The Shield of Faith - Bible Witness

The Shield of Faith - Bible Witness

The Shield of Faith - Bible Witness


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<strong>The</strong> Whole Armour <strong>of</strong> God<strong>The</strong><strong>Shield</strong><strong>of</strong> <strong>Faith</strong>Ephesians 6:16<strong>The</strong> fourth piece <strong>of</strong> armour that God hasgiven to Christians for their spiritual battleis “the shield <strong>of</strong> faith”. Paul mentions thisin Ephesians 6:16: “Above all, taking theshield <strong>of</strong> faith, wherewith ye shall be able toquench all the fiery darts <strong>of</strong> the wicked.”Depending on the nature <strong>of</strong> the battle, theRoman armies used several kinds <strong>of</strong> shields.Among these are two which stand out.One was a small, round shield that lookedlike a giant Frisbee having curled edges.It was light and usually strapped to theleft forearm <strong>of</strong> the soldier while his otherarm wielded his sword. In a hand-to-handcombat, the soldier would thrust thesword with his right hand while he parriedthe blows <strong>of</strong> his opponent with the shieldon his left. But that was not the kind <strong>of</strong>shield Paul was referring to in this verse.Another type <strong>of</strong> shield is what is known asthureon in Greek. This is the original wordthat is translated as “shield” in this verse.This shield, measuring 4½ feet by 2½ feet,was made <strong>of</strong> a thick and hard wooden plank,covered with either metal or leather. <strong>The</strong>metal would deflect the enemies’ arrows,while the leather was treated with some oilto extinguish the fiery pitch on the arrows.This shield was designed for maximumprotection and deployed for a specificstrategy in a major battle. A long line <strong>of</strong>soldiers carrying these shields would standin front, being followed closely behind bythe rest <strong>of</strong> the troops. As the entire armymoved towards the enemy, the soldiers infront would plant their shields side by side,creating a huge, wide wall <strong>of</strong> protection. Frombehind that wall, archers would fire theirarrows to inflict injury upon the enemies.It was in this manner that the whole armyadvanced until they would be close enoughto engage the enemies in a hand-to-handcombat. So the troops carrying these shieldswould provide the frontline protectionto their comrades and keep them hidden14 <strong>Bible</strong> <strong>Witness</strong>

<strong>The</strong> Whole Armour <strong>of</strong> Godfrom the enemies’ view. Without theseshields, the entire army would be in greatperil from the barrage <strong>of</strong> flaming arrowsthat would come upon it. As the thureonshield was to the Roman army, so is theshield <strong>of</strong> faith to the Lord’s army.“Above all”Verse 16 opens with these two wordsto convey to the readers that aboveall the armour components alreadymentioned in the preceding verses, hereis another vital piece that the Christiansoldier should also bring with him tobattle. It simply means that in additionto the belt <strong>of</strong> truth, the breastplate <strong>of</strong>righteousness and the gospel shoes, thebelievers must take up the shield <strong>of</strong> faith.This is like carrying an extra protection to thebattle. Every soldier who has already takenup the pieces <strong>of</strong> armour, mentioned in verses14 and 15, will have the shield <strong>of</strong> faith as anadded protection. It is the spiritual shieldthat tucks and hides the believer’s life awayfrom danger. “For ye are dead, and your lifeis hid with Christ in God,” sosays Paul in Colossians 3:3.God. <strong>The</strong> shield <strong>of</strong> faith that he carrieswith him gives that full protection.“Taking the shield <strong>of</strong> faith”“<strong>Faith</strong>” mentioned here is the faith that weplace in Christ as we come to Him, knowingthat He will give us full salvation. It expressesa strong confidence in the Saviour and Hispromises to forgive, save and secure forever.Such faith will persevere amidst sufferings,having been persuaded that our Lord isfaithful to keep all His promises. This wasPaul’s sentiment written in 2 Timothy 1:12:“For the which cause I also suffer these things:nevertheless I am not ashamed: for I knowwhom I have believed, and am persuadedthat he is able to keep that which I havecommitted unto him against that day.”“Wherewith ye shall beable to quench all the fierydarts <strong>of</strong> the wicked”<strong>The</strong> very same shield <strong>of</strong> faith protects usfrom Satan's fiery darts. <strong>The</strong> “fiery darts <strong>of</strong>Lives that are shielded andhidden in Christ are guaranteed<strong>of</strong> security even unto eternity.For the Lord Himself declared:“And I give unto them eternallife; and they shall never perish,neither shall any man pluckthem out <strong>of</strong> my hand. MyFather, which gave them me, isgreater than all; and no man isable to pluck them out <strong>of</strong> myFather’s hand” (John 10:28-29).To put it simply, no enemy canever snatch away a child <strong>of</strong><strong>Bible</strong> <strong>Witness</strong> 15

