Madame Bovary - Penn State University

Madame Bovary - Penn State University Madame Bovary - Penn State University
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Madame Bovarymorrow was market-day. The meat had to be cut beforehand, the billiard-room again; and their van has been left before thethe fowls drawn, the soup and coffee made. Moreover, she front door! The ‘Hirondelle’ might run into it when it drawshad the boarders’ meal to see to, and that of the doctor, his up. Call Polyte and tell him to put it up. Only think, MonsieurHomais, that since morning they have had about fifteenwife, and their servant; the billiard-room was echoing withbursts of laughter; three millers in a small parlour were calling games, and drunk eight jars of cider! Why, they’ll tear myfor brandy; the wood was blazing, the brazen pan was hissing, cloth for me,” she went on, looking at them from a distance,and on the long kitchen table, amid the quarters of raw mutton,rose piles of plates that rattled with the shaking of the “That wouldn’t be much of a loss,” replied Monsieurher strainer in her hand.block on which spinach was being chopped.Homais. “You would buy another.”From the poultry-yard was heard the screaming of the fowls “Another billiard-table!” exclaimed the widow.whom the servant was chasing in order to wring their necks. “Since that one is coming to pieces, Madame Lefrancois. IA man slightly marked with small-pox, in green leather slippers,and wearing a velvet cap with a gold tassel, was warming besides, players now want narrow pockets and heavy cues.tell you again you are doing yourself harm, much harm! Andhis back at the chimney. His face expressed nothing but selfsatisfaction,and he appeared to take life as calmly as the gold-keep pace with the times! Just look at Tellier!”Hazards aren’t played now; everything is changed! One mustfinch suspended over his head in its wicker cage: this was the The hostess reddened with vexation. The chemist went on—chemist.“You may say what you like; his table is better than yours;“Artemise!” shouted the landlady, “chop some wood, fill and if one were to think, for example, of getting up a patrioticthe water bottles, bring some brandy, look sharp! If only I pool for Poland or the sufferers from the Lyons floods—”knew what dessert to offer the guests you are expecting! Good “It isn’t beggars like him that’ll frighten us,” interrupted theheavens! Those furniture-movers are beginning their racket in landlady, shrugging her fat shoulders. “Come, come, Mon-64

Flaubertsieur Homais; as long as the ‘Lion d’Or’ exists people will his thin body, and his leather cap, with its lappets knottedcome to it.over the top of his head with string, showed under the turneduppeak a bald forehead, flattened by the constant wearing ofWe’ve feathered our nest; while one of these days you’ll findthe ‘Cafe Francais’ closed with a big placard on the shutters. a helmet. He wore a black cloth waistcoat, a hair collar, greyChange my billiard-table!” she went on, speaking to herself, trousers, and, all the year round, well-blacked boots, that had“the table that comes in so handy for folding the washing, two parallel swellings due to the sticking out of his big-toes.and on which, in the hunting season, I have slept six visitors! Not a hair stood out from the regular line of fair whiskers,But that dawdler, Hivert, doesn’t come!”which, encircling his jaws, framed, after the fashion of a gardenborder, his long, wan face, whose eyes were small and the“Are you waiting for him for your gentlemen’s dinner?”“Wait for him! And what about Monsieur Binet? As the nose hooked. Clever at all games of cards, a good hunter, andclock strikes six you’ll see him come in, for he hasn’t his equal writing a fine hand, he had at home a lathe, and amused himselfby turning napkin rings, with which he filled up his house,under the sun for punctuality. He must always have his seatin the small parlour. He’d rather die than dine anywhere else. with the jealousy of an artist and the egotism of a bourgeois.And so squeamish as he is, and so particular about the cider! He went to the small parlour, but the three millers had toNot like Monsieur Leon; he sometimes comes at seven, or be got out first, and during the whole time necessary for layingthe cloth, Binet remained silent in his place near the stove.even half-past, and he doesn’t so much as look at what heeats. Such a nice young man! Never speaks a rough word!” Then he shut the door and took off his cap in his usual way.“Well, you see, there’s a great difference between an educatedman and an old carabineer who is now a tax-collector.” tongue,” said the chemist, as soon as he was along with the“It isn’t with saying civil things that he’ll wear out hisSix o’clock struck. Binet came in.landlady.He wore a blue frock-coat falling in a straight line round “He never talks more,” she replied. “Last week two travel-65

<strong>Madame</strong> <strong>Bovary</strong>morrow was market-day. The meat had to be cut beforehand, the billiard-room again; and their van has been left before thethe fowls drawn, the soup and coffee made. Moreover, she front door! The ‘Hirondelle’ might run into it when it drawshad the boarders’ meal to see to, and that of the doctor, his up. Call Polyte and tell him to put it up. Only think, MonsieurHomais, that since morning they have had about fifteenwife, and their servant; the billiard-room was echoing withbursts of laughter; three millers in a small parlour were calling games, and drunk eight jars of cider! Why, they’ll tear myfor brandy; the wood was blazing, the brazen pan was hissing, cloth for me,” she went on, looking at them from a distance,and on the long kitchen table, amid the quarters of raw mutton,rose piles of plates that rattled with the shaking of the “That wouldn’t be much of a loss,” replied Monsieurher strainer in her hand.block on which spinach was being chopped.Homais. “You would buy another.”From the poultry-yard was heard the screaming of the fowls “Another billiard-table!” exclaimed the widow.whom the servant was chasing in order to wring their necks. “Since that one is coming to pieces, <strong>Madame</strong> Lefrancois. IA man slightly marked with small-pox, in green leather slippers,and wearing a velvet cap with a gold tassel, was warming besides, players now want narrow pockets and heavy cues.tell you again you are doing yourself harm, much harm! Andhis back at the chimney. His face expressed nothing but selfsatisfaction,and he appeared to take life as calmly as the gold-keep pace with the times! Just look at Tellier!”Hazards aren’t played now; everything is changed! One mustfinch suspended over his head in its wicker cage: this was the The hostess reddened with vexation. The chemist went on—chemist.“You may say what you like; his table is better than yours;“Artemise!” shouted the landlady, “chop some wood, fill and if one were to think, for example, of getting up a patrioticthe water bottles, bring some brandy, look sharp! If only I pool for Poland or the sufferers from the Lyons floods—”knew what dessert to offer the guests you are expecting! Good “It isn’t beggars like him that’ll frighten us,” interrupted theheavens! Those furniture-movers are beginning their racket in landlady, shrugging her fat shoulders. “Come, come, Mon-64

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