JUNE/JULY 2013 | £5.25 - Wind Energy Network

JUNE/JULY 2013 | £5.25 - Wind Energy Network

JUNE/JULY 2013 | £5.25 - Wind Energy Network


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BUSINESS DEVELOPMENTBUSINESS DEVELOPMENTHowimportantis yourhealth?We welcome Dr. Luke Melbourne to our Business Development section. It cannotbe argued that to manage and develop your business, your health is the mostimportant factor.Luke will be contributing regular articles and we hope you will find them both enlightening and helpful in your busyprofessional lives.On the questionnaire at thebeginning of my exam form itasks:How important is your health on a scaleof 1 to 10?Most people will write 10, there will bea few 9’s. The lowest I ever get, whensomeone is really honest, is an 8. These8‘s admit, at that time, work or childrenrank higher than their own health but stillthink health is important.Why are we so Unhealthy?We have all heard the saying; “YourHealth is your greatest possession.”And most people seem to agree with thatstatement when asked. We all know ourhealth is important. So why are we sounhealthy?The problem lies within the incongruenceof our actions and our words. We justdon’t LIVE it. We don’t follow through withour good intentions. We don’t embracea healthy lifestyle. In fact, many peopletreat their health with staggering levels ofdisdain and loathing.“When Health isabsent Wisdomcannot revealitself, Artcannot becomemanifest,Strengthcannot beexerted, Wealthis uselessand Reason ispowerless.”Herophilies (300 B.C.)They react to anyadvocate of healthas if they werezealots spoutingthe tenets of afascist regime fromwhich they must runand hide before theyare imposed upon themagainst their will. It is aninconvenience, a burden,a suffering best left to themasochists and those with toomuch time on their hands. When I goout and give talks to groups I will oftenspend some time giving free consultations.At these events I am guaranteed to hearthe all too familiar words “No thanks, Ialready know there’s something wrong.”This saddens and frustrates me. Why aresome people so entrenched in their ownsuffering that they can’t even see the lightand shun it when it is offered them.My goalAs a Chiropractor this is the mentality Iam up against on a daily basis. My goalis to enrich peoples lives by helping themfind and achieve their optimal health. It isa purpose that I can be proud of and oneI love. So I have had to ask myself whywould some people rather get teeth pulledthan address their health?Changing people’s mindsThere are plenty of reasons that I havecome up with; lack of understanding,cynicism, disinformation, laziness, fear ofchange, disempowerment, impatience,stress, poor time management andprocrastination. When I sat back andcontemplated these points it didn’t takeme long before I realised that I needed todo more. I could not just sit back in myivory tower. Field of Dreams was wrong. Ifyou build it, they will not come.Don’t get me wrong, you can still havea busy practice helping those who arealready enlightened, but being busy isn’tenough and the ones who need it themost won’t show. Therefore I could nolonger wait for the world to change itspoint of view, I had to act. I needed toget off my backside and go out there andchange people’s minds. So here I amchanging your minds!The truemeaning ofhealthSo, over the nextfew months I willbe looking at whatHealth truly meansand I will attempt togive some persuasivearguments as to why youneed it. I will be guiding youto explore your relationshipwith yourself.To do this I will address the Trisectionof Health: The Physical, The Chemicaland The Emotional. We will look at eachtrisection, the effects of stress within thatarea, how it impacts upon you and waysto improve.My hopesI hope to Educate, Empower and maybeeven Excite. After all, if I asked “Do youwant to be wiser, smarter, stronger,more creative and wealthier?” shouldn’twe all, say “YES!” Remember this isyour LIFE we are talking about.Dr. Luke Melbourne MChiroAdvanced Health Chiropractic Clinicwww.chiropractor-harrogate.com22 www.windenergynetwork.co.ukwww.windenergynetwork.co.uk 23

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