Madame Bovary - Penn State University

Madame Bovary - Penn State University Madame Bovary - Penn State University
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Madame Bovaryful to him for this; he was seized with a lasting, furious desire ness, like those ill-made wines that taste of resin. He mendedfor her, that inflamed his despair, and that was boundless, her toys, made her puppets from cardboard, or sewed up halftorndolls. Then, if his eyes fell upon the workbox, a ribbonbecause it was now unrealisable.To please her, as if she were still living, he adopted her predilections,her ideas; he bought patent leather boots and took to dream, and looked so sad that she became as sad as he.lying about, or even a pin left in a crack of the table, he beganto wearing white cravats. He put cosmetics on his moustache, No one now came to see them, for Justin had run away toand, like her, signed notes of hand. She corrupted him from Rouen, where he was a grocer’s assistant, and the druggist’sbeyond the grave.children saw less and less of the child, Monsieur Homais notHe was obliged to sell his silver piece by piece; next he sold caring, seeing the difference of their social position, to continuethe intimacy.the drawing-room furniture. All the rooms were stripped; butthe bedroom, her own room, remained as before. After his The blind man, whom he had not been able to cure withdinner Charles went up there. He pushed the round table in the pomade, had gone back to the hill of Bois-Guillaume,front of the fire, and drew up her armchair. He sat down where he told the travellers of the vain attempt of the druggist,to such an extent, that Homais when he went to townopposite it. A candle burnt in one of the gilt candlesticks.Berthe by his side was painting prints.hid himself behind the curtains of the “Hirondelle” to avoidHe suffered, poor man, at seeing her so badly dressed, with meeting him. He detested him, and wishing, in the interestslaceless boots, and the arm-holes of her pinafore torn down to of his own reputation, to get rid of him at all costs, he directedagainst him a secret battery, that betrayed the depth ofthe hips; for the charwoman took no care of her. But she wasso sweet, so pretty, and her little head bent forward so gracefully,letting the dear fair hair fall over her rosy cheeks, that an secutive months, one could read in the “Fanal de Rouen” edi-his intellect and the baseness of his vanity. Thus, for six con-infinite joy came upon him, a happiness mingled with bittertorialssuch as these—292

Flaubert“All who bend their steps towards the fertile plains of Picardy This success emboldened him, and henceforth there was nohave, no doubt, remarked, by the Bois-Guillaume hill, a longer a dog run over, a barn burnt down, a woman beaten inwretch suffering from a horrible facial wound. He importunes,persecutes one, and levies a regular tax on all travellers. lic, guided always by the love of progress and the hate ofthe parish, of which he did not immediately inform the pub-Are we still living in the monstrous times of the Middle Ages, priests. He instituted comparisons between the elementarywhen vagabonds were permitted to display in our public places and clerical schools to the detriment of the latter; called toleprosy and scrofulas they had brought back from the Crusades?”one hundred francs to the church, and denounced abuses, airedmind the massacre of St. Bartholomew a propos of a grant ofOr—new views. That was his phrase. Homais was digging and“In spite of the laws against vagabondage, the approaches to delving; he was becoming dangerous.our great towns continue to be infected by bands of beggars. However, he was stifling in the narrow limits of journalism,and soon a book, a work was necessary to him. Then heSome are seen going about alone, and these are not, perhaps,the least dangerous. What are our ediles about?”composed “General Statistics of the Canton of Yonville, followedby Climatological Remarks.” The statistics drove himThen Homais invented anecdotes—“Yesterday, by the Bois-Guillaume hill, a skittish horse—” to philosophy. He busied himself with great questions: theAnd then followed the story of an accident caused by the social problem: moralisation of the poorer classes, pisciculture,caoutchouc, railways, etc. He even began to blush atpresence of the blind man.He managed so well that the fellow was locked up. But he being a bourgeois. He affected the artistic style, he smoked.was released. He began again, and Homais began again. It was He bought two chic Pompadour statuettes to adorn his drawing-room.a struggle. Homais won it, for his foe was condemned to lifelongconfinement in an asylum.He by no means gave up his shop. On the contrary, he kept293

<strong>Madame</strong> <strong>Bovary</strong>ful to him for this; he was seized with a lasting, furious desire ness, like those ill-made wines that taste of resin. He mendedfor her, that inflamed his despair, and that was boundless, her toys, made her puppets from cardboard, or sewed up halftorndolls. Then, if his eyes fell upon the workbox, a ribbonbecause it was now unrealisable.To please her, as if she were still living, he adopted her predilections,her ideas; he bought patent leather boots and took to dream, and looked so sad that she became as sad as he.lying about, or even a pin left in a crack of the table, he beganto wearing white cravats. He put cosmetics on his moustache, No one now came to see them, for Justin had run away toand, like her, signed notes of hand. She corrupted him from Rouen, where he was a grocer’s assistant, and the druggist’sbeyond the grave.children saw less and less of the child, Monsieur Homais notHe was obliged to sell his silver piece by piece; next he sold caring, seeing the difference of their social position, to continuethe intimacy.the drawing-room furniture. All the rooms were stripped; butthe bedroom, her own room, remained as before. After his The blind man, whom he had not been able to cure withdinner Charles went up there. He pushed the round table in the pomade, had gone back to the hill of Bois-Guillaume,front of the fire, and drew up her armchair. He sat down where he told the travellers of the vain attempt of the druggist,to such an extent, that Homais when he went to townopposite it. A candle burnt in one of the gilt candlesticks.Berthe by his side was painting prints.hid himself behind the curtains of the “Hirondelle” to avoidHe suffered, poor man, at seeing her so badly dressed, with meeting him. He detested him, and wishing, in the interestslaceless boots, and the arm-holes of her pinafore torn down to of his own reputation, to get rid of him at all costs, he directedagainst him a secret battery, that betrayed the depth ofthe hips; for the charwoman took no care of her. But she wasso sweet, so pretty, and her little head bent forward so gracefully,letting the dear fair hair fall over her rosy cheeks, that an secutive months, one could read in the “Fanal de Rouen” edi-his intellect and the baseness of his vanity. Thus, for six con-infinite joy came upon him, a happiness mingled with bittertorialssuch as these—292

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