SAM4s SPS-2000 Operators Manual.pdf - Parklandbm.com

SAM4s SPS-2000 Operators Manual.pdf - Parklandbm.com

SAM4s SPS-2000 Operators Manual.pdf - Parklandbm.com


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PARK DELIVERY 070 The Park Delivery function key allows you to accept orders andhold them for preparation and delivery at a later time.SERV DELIVERY 071 The Serv Delivery function key releases held parked orders forpreparation.MACRO 1 - 40 077-116Use to execute one of forty possible preprogrammed key sequences.($1, $5, $10, and $20 are the default preset tender keys for macros1-4.)MACRO # 117 Use to execute one of the forty possible macros by entering themacro number and touching the MACRO # key.MDSE RETURN 118 Touch the MDSE RETURN key to adjust items inside or outside ofa transaction.MISC TEND 1-16 119-134Touch a MISC TEND key to finalize or tender sales paid by variouscharges or other media. Tendering may or may not be alloweddepending upon function key programming. (Charge is the defaultdescriptor for MISC TEND #1)MISC TEND # 135 Access any of the 16 possible miscellaneous tender functions byentering the tender number (1-16) and touching the MISC TEND #key.MODIFIER 1-10 136-145Preceding a PLU entry, a modifier key changes a digit of the PLUnumber, causing a different PLU to be registered. Modifier keyscan be set to change any of the 14 PLU digit positions to anyspecified digit (0-9).#/NO SALE 147 Use to enter a non-adding memo number during a transaction (#function) or use to open the cash drawer outside of a sale (no salefunction).P/BAL 148 Enter an amount, and then touch the <strong>Manual</strong> Previous Balance(P/BAL) key to use the simplest form of Charge Posting/TableService. The P/BAL key may be used any time within atransaction. Transactions where the P/BAL key is used must befinalized with one of the STORE CHECK keys.PAID OUT 1-5 151-155Touch a PAID OUT key to remove cash, check or miscellaneousmedia from the drawer.PAID RECALL 156 The PAID RECALL key is used to recall last x number oftransactions, starting with the last transaction finalized. (X isdetermined in memory allocation.) Once recalled, a transactioncould be reviewed (using the cursor keys or PAGE UP/PAGE DN).To exit the paid order view, touch CLEAR.%1 - %10 157-166Ten discount keys (%1 - %10) are available to handle various kindsof discounts, markdowns and adjustments to items or transactions.PLU 167 Enter the PLU code number and touch PLU to register a PLU.PRICE INQ 169 Touch the PRICE INQ to display the PLU price without actuallyregistering the PLU.PRICE LVL 1-20 170-189Touch a LEVEL key prior to a PLU entry to shift the price of aPLU to a different price set in PLU programming.20 • Getting Started <strong>SAM4s</strong> <strong>SPS</strong>-<strong>2000</strong> Operator <strong>Manual</strong> v1.13

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