JUNE/JULY 2013 | £5.25 - Wind Energy Network

JUNE/JULY 2013 | £5.25 - Wind Energy Network JUNE/JULY 2013 | £5.25 - Wind Energy Network

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COMPANY ProfileCOMPANY ProfileResearch,developmentand adviceconsultancyDouglas Westwood has been atthe forefront of researching theoffshore wind sector and beenadvising on market prospects since2002. They have a comprehensiveknowledge base of all renewableenergy sectors through marketanalysis, strategy work, anddiligence covering offshore wind,onshore wind and tidal energy.Company approachThe company offer both off the shelfreports and commissioned consultancytailored to individual clients’ requirements.Their approach is to analyse industrydrivers, show growth forecasts, reviewtechnology status, outline the competitivedynamics and compare regional markets.ClientsTheir clients have included projectdevelopers, original equipmentmanufacturers (OEMs), componentmanufacturers, installation contractors,vessel owners, investors, and relevantgovernment departments.Project examples• Development of scenarios for UKoffshore wind installation from2015 to 2030 and analysis of resultantrequirements for hardware andinstallation services. Policyrecommendations were made with theaim of maximising UK economic benefits• Commercial diligence in relation to amajor investment into the creation of anew European wind turbinemanufacturer. Diligence includedmarket forecasting, supply chainsurvey & analysis and managementreview• Working on behalf of a foundationmanufacturer, DWL were engagedto analyse potential competitorsand suitable manufacturing locationsfor advanced tripod and jacketoffshore wind foundations• Market analysis for a vessel ownercovering key categories includingsurvey vessels, wind turbineinstallation vessels, heavy-liftvessels, and maintenance vessels.Recommendations provided on themost attractive categories based onmarket sizing, and commercial factorsOffshore Wind Market ForecastThe consultancy is about to launch theOffshore Wind Market Forecast, now in its5th Edition.In this report they provide a new long-termview of the sector through to 2022, andoutline that offshore wind spending is setto average almost €15 billion per year overthe next ten years.Key components of the reportare…• Drivers – a discussion of factors drivingoffshore wind installation activityincluding low carbon targets, risingenergy demand and the need toreplace power generation capacity• Commercial insights – includinganalysis of cost pressures on capital,life-time costs, risk factors and typicalfinancing models• Technology Review – and R & Dpriority areas• Supply chain – a review of the mainplayers, strengths & weaknesses ofcontracting strategies and supplychain development challenges• Ten-year market forecast – for newcapacity, capital expenditures,operating expenditure, wind turbines,support structures, cabling,substations and vessels• Country analysis – detailed operational& capital expenditure forecasts, alsoby capacity and segmentDouglas Westwoodwww.douglas-westwood.comED’s Note This is an abridgedversion - we recommend you readthe full text via the link at the endof article.Click to view more info32 www.windenergynetwork.co.ukwww.windenergynetwork.co.uk 33

COMPANY ProfileCOMPANY ProfileResearch,developmentand adviceconsultancyDouglas Westwood has been atthe forefront of researching theoffshore wind sector and beenadvising on market prospects since2002. They have a comprehensiveknowledge base of all renewableenergy sectors through marketanalysis, strategy work, anddiligence covering offshore wind,onshore wind and tidal energy.Company approachThe company offer both off the shelfreports and commissioned consultancytailored to individual clients’ requirements.Their approach is to analyse industrydrivers, show growth forecasts, reviewtechnology status, outline the competitivedynamics and compare regional markets.ClientsTheir clients have included projectdevelopers, original equipmentmanufacturers (OEMs), componentmanufacturers, installation contractors,vessel owners, investors, and relevantgovernment departments.Project examples• Development of scenarios for UKoffshore wind installation from2015 to 2030 and analysis of resultantrequirements for hardware andinstallation services. Policyrecommendations were made with theaim of maximising UK economic benefits• Commercial diligence in relation to amajor investment into the creation of anew European wind turbinemanufacturer. Diligence includedmarket forecasting, supply chainsurvey & analysis and managementreview• Working on behalf of a foundationmanufacturer, DWL were engagedto analyse potential competitorsand suitable manufacturing locationsfor advanced tripod and jacketoffshore wind foundations• Market analysis for a vessel ownercovering key categories includingsurvey vessels, wind turbineinstallation vessels, heavy-liftvessels, and maintenance vessels.Recommendations provided on themost attractive categories based onmarket sizing, and commercial factorsOffshore <strong>Wind</strong> Market ForecastThe consultancy is about to launch theOffshore <strong>Wind</strong> Market Forecast, now in its5th Edition.In this report they provide a new long-termview of the sector through to 2022, andoutline that offshore wind spending is setto average almost €15 billion per year overthe next ten years.Key components of the reportare…• Drivers – a discussion of factors drivingoffshore wind installation activityincluding low carbon targets, risingenergy demand and the need toreplace power generation capacity• Commercial insights – includinganalysis of cost pressures on capital,life-time costs, risk factors and typicalfinancing models• Technology Review – and R & Dpriority areas• Supply chain – a review of the mainplayers, strengths & weaknesses ofcontracting strategies and supplychain development challenges• Ten-year market forecast – for newcapacity, capital expenditures,operating expenditure, wind turbines,support structures, cabling,substations and vessels• Country analysis – detailed operational& capital expenditure forecasts, alsoby capacity and segmentDouglas Westwoodwww.douglas-westwood.comED’s Note This is an abridgedversion - we recommend you readthe full text via the link at the endof article.Click to view more info32 www.windenergynetwork.co.ukwww.windenergynetwork.co.uk 33

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