SAM4s SPS-2000 Operators Manual.pdf - Parklandbm.com

SAM4s SPS-2000 Operators Manual.pdf - Parklandbm.com

SAM4s SPS-2000 Operators Manual.pdf - Parklandbm.com


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Auto Grill ItemSome items may be programmed as "AUTO GRILL" so they will always be sent to thedesignated grill printer. The advantage of using auto grill is the item is sent to the printerimmediately when the next item is registered, or when the PRINT key is touched. Thisallows for speedy service in quick service environments.1. Enter the auto grill item and condiments or instructions.2. Enter the next item or touch the PRINT key to send the item and instructions to thekitchen printer group identified in the PLUs status group at "K-GRILL GROUP #".PromoThe PROMO key allows the operator to account for promotional items (i.e. by two, get onefree). This key will remove the cost of the item from the sale, but not the count. In the caseof by two, get one free the count remains three items, but the customer is only charged fortwo.1. Register the items to be sold.2. Touch PROMO.3. Register the items to be promo'd.Void of Promo ItemsThe promo item must be voided before the charged item. For example, if a hot dog and apromo hot dog are registered, the promo hot dog must be voided before the paid hot dog isvoided. If more than one paid hot dogs are registered, the promo hot dog must be voidedbefore the last paid hot dog is voided.WasteThe WASTE key allows control of inventory by accounting for items that must be removedfrom stock due to spoilage, breakage, or mistakes. The WASTE key may be under managercontrol, requiring the manager code entry. The WASTE key is not allowed within a sale.1. Touch WASTE.2. Register the wasted items.3. Touch WASTE to finalize.Price InquiryUse the PRICE INQ key to check the price of an item without registering it.1. Touch PRICE INQ.2. Touch the PLU item key on the screen or enter the PLU number and touch the PLUkey.3. Touch the PLU key again if you wish to register the item.<strong>SAM4s</strong> <strong>SPS</strong>-<strong>2000</strong> Operator <strong>Manual</strong> v1.13 Basic Operations • 43

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