Effect of Climate Change On Slope Stability Problems - Geological ...

Effect of Climate Change On Slope Stability Problems - Geological ...

Effect of Climate Change On Slope Stability Problems - Geological ