Madame Bovary - Penn State University

Madame Bovary - Penn State University

Madame Bovary - Penn State University


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<strong>Madame</strong> <strong>Bovary</strong>harnessed his chaise, jumped in, whipped up his horse, and and hurriedly looked for the name of Mademoiselle Lempereur,reached the “Croix-Rouge” about two o’clock in the morning.No one there! He thought that the clerk had perhaps As he was turning into the street, Emma herself appeared atwho lived at No. 74 Rue de la Renelle-des-Maroquiniers.seen her; but where did he live? Happily, Charles rememberedhis employer’s address, and rushed off there.embraced her, crying—the other end of it. He threw himself upon her rather thanDay was breaking, and he could distinguish the escutcheonsover the door, and knocked. Someone, without open-“I was not well.”“What kept you yesterday?”ing the door, shouted out the required information, adding “What was it? Where? How?”a few insults to those who disturb people in the middle of She passed her hand over her forehead and answered, “Atthe night.Mademoiselle Lempereur’s.”The house inhabited by the clerk had neither bell, knocker, “I was sure of it! I was going there.”nor porter. Charles knocked loudly at the shutters with his “Oh, it isn’t worth while,” said Emma. “She went out justhands. A policeman happened to pass by. Then he was frightened,and went away.see, if I know that the least delay upsets you like this.”now; but for the future don’t worry. I do not feel free, you“I am mad,” he said; “no doubt they kept her to dinner at This was a sort of permission that she gave herself, so asMonsieur Lormeaux’.” But the Lormeaux no longer lived at to get perfect freedom in her escapades. And she profitedRouen.by it freely, fully. When she was seized with the desire to“She probably stayed to look after <strong>Madame</strong> Dubreuil. Why, see Leon, she set out upon any pretext; and as he was not<strong>Madame</strong> Dubreuil has been dead these ten months! Where expecting her on that day, she went to fetch him at hiscan she be?”office.An idea occurred to him. At a cafe he asked for a Directory, It was a great delight at first, but soon he no longer con-236

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