Madame Bovary - Penn State University

Madame Bovary - Penn State University

Madame Bovary - Penn State University


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Flaubertwith others he went from group to group. They were deploringEmma’s death, especially Lheureux, who had not and now to-day it’s my daughter.”is the end for me, do you see! I saw my wife go, then my son,failed to come to the funeral.He wanted to go back at once to Bertaux, saying that he“Poor little woman! What a trouble for her husband!” could not sleep in this house. He even refused to see his granddaughter.The druggist continued, “Do you know that but for me hewould have committed some fatal attempt upon himself?” “No, no! It would grieve me too much. Only you’ll kiss“Such a good woman! To think that I saw her only last her many times for me. Good-bye! you’re a good fellow! AndSaturday in my shop.”then I shall never forget that,” he said, slapping his thigh.“I haven’t had leisure,” said Homais, “to prepare a few words “Never fear, you shall always have your turkey.”that I would have cast upon her tomb.”But when he reached the top of the hill he turned back, asCharles on getting home undressed, and old Rouault put he had turned once before on the road of Saint-Victor whenon his blue blouse. It was a new one, and as he had often he had parted from her. The windows of the village were allduring the journey wiped his eyes on the sleeves, the dye had on fire beneath the slanting rays of the sun sinking behind thestained his face, and the traces of tears made lines in the layer field. He put his hand over his eyes, and saw in the horizon anof dust that covered it.enclosure of walls, where trees here and there formed black<strong>Madame</strong> <strong>Bovary</strong> senior was with them. All three were silent.At last the old fellow sighed—gentle trot, for his nag had gone lame.clusters between white stones; then he went on his way at a“Do you remember, my friend, that I went to Tostes once Despite their fatigue, Charles and his mother stayed verywhen you had just lost your first deceased? I consoled you at long that evening talking together. They spoke of the days ofthat time. I thought of something to say then, but now—” the past and of the future. She would come to live at Yonville;Then, with a loud groan that shook his whole chest, “Ah! this she would keep house for him; they would never part again.289

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