Madame Bovary - Penn State University

Madame Bovary - Penn State University Madame Bovary - Penn State University
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Madame BovaryStanding up with his hands on the back of her chair he saw of the fire, and were soon asleep. The fire was dying out inthe teeth of her comb that bit into her chignon. With every the cinders; the teapot was empty, Leon was still reading.movement that she made to throw her cards the right side of Emma listened to him, mechanically turning around theher dress was drawn up. From her turned-up hair a dark colour lampshade, on the gauze of which were painted clowns infell over her back, and growing gradually paler, lost itself little carriages, and tight-rope dances with their little in the shade. Then her dress fell on both sides of her Leon stopped, pointing with a gesture to his sleeping audience;then they talked in low tones, and their conversationchair, puffing out full of folds, and reached the ground. WhenLeon occasionally felt the sole of his boot resting on it, he seemed the more sweet to them because it was unheard.drew back as if he had trodden upon some one.Thus a kind of bond was established between them, a constantcommerce of books and of romances. Monsieur Bovary,When the game of cards was over, the druggist and the Doctorplayed dominoes, and Emma, changing her place, leant little given to jealousy, did not trouble himself about it.her elbow on the table, turning over the leaves of On his birthday he received a beautiful phrenological head,L’Illustration.” She had brought her ladies’ journal with her. all marked with figures to the thorax and painted blue. ThisLeon sat down near her; they looked at the engravings together,and waited for one another at the bottom of the pages. even to doing errands for him at Rouen; and the book of awas an attention of the clerk’s. He showed him many others,She often begged him to read her the verses; Leon declaimed novelist having made the mania for cactuses fashionable, Leonthem in a languid voice, to which he carefully gave a dying bought some for Madame Bovary, bringing them back onfall in the love passages. But the noise of the dominoes annoyedhim. Monsieur Homais was strong at the game; he hard hairs.his knees in the “Hirondelle,” pricking his fingers on theircould beat Charles and give him a double-six. Then the three She had a board with a balustrade fixed against her windowhundred finished, they both stretched themselves out in front to hold the pots. The clerk, too, had his small hanging gar-86

Flaubertden; they saw each other tending their flowers at their windowslutions,wrote letters that he tore up, put it off to times thatwith discouragement and desire. Then he took energetic reso-Of the windows of the village there was one yet more often he again deferred.occupied; for on Sundays from morning to night, and every Often he set out with the determination to dare all; butmorning when the weather was bright, one could see at the this resolution soon deserted him in Emma’s presence, anddormer-window of the garret the profile of Monsieur Binet when Charles, dropping in, invited him to jump into his chaisebending over his lathe, whose monotonous humming could to go with him to see some patient in the neighbourhood, hebe heard at the Lion d’ once accepted, bowed to madame, and went out. Her husband,was he not something belonging to her? As to Emma,One evening on coming home Leon found in his room arug in velvet and wool with leaves on a pale ground. He called she did not ask herself whether she loved. Love, she thought,Madame Homais, Monsieur Homais, Justin, the children, must come suddenly, with great outbursts and lightnings —the cook; he spoke of it to his chief; every one wanted to see a hurricane of the skies, which falls upon life, revolutionisesthis rug. Why did the doctor’s wife give the clerk presents? It it, roots up the will like a leaf, and sweeps the whole heartlooked queer. They decided that she must be his lover. into the abyss. She did not know that on the terrace of housesHe made this seem likely, so ceaselessly did he talk of her it makes lakes when the pipes are choked, and she would thuscharms and of her wit; so much so, that Binet once roughly have remained in her security when she suddenly discovered aanswered him—rent in the wall of it.“What does it matter to me since I’m not in her set?”He tortured himself to find out how he could make hisdeclaration to her, and always halting between the fear of displeasingher and the shame of being such a coward, he wept87

Flaubertden; they saw each other tending their flowers at their windowslutions,wrote letters that he tore up, put it off to times thatwith discouragement and desire. Then he took energetic reso-Of the windows of the village there was one yet more often he again deferred.occupied; for on Sundays from morning to night, and every Often he set out with the determination to dare all; butmorning when the weather was bright, one could see at the this resolution soon deserted him in Emma’s presence, anddormer-window of the garret the profile of Monsieur Binet when Charles, dropping in, invited him to jump into his chaisebending over his lathe, whose monotonous humming could to go with him to see some patient in the neighbourhood, hebe heard at the Lion d’ once accepted, bowed to madame, and went out. Her husband,was he not something belonging to her? As to Emma,One evening on coming home Leon found in his room arug in velvet and wool with leaves on a pale ground. He called she did not ask herself whether she loved. Love, she thought,<strong>Madame</strong> Homais, Monsieur Homais, Justin, the children, must come suddenly, with great outbursts and lightnings —the cook; he spoke of it to his chief; every one wanted to see a hurricane of the skies, which falls upon life, revolutionisesthis rug. Why did the doctor’s wife give the clerk presents? It it, roots up the will like a leaf, and sweeps the whole heartlooked queer. They decided that she must be his lover. into the abyss. She did not know that on the terrace of housesHe made this seem likely, so ceaselessly did he talk of her it makes lakes when the pipes are choked, and she would thuscharms and of her wit; so much so, that Binet once roughly have remained in her security when she suddenly discovered aanswered him—rent in the wall of it.“What does it matter to me since I’m not in her set?”He tortured himself to find out how he could make hisdeclaration to her, and always halting between the fear of displeasingher and the shame of being such a coward, he wept87

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