SAM4s SPS-2000 Operators Manual.pdf - Parklandbm.com

SAM4s SPS-2000 Operators Manual.pdf - Parklandbm.com

SAM4s SPS-2000 Operators Manual.pdf - Parklandbm.com


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SEAT # 209 Use to identify a specific seat (or person) within a transaction.Facilitates separate payment by seat, and identifies to the foodpreparation staff (through the kitchen printer/KVS) how to assemblemeals. Seat numbers may be assigned at the time of entry or, ifnecessary, later in the transaction.SPLIT ITEM 211 When like items are consolidated in a transaction you can move thecursor to the item and touch the SPLIT ITEM key to display theitems separately, instead of in consolidated form, used normally toassist the items to seat allocation.SPLIT PAY 212 Touch the SPLIT PAY key to divide the amount of a guest checkinto equal segments for payment by more than one person.STOCK INQ 213 Touch the STOCK INQ key, and then enter (or scan) an item toview the stock status of the item. (The item must be a stock item touse this function.)STORE CHECK 1-4 214-217The check tracking system can maintain only balances (hard check)or entire transactions (soft check) in the register memory. Fourdifferent tracking files can be separated to maintain, for example,restaurant checks, call-in orders, delivery orders, and/or tablebalances. Touch one of the four STORE CHECK # keys to finalizea tracking transaction. (This function is equivalent to a SERVICEfunction.)SUBTOTAL 218 Touch SUBTOTAL to display the message “SUBTOTAL” on thedisplay. Although a running total is always displayed on the bottomof the screen, the SUBTOTAL key may be required before somefunctions, such as subtotal discount.TABLE # (1-4) 219-222Use to enter the table number of the check. If a table number isentered, the TABLE # key can also be used to recall the check.TAKE-OUT 223 TAKE-OUT is a subtotal function. Touch TAKE-OUT to recordthe amount of the transaction in the take-out total on the financialreport. Tax calculation can be changed to ac<strong>com</strong>modate differenttax rules for take-out sales. Sales cannot be split between eat-in andtake-out.TAX EXEMPT 224 The TAX EXEMPT can be preprogrammed to exempt specifictaxes from a sale.TAX SHIFT 1-6 225-230Use to shift the preprogrammed tax status of an item. Touch beforean item entry to make taxable.CLK IN/OUT 231 Touch the CLK IN/OUT key to record start and stop work times forthe registered employee. Hours worked are maintained by the timeclock system.TIP (1-3) 232-234Use to enter a tip amount on a check.TRANSFER CHECK (1-4) 235-238Use to transfer one or all open soft checks form one server toanother server. A transfer check receipt will print.22 • Getting Started <strong>SAM4s</strong> <strong>SPS</strong>-<strong>2000</strong> Operator <strong>Manual</strong> v1.13

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