Madame Bovary - Penn State University

Madame Bovary - Penn State University

Madame Bovary - Penn State University


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FlaubertBut what then, made her so unhappy? What was the extraordinarycatastrophe that had transformed her? And she of tenderness.to the servant, who stood quite thunderstricken at this excessraised her head, looking round as if to seek the cause of that That evening Rodolphe found her more serious than usual.which made her suffer.“That will pass over,” he concluded; “it’s a whim:”An April ray was dancing on the china of the whatnot; the And he missed three rendezvous running. When he didfire burned; beneath her slippers she felt the softness of the come, she showed herself cold and almost contemptuous.carpet; the day was bright, the air warm, and she heard her “Ah! you’re losing your time, my lady!”child shouting with laughter.And he pretended not to notice her melancholy sighs, norIn fact, the little girl was just then rolling on the lawn in the the handkerchief she took out.midst of the grass that was being turned. She was lying flat on Then Emma repented. She even asked herself why she detestedCharles; if it had not been better to have been able toher stomach at the top of a rick. The servant was holding herby her skirt. Lestiboudois was raking by her side, and every love him? But he gave her no opportunities for such a revivaltime he came near she lent forward, beating the air with both of sentiment, so that she was much embarrassed by her desireher arms.for sacrifice, when the druggist came just in time to provide“Bring her to me,” said her mother, rushing to embrace her. her with an opportunity.“How I love you, my poor child! How I love you!”Then noticing that the tips of her ears were rather dirty, sherang at once for warm water, and washed her, changed herlinen, her stockings, her shoes, asked a thousand questionsabout her health, as if on the return from a long journey, andfinally, kissing her again and crying a little, she gave her back149

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