JUNE/JULY 2013 | £5.25 - Wind Energy Network

JUNE/JULY 2013 | £5.25 - Wind Energy Network

JUNE/JULY 2013 | £5.25 - Wind Energy Network


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successful Women in <strong>Wind</strong>successful Women in <strong>Wind</strong>Claire Cooper MEngSenior Project Manager & BusinessDevelopment - H&Askham LtdExperienceI was well equipped to undertake the roleof Project Manager for H&Askham Ltd asa result of both professional and academicexperience. I have a well-roundedknowledge of electrical installation systemsand submarine cables from my trainingat the prestigious BICC Cables and PirelliCables (now Prysmian) in addition tothe completion of a Masters Degree inMechanical Engineering.The companyH&Askham is a high voltage electricalinstallation company who have, over thepast three years, extended their portfoliofrom land based projects to become awell established name in the offshore windmarket, both in the UK and Europe.As we launched a division to focus solelyon the Renewables <strong>Energy</strong> market my rolewithin the organisation evolved to workclosely with the Director of Engineeringto specifically look at the businessdevelopment in this area.We have have gone from strength tostrength in the offshore wind marketand I am proud to be part of the teamresponsible for securing and executingcontracts for a number of projects. Theseincluded Thanet Offshore <strong>Wind</strong> Farm,The London Array <strong>Wind</strong> Farm, and morerecently BARD and Borkum West II <strong>Wind</strong>Parks in Germany.Exciting futureI believe the Renewable <strong>Energy</strong> Markethas an exciting future ahead and Iam currently working on tenders andcontracts for a number of other projectsfor H&Askham to further enhance theirresumé and continue to develop my ownknowledge and skills in this area.Passion and beliefI firmly believe in the cause of therenewable energy market; beyond this mypassion for engineering drives me to workand contribute to notable causes suchas renewable energy, so that companieslike H&Askham can succeed in theseendeavours.Britain is famous for its engineeringprowess; however in recent years witheconomic turmoil in industrial sectorsand strong competition from abroad,even projects taking place within Britainhave been dominated by overseasorganisations.This in spite of the domestic marketand skills pool being able to deliver,the products and services are beingoutsourced. H&Askham were a smallcompany that, through commitment andthe delivery of excellent services, wererecognised by some key players in theoffshore wind supply chain to be an assetto their projects.H&Askham has now built on thesefoundations and our reputation precedes us.Continued growthAs the organisation continues to grow itis my wish that we serve as an exampleto other companies in Britain of what canbe achieved, and that the barriers to entryinto this booming market should not befeared. Now an integral part of the supplychain we consciously endeavour to,where possible, source local labour andproducts for our projects. This ensureswe play our part in the development ofthe communities and environments wework amongst, in turn ensuring that thecontribution this industry provides to oureconomical revival is widespread.OpportunitiesI am greatly enjoying the opportunitiesworking for H&Askham has given me.Being part of a growing industry isexciting and it is inspirational for there tobe such a ‘buzz’ and renewed interestedin engineering, manufacturing anddevelopment of new technologies.Engineering – a career choiceThroughout my studies year on year Isaw a fall in the number of students forapplying engineering related courses.As a result I have always been ardent inpromoting working in this field to others.This perhaps is also attributed to havingmy family roots in engineering, with myfather running a small manufacturingcompany, that I have also workedfor. It was from my experiences at AREngineering Industries that I first becameactively involved with purposefully workingto encourage young people to considerengineering as a career choice.Apprenticeship schemeFor AR Engineering I launched anapprenticeship scheme and have sincecontinued to regularly visit schools andcolleges to give talks and presentationsabout the wide scope of opportunities theengineering industry has to offer.A woman in engineeringIn particular though I believe it is veryimportant to focus on raising awareness ofthis field amongst women. From leavingan all girls secondary school I entered intoa male dominated environment. I wasn’tfazed by this, engineering had alwaysbeen part of my life, and so, I was actuallyvery surprised to find how few women Iwas now studying and working alongside.I am now often called upon for my opinionand comment as a woman in engineering,which reinforces to me the idea that Istill retain a ‘novelty’ value in the field. Itis my hope that this situation will oneday become redundant; that increasingnumbers of successful female engineerswill cause questions about gender in theindustry to become obsolete.SuccessThe teams and companies that succeedin any field are those based on theintegration of different ideas and attitudesthat both compliment and cause rethinkingor re-interpretation.Engineering has always attracted mebecause it is a field based on possibilityand potential, on problem solving andthought, and the area of Renewables iscertainly no exception. I remain proudof my achievement in this field, andof Engineering as a whole, where theopportunity for success can be extendedto all individuals, man or woman.H&Askhamwww.handajointing.co.ukBe someone whomakes a difference“Be someone who makes a difference”– a direct quote from Fiona Marshall,winner of last year’s WISE award forenterprise and innovation, is a greatway to inspire young women and girlsto go into engineering.ResearchResearch on young people’s careerchoices shows that girls want creative andcaring jobs.A campaign selling opportunities to beinvolved in green energy solutions to helpsave the planet will capture their attentionand imagination more than a campaignto persuade them to study physics, tochoose a technical apprenticeship orstudy engineering at university. The UKneeds to get more girls doing physicsand taking engineering qualifications, butthe numbers have not shifted significantlyfor a generation, so it is time for a newapproach.Strong appeal<strong>Wind</strong> power and renewables in generalshould have a strong appeal to girlsbecause they offer a solution to climatechange - a global problem. As a growthindustry, the job prospects and opportunityto be at the forefront of new technologiesare also very positive selling points.As an organisation WISE would love towork with the inspiring women featuredin this magazine and others like them tochange the image of engineering so thatit becomes a more aspirational careerchoice for girls, and for their parents andteachers, whose influence can be critical.Growing databaseWe has a growing database of youngfemale role models working in science,technology and engineering, who arepassionate about what they do and wantto inspire more girls to follow in theirfootsteps. We have developed a flexiblesuite of activities and structured discussionsessions to get girls of all ages inspired byscience, technology and engineering.These sessions are designed to supportrole models, STEM ambassadors andothers delivering STEM outreach andengagement. We are also working onresources which teachers can use in theclassroom to open up discussion aboutgirls and science, supported by a one daytraining programme. We would love tohear from industry partners who would liketo collaborate with WISE to roll out theseresources across the UK.Our visionWith your support, we can increase thepipeline of female talent coming into yourcompany and into science, technologyand engineering sectors as a whole. Ourvision is to increase the proportion ofwomen doing STEM roles in the UK to30% by 2020. An ambitious target, giventhe current percentage is just 13%. Wecan’t do it alone – only by harnessingthe energy and passion of all those whobelieve that female talent could give asignificant boost to UK industry will weshift the dial in the right direction.WISE membership gives you access to agrowing network of like-minded people ineducation, industry and the not for profitsector to share ideas, good practice anddevelop projects together.Be someonewho makes adifferenceNominations for a WISE AwardNominations for the WISE Awards <strong>2013</strong>are now open. The awards, whichcelebrate female talent for women andgirls at all stages of their career in science,technology and engineering, will bepresented at a high profile evening eventon Thursday 14 November <strong>2013</strong> at theScience Museum in London.More information on the web site:www.wisecampaign.org.ukWISEwww.wisecampaign.org.uk/getinvolved18 www.windenergynetwork.co.ukwww.windenergynetwork.co.uk 19

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