<strong>The</strong> Whole Armour <strong>of</strong> Godthe wicked” refer to the devil's fearsomeattacks on the believer to destroy his faith.<strong>The</strong>se fiery darts hurled at the believer mayvary in frequency and intensity, but usuallyappear in either <strong>of</strong> these two forms:Fiery trials: <strong>The</strong> Apostle Peter wrote:“Beloved, think it not strange concerningthe fiery trial which is to try you, as thoughsome strange thing happened unto you”(1 Peter 4:12). This flaming dart <strong>of</strong> thedevil comes as a matter <strong>of</strong> test to purifyas well as to fortify our faith in Christ.This form <strong>of</strong> trial is intended to discouragethe believer with all sorts <strong>of</strong> hardships in life. Itmay come by way <strong>of</strong> persecution, sickness anddeath, or a reversal <strong>of</strong> fortunes. Nevertheless,the Lord will work it out to His own gloryand honour. “That the trial <strong>of</strong> your faith,being much more precious than <strong>of</strong> gold thatperisheth, though it be tried with fire, mightbe found unto praise and honour and gloryat the appearing <strong>of</strong> Jesus Christ” (1 Peter 1:7).Fiery temptations: All satanic temptationsthat lure men to commit sin can definitely bespoken <strong>of</strong> as “the fiery darts <strong>of</strong> the wicked”.In 1 Corinthians 7:9, Paul uses the imagery <strong>of</strong>being burned to describe sexual temptationsand sin. It is designed to destroy the believerand his pr<strong>of</strong>ession. “But every man is tempted,when he is drawn away <strong>of</strong> his own lust, andenticed. <strong>The</strong>n when lust hath conceived, itbringeth forth sin: and sin, when it is finished,bringeth forth death” (James 1:14-15).Without the shield <strong>of</strong> faith, we will be easilydrawn to the devil’s temptations and fall intosin. But a strong faith in the Lord not onlyshields us from Satan’s fiery darts, but alsoenables us to resist the devil himself. Petergives this warning about the devil’s agendaand how we are to repulse his advances. “Besober, be vigilant; because your adversarythe devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about,seeking whom he may devour: Whom resiststedfast in the faith, knowing that the sameafflictions are accomplished in your brethrenthat are in the world” (1 Peter 5:8-9).<strong>The</strong> shield <strong>of</strong> faith enormously aids us inbattle that we may overcome the enemyand emerge victorious. “For whatsoeveris born <strong>of</strong> God overcometh the world:and this is the victory that overcomeththe world, even our faith” (1 John 5:4).ConclusionOur faith in Christ will be challenged alongthe way and yet without a doubt, victoryis assured. So let us take heed <strong>of</strong> Paul’sadmonition: “Fight the good fight <strong>of</strong> faith, layhold on eternal life, whereunto thou art alsocalled, and hast pr<strong>of</strong>essed a good pr<strong>of</strong>essionbefore many witnesses” (1 Timothy 6:12).In the end, we will be able to say togetherwith the same apostle, “I have fought a goodfight, I have finished my course, I have keptthe faith: Henceforth there is laid up for mea crown <strong>of</strong> righteousness, which the Lord,the righteous judge, shall give me at that day:and not to me only, but unto all them alsothat love his appearing” (2 Timothy 4:7).✽ ✽ ✽ ✽ ✽ ✽ ✽ ✽ ✽ ✽ ✽ ✽✽ ✽ ✽ ✽ ✽ ✽ ✽ ✽ ✽ ✽ ✽ ✽16 <strong>Bible</strong> <strong>Witness</strong>

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