JUNE/JULY 2013 | £5.25 - Wind Energy Network

JUNE/JULY 2013 | £5.25 - Wind Energy Network JUNE/JULY 2013 | £5.25 - Wind Energy Network

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OFFSHORE ACCOMMODATIONOFFSHORE ACCOMMODATIONSeaNova LQpermanentliving quartersaccommodationSeaNova is a multipurpose Minimum Facilities Platform(MFP) that can be configured for Oil & Gas production(SeaNova), as a sub-station (SeaNode) or a permanentLiving Quarter’s accommodation SeaNova LQ)Known costs and fixed on contractThe Ocean Resource MFP series is free standing and selfinstalling, therefore it is fully built and configured in dock, prior tobeing floated on its buoyant Gravity Base Structure (GBS) andtowed out by standard offshore tugs for deployment; little or nosea bed preparation is required meaning that construction anddeployment costs are known to the client and fixed on contract.Removal and re-deploymentA feature of considerable advantage is SeaNova LQ’s abilityto be easily and cheaply removed and re-deployed, making itparticularly attractive to the sequential development of arrays ormultiple areasSpecificationsThe Ocean Resource MFP can be designed with a top sideweight of up to 9000 tonnes for operation in waters of up to 120metres. SeaNova LQ can be scaled as required, but in the Northand Irish Seas, the platform will typically be configured to provideaccommodation modules, helideck and associated servicesto support 100 personnel in permanent living quarters. Suchan MFP unit would have an applied loading of less than 2000tonnes and would be initially built and deployed turnkey for circa£15M, and then redeployed later for less than £500K each time.Major refits and through life servicing would be accomplishedback in port.Are you prepared for Sudden CardiacArrest whilst Living Offshore?Sudden Cardiac Arrest occurswhen an electrical malfunction inthe heart causes it to stop pumpingblood causing uncontrolledquivering of the heart chambers,leading to unconsciousnessand death in minutes. The onlyeffective treatment for a SuddenCardiac Arrest is immediate CPRand defibrillation. An AutomatedExternal Defibrillator (AED) is asmall, lightweight device whichshocks the heart back into anormal rhythm. The use of an AED,within the first three minutes ofan arrest, can increase a victim’schance of survival from 6% to 74%.PreparednessSudden Cardiac Arrest does notdiscriminate and it can affect anyone,anywhere, anytime regardless of age,gender and fitness levels. It is vital thatthe equipment and relevant training is inplace to deal with an emergency shouldone occur.Offshore accommodationis often isolated anddifficult to reach. Althoughemergency responseplans should be in place,quite often there will not beenough time to provide thepatient with the immediatecare they require.Consideration of distanceand time to emergencycare is necessary, moreimportantly for those livingoffshore for sustainedperiods of time.Time factorsAfter a patient hascollapsed from SuddenCardiac Arrest, or aftersuffering a heart attack,they lose between 10%and 14% of their chanceof survival every minute.After ten minutes, theopportunity to resuscitateTypically the SeaNova LQ MFP would consist of a cellar deckwith multiple further decks configured above it as desired, allbuilt to a modular design. Accommodation units will also beeasily configured and arranged in conjunction with a sub-station(SeaNode) facility, or connected to an adjacent major facility bymeans of an air bridge.PracticalitiesAs the MFP is a simple un-braced 4-legged structure, it has nocomplicated K-joints or nodes to inspect. The exposed areaof steel in the splash zone or beneath Mean Sea Level (MSL) isless than for a similar performance conventional platform; hencecorrosion and marine growth are less problematic. Cleaningmarine growth is a relatively easy operation. The legs are dry andare inspected internally and because of this simpler inspectionregime, ongoing maintenance costs are considerably reduced.Proven operationOcean Resource’s Sea Nova series MFP Platform System is ahighly flexible design that is fully certified and already proven.Examples have been operating continuously and successfully inthe North and Irish seas for over 15 years.Ocean Resourcewww.oceanresource.co.ukClick to view more infois essentially over. In an isolated environment, such as that onan offshore wind farm, the need for higher level life supportand access to such life-saving equipment is more importantthan ever. To recognise if a person has collapsed due toSudden Cardiac Arrest their breathing will need to be checkedfor ten seconds. If the patient is unconscious and showingno signs of breathing, CPR must be carried out immediately,followed by a shock from a defibrillator as soon as the deviceis made available.Risk managementThe risk assessment and risk management of an offshorewind farm should take into account the living arrangementsof anyone living offshore for any period of time. The accessto advanced care and the emergency services needs tobe considered and procedures should be put in place tominimise any risk of heart related emergencies, but also toappropriately deal with the situation should one occur. Heartscreening may be appropriate to identify any underlying heartconditions before moving offshore.Life support trainingEnsuring heart health among staff, providing life support trainingand access to a defibrillator will play a key role in severelyreducing the number of cardiac deaths. AEDs are extremelysimple to use and will guide the rescuer through the wholeprocess. With some basic training anyone living offshore will beable to save a life.Defibshopwww.defibshop.co.uk+44 (0)3333 441113A new ApproAchto AviAtion impAct Assessments...• pre-planning site assessments• Field surveys (accurate quantification of impact)• Full aviation impact assessments• impartial, expert advice from professionalswith 20+ years’ experience in communicationsengineering & Air traffic managementBecause measurement isbetter than prediction.Aerostat surveys Ltd. +44 (0)3333 441113www.aerostat.co.uk enquiries@aerostat.co.uk102 www.windenergynetwork.co.ukwww.windenergynetwork.co.uk 103

