-voltage motors andIn-service inspection at aswitchgear cabinetvalve actuators installed in the controlledaccess area. A majorfeature of this lump-sum contract wasthe involvement of Framatome ANPin process optimization and in theplanning of manpower deploymentand qualifications. This enabled theprevious scope of interfaces to begreatly reduced. By givingFramatome ANP all responsibility forcoordinating the various activities inthis comprehensive service package,considerable cost savings were gained,while still ensuring the same highquality of workmanship and compliancewith the time schedule.Continuous Process ofImprovement Cuts CostsTo prepare for the outage work on theelectrical and I&C equipment atGrohnde, Framatome ANP helddetailed meetings with plant operatingand maintenance personnel to determinethe exact scope of work to bedone, available time slots and otherrelevant circumstances. Using theexperience gained from the first project,even greater synergy was attainedby careful personnel and qualificationcoordination between the various engineeringdisciplines involved. Byadding experience from other plants, acontinuous process of improvementoccurs from each outage.In addition to the service activitiesalready planned, a number of specialjobs that had not originally beenscheduled for the 2000 and 2001 outageswere handled. Using personnelalready on site, assistance for complexrepairs quickly was provided whilekeeping the additional time and costfor the customer to a minimum.Words of Praisefrom Grohnde"Framatome ANP completed theirlump-sum service packages duringthe outages at Grohnde in 2000 and2001 to a high standard of qualityand within the allotted time. Theircompetent personnel were able torespond at short notice to changesin the scope of work as well as newdeadlines. Use was made ofsynergy effects and cost-savingpotentials in both the technical andcommercial execution of the projects.There is reason to believe thatfurther cost savings can be madein 2002."Customer StatementService Package to beExpanded in the FutureAssuming complete responsibility forthe management of outage work ratherthan leasing out personnel is the bestmaintenance strategy as evidenced bythe customer's economic benefitsderived from these projects. For thenext outage in 2002, Framatome ANPtherefore will be offering GemeinschaftsKernkraftwerk GrohndeGmbH an even larger package ofservices including those previouslyprovided by other companies. Moreservices plus better management ofmanpower for this expandedworkscope will yield additionalimprovements with their resulting costsavings for the customer. @22 <strong>Advanced</strong> <strong>Nuclear</strong> <strong>Power</strong> 08/200108/2001 <strong>Advanced</strong> <strong>Nuclear</strong> <strong>Power</strong> 23

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