Less than Full Time Training Policy - KSS Deanery

Less than Full Time Training Policy - KSS Deanery

Less than Full Time Training Policy - KSS Deanery


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To avoid missing valuable educational opportunities, the trainee is alsoencouraged to be as flexible about their working pattern as is reasonablypracticable, which may involve the need to work full-time for a time limitedperiod,subject to negotiation.N.B. Clinical research should be accommodated within the trainingprogramme by negotiation with the programme director/regional adviser.Clinical research is NOT considered a reason to seek LTFT training; only inexceptional circumstances would research be considered a reason for trainingless <strong>than</strong> full time. Research should be accommodated within the ordinarytraining programme. By working with the programme directors, all doctors anddentists both full-time and those working flexibly should be enabled to pursueresearch as part of their normal training.Trainees will not normally be permitted to engage in any other paidemployment whilst undertaking LTFT <strong>Training</strong>. If in doubt, the trainee shouldraise the issue with the LTFT <strong>Training</strong> Adviser at email:less<strong>than</strong>fulltimetraining@kssdeanery.ac.uk4.2 Short Term LTFT <strong>Training</strong>The <strong>Deanery</strong> recognises that it may be necessary to support trainees forwhom there is a short term need to train less <strong>than</strong> full time. In such cases, the<strong>Deanery</strong> will encourage best practice and recommend that the employer takereasonable steps to accommodate such arrangements at local level, with theoption of reduced sessions in a full time post if the situation needs to beextended longer <strong>than</strong> anticipated.4.3 Eligibility ApplicationThe trainee will need to complete an LTFT <strong>Training</strong> Application Form toassess their eligibility to access LTFT <strong>Training</strong>. The form requires the traineeto specify which of the three criteria applies (See 4.1), and to return thecompleted form to the <strong>Deanery</strong> in good time. Trainees should aim to submitcompleted applications around 4-6 months prior to the preferred start date andit is possible that the approval will be declined if the form is submitted later<strong>than</strong> one month before this start date.4.4 Eligibility ConfirmationThe trainee will receive an Eligibility Confirmation Letter once the <strong>Deanery</strong> hasdeemed the trainee eligible. This letter does not constitute approval for thetrainee to commence in a LTFT <strong>Training</strong> post, as this requires completion offurther documentation.4.5 Assistance with Completion of LTFT <strong>Training</strong> FormsThe <strong>Deanery</strong> website at: www.kssdeanery.ac.uk includes a section on LTFT<strong>Training</strong>, including contact details for colleagues who may be able to assisttrainees with completion of the various forms. An LTFT Trainee ApplicantGuide can also be downloaded from the <strong>Deanery</strong> website and this isspecifically aimed at providing step by step guidance for LTFT traineeapplicants to follow in order to secure approval.5. Application ProcedureTo apply for LTFT <strong>Training</strong>, trainees should download and submit an LTFT<strong>Training</strong> Application Form from the <strong>KSS</strong> <strong>Deanery</strong> website, which will enable theLTFT <strong>Training</strong> Team to assess eligibility for LTFT <strong>Training</strong>.<strong>KSS</strong> <strong>Less</strong> Than <strong>Full</strong> <strong>Time</strong> <strong>Training</strong> <strong>Policy</strong>.doc Page 5 of 15

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