SAM4s SPS-2000 Operators Manual.pdf - Parklandbm.com

SAM4s SPS-2000 Operators Manual.pdf - Parklandbm.com

SAM4s SPS-2000 Operators Manual.pdf - Parklandbm.com


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Price Level ShiftThe current price level can be set by price level key, or automatically by the time of day orday of week. Price levels can be locked into a specific level (stay down) or they can return toa default level after being shifted to another level for a single registration (pop up). Whenprice level keys are used, touch the appropriate price shift key prior to entering the PLU.Scale ItemsThe <strong>SPS</strong> <strong>2000</strong> can be interfaced to an electronic scale, allowing direct entry of the item'sweight by using the SCALE key.Scale Program Notes• See P-Mode Programming, PLU, PLU Status Group. The following options affecteach PLU linked to a PLU status group.⇒ Option # 13: IS PLU SCALEABLE? If yes, the PLU may be registered only bymultiplying a weight by the PLU.⇒ Option #14: AUTO SCALE ON THIS PLU? If yes, the weight on the scale willbe automatically multiplied when the PLU is registered.⇒ Option #15: AUTO TARE# (0-20) If a tare is selected here, thepreprogrammed tare weight will be subtracted from the scale weight when thePLU is registered.• See P-Mode Programming, Function Key to set the SCALE Key attributes:⇒ MANAGER REQUIRED?⇒ ALLOW MANUAL ENTRY OF WEIGHT?⇒ INHIBIT TARE WEIGHT ENTRY?⇒ MANAGER REQUIRED FOR TARE ENTRY?⇒ TARE ENTRY IS COMPULSORY?⇒ WEIGHT SYMBOL : Y=kg/N=lbDirect Sale Entry1. Place the item on the scale.2. Touch the SCALE key to display the weight.3. Register the open or preset PLU.<strong>Manual</strong> Weight Entry1. Enter the weight using the decimal key.2. Touch the SCALE key to display the weight.3. Register the open or preset PLU.<strong>SAM4s</strong> <strong>SPS</strong>-<strong>2000</strong> Operator <strong>Manual</strong> v1.13 Basic Operations • 41

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