HIMax Safety Manual - Tuv-fs.com

HIMax Safety Manual - Tuv-fs.com HIMax Safety Manual - Tuv-fs.com


9 Software HIMaxThe user only need to connect the PADT to the PES when loading the user program orperforming diagnostics. The PADT is not required during normal operation. Disconnectingthe PADT and PES during normal operation helps to prevent against unauthorized access.9.7 Locking and Unlocking the PES"Locking“ the PES locks all functions and prevents users from accessing them duringoperation. This also protects against unauthorized manipulations to the user program."Unlocking“ the PES: Deactivates any locks previously set (e.g., to perform work on thecontroller).Three system variables serve for locking:VariableRead only in RunReloaddeactivationForceDeactivationFunctionON: Starting, stopping, and downloading the controller are locked.OFF: Starting, stopping, and downloading the controller are possible.ON: Reload is locked.OFF: Reload is possible.ON: Forcing is deactivated.OFF: Forcing is possible.Table 15: System Variables for Locking and Unlocking the PESIf all three system variables are ON: no access to the controller is possible. In this case thecontroller can only be put into STOP state by restarting a processor module with the modeswitch in the Init position. Then loading a new user program is possible.Example for using these system variables:Make a controller lockable1 Define a global variable of type BOOL and set its initial value to FALSE.2 Assigne the global variable to the three system variables Read only in Run,Reload Deactivation, and Force Deactivation.3 Assign the global variable to the channel value of a digital input.4 Connect a key switch to the digital input.5 Compile the program, lod it on the controller, and start it.The owner of a corresponding key is able to lock and unlock the controller. In case of a faultof the corresponding digital input module, the controller is unlocked.Page 52 of 70HI 801 003 D Rev.2.0

HIMax10 User program10 User programThis chapter describes the safety-related aspects that are important for the user program.10.1 General SequenceGeneral sequence for programming HIMax automation devices for safety-relatedapplications:1 Specify the controller functionality2 Write the user program3 Compile the user program:the user program is error-free and can run4 Verify and validate the user program.Upon completing these steps, the user program can be tested and the PES can begin thesafe operation.10.2 Scope for Safety-Related Use(For more on specifications, regulations and explanation of safety requirements, seeChapter 3.4 "Safety Requirements")The user program must be written using the SILworX programming software. This programruns on Windows XP® Servicepack 2 for PCs.Essentially, SILworX includes:• Input (Program Editor), monitoring and documentation• Global variables with symbolic names and data types (BOOL, UINT, etc.)• Assignment of HIMax controllers (Hardware Editor)• Compilation of user program into a format that can be loaded into the PES• Configuration of communication10.2.1 Programming BasicsThe tasks to be performed by the controller should be defined in a specification or arequirements specification. This documentation serves as the basis for checking its properimplementation in the user program. The specification format depends on the tasks to beperformed. These include:Combinational logic• Cause/effect diagram• Logic of the connection with functions and function blocks• Function blocks with specified characteristicsSequential controllers (sequence control system)This is a written description of the steps and their enabling conditions, and a description ofthe actuators to be controlled.• Sequential function charts• Matrix or table form of the step enabling conditions and the actuators to be controlled• Definition of constraints, e.g., operating modes, EMERGENCY STOP, etc.The I/O concept of the system must include an analysis of the field circuits, i.e. the type ofsensors and actuators:HI 801 003 D Rev.2.0 Page 53 of 70

<strong>HIMax</strong>10 User program10 User programThis chapter describes the safety-related aspects that are important for the user program.10.1 General SequenceGeneral sequence for programming <strong>HIMax</strong> automation devices for safety-relatedapplications:1 Specify the controller functionality2 Write the user program3 Compile the user program:the user program is error-free and can run4 Verify and validate the user program.Upon <strong>com</strong>pleting these steps, the user program can be tested and the PES can begin thesafe operation.10.2 Scope for <strong>Safety</strong>-Related Use(For more on specifications, regulations and explanation of safety requirements, seeChapter 3.4 "<strong>Safety</strong> Requirements")The user program must be written using the SILworX programming software. This programruns on Windows XP® Servicepack 2 for PCs.Essentially, SILworX includes:• Input (Program Editor), monitoring and documentation• Global variables with symbolic names and data types (BOOL, UINT, etc.)• Assignment of <strong>HIMax</strong> controllers (Hardware Editor)• Compilation of user program into a format that can be loaded into the PES• Configuration of <strong>com</strong>munication10.2.1 Programming BasicsThe tasks to be performed by the controller should be defined in a specification or arequirements specification. This documentation serves as the basis for checking its properimplementation in the user program. The specification format depends on the tasks to beperformed. These include:Combinational logic• Cause/effect diagram• Logic of the connection with functions and function blocks• Function blocks with specified characteristicsSequential controllers (sequence control system)This is a written description of the steps and their enabling conditions, and a description ofthe actuators to be controlled.• Sequential function charts• Matrix or table form of the step enabling conditions and the actuators to be controlled• Definition of constraints, e.g., operating modes, EMERGENCY STOP, etc.The I/O concept of the system must include an analysis of the field circuits, i.e. the type o<strong>fs</strong>ensors and actuators:HI 801 003 D Rev.2.0 Page 53 of 70

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