OFFSHORE ACCOMMODATIONOFFSHORE ACCOMMODATIONSeaNova LQpermanentliving quartersaccommodationSeaNova is a multipurpose Minimum Facilities Platform(MFP) that can be configured for Oil & Gas production(SeaNova), as a sub-station (SeaNode) or a permanentLiving Quarter’s accommodation SeaNova LQ)Known costs and fixed on contractThe Ocean Resource MFP series is free standing and selfinstalling, therefore it is fully built and configured in dock, prior tobeing floated on its buoyant Gravity Base Structure (GBS) andtowed out by standard offshore tugs for deployment; little or nosea bed preparation is required meaning that construction anddeployment costs are known to the client and fixed on contract.Removal and re-deploymentA feature of considerable advantage is SeaNova LQ’s abilityto be easily and cheaply removed and re-deployed, making itparticularly attractive to the sequential development of arrays ormultiple areasSpecificationsThe Ocean Resource MFP can be designed with a top sideweight of up to 9000 tonnes for operation in waters of up to 120metres. SeaNova LQ can be scaled as required, but in the Northand Irish Seas, the platform will typically be configured to provideaccommodation modules, helideck and associated servicesto support 100 personnel in permanent living quarters. Suchan MFP unit would have an applied loading of less than 2000tonnes and would be initially built and deployed turnkey for circa£15M, and then redeployed later for less than £500K each time.Major refits and through life servicing would be accomplishedback in port.Are you prepared for Sudden CardiacArrest whilst Living Offshore?Sudden Cardiac Arrest occurswhen an electrical malfunction inthe heart causes it to stop pumpingblood causing uncontrolledquivering of the heart chambers,leading to unconsciousnessand death in minutes. The onlyeffective treatment for a SuddenCardiac Arrest is immediate CPRand defibrillation. An AutomatedExternal Defibrillator (AED) is asmall, lightweight device whichshocks the heart back into anormal rhythm. The use of an AED,within the first three minutes ofan arrest, can increase a victim’schance of survival from 6% to 74%.PreparednessSudden Cardiac Arrest does notdiscriminate and it can affect anyone,anywhere, anytime regardless of age,gender and fitness levels. It is vital thatthe equipment and relevant training is inplace to deal with an emergency shouldone occur.Offshore accommodationis often isolated anddifficult to reach. Althoughemergency responseplans should be in place,quite often there will not beenough time to provide thepatient with the immediatecare they require.Consideration of distanceand time to emergencycare is necessary, moreimportantly for those livingoffshore for sustainedperiods of time.Time factorsAfter a patient hascollapsed from SuddenCardiac Arrest, or aftersuffering a heart attack,they lose between 10%and 14% of their chanceof survival every minute.After ten minutes, theopportunity to resuscitateTypically the SeaNova LQ MFP would consist of a cellar deckwith multiple further decks configured above it as desired, allbuilt to a modular design. Accommodation units will also beeasily configured and arranged in conjunction with a sub-station(SeaNode) facility, or connected to an adjacent major facility bymeans of an air bridge.PracticalitiesAs the MFP is a simple un-braced 4-legged structure, it has nocomplicated K-joints or nodes to inspect. The exposed areaof steel in the splash zone or beneath Mean Sea Level (MSL) isless than for a similar performance conventional platform; hencecorrosion and marine growth are less problematic. Cleaningmarine growth is a relatively easy operation. The legs are dry andare inspected internally and because of this simpler inspectionregime, ongoing maintenance costs are considerably reduced.Proven operationOcean Resource’s Sea Nova series MFP Platform System is ahighly flexible design that is fully certified and already proven.Examples have been operating continuously and successfully inthe North and Irish seas for over 15 years.Ocean Resourcewww.oceanresource.co.ukClick to view more infois essentially over. In an isolated environment, such as that onan offshore wind farm, the need for higher level life supportand access to such life-saving equipment is more importantthan ever. To recognise if a person has collapsed due toSudden Cardiac Arrest their breathing will need to be checkedfor ten seconds. If the patient is unconscious and showingno signs of breathing, CPR must be carried out immediately,followed by a shock from a defibrillator as soon as the deviceis made available.Risk managementThe risk assessment and risk management of an offshorewind farm should take into account the living arrangementsof anyone living offshore for any period of time. The accessto advanced care and the emergency services needs tobe considered and procedures should be put in place tominimise any risk of heart related emergencies, but also toappropriately deal with the situation should one occur. Heartscreening may be appropriate to identify any underlying heartconditions before moving offshore.Life support trainingEnsuring heart health among staff, providing life support trainingand access to a defibrillator will play a key role in severelyreducing the number of cardiac deaths. AEDs are extremelysimple to use and will guide the rescuer through the wholeprocess. With some basic training anyone living offshore will beable to save a life.Defibshopwww.defibshop.co.uk+44 (0)3333 441113A new ApproAchto AviAtion impAct Assessments...• pre-planning site assessments• Field surveys (accurate quantification of impact)• Full aviation impact assessments• impartial, expert advice from professionalswith 20+ years’ experience in communicationsengineering & Air traffic managementBecause measurement isbetter than prediction.Aerostat surveys Ltd. +44 (0)3333 441113www.aerostat.co.uk enquiries@aerostat.co.uk102 www.windenergynetwork.co.ukwww.windenergynetwork.co.uk 103

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