SAM4s SPS-2000 Operators Manual.pdf - Parklandbm.com

SAM4s SPS-2000 Operators Manual.pdf - Parklandbm.com

SAM4s SPS-2000 Operators Manual.pdf - Parklandbm.com


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3. Touch fields as necessary to set the options on page #1.NAMESet the employee name here.SOCIAL SEC #Enter the employee social security number.CLOCK IN CODEEnter a number (up to 10 digits in length) that will be used by this employee to clock in and/or out.OPERATING CODEEnter the secret code number (up to 10 digits in length) that can be used to sign in/out.LINK TO AUTHORITY LEVELOperations and programs that can be accessed by this employee are determined by selecting a authoritylevel here.JOB CODE#/PAY RATE#An employee might have more than one job, possibly with a different pay rate for each job. For example,in a restaurant, an employee might work as a server one day, and on a different day or shift, work as acashier. Here you can list up to six different job codes and six different pay rates for each employee.By assigning separate job codes and pay rates for each employee, the built in time clock can track andreport hours and wage costs appropriately.Note that the job code you assign for JOB1 is the default job code for clocking in/out.OPEN DRAWER# DIRECT (0-2) VIA (3-9)<strong>SAM4s</strong> <strong>SPS</strong>-<strong>2000</strong> Operator <strong>Manual</strong> v1.13 Program Maintenance • 135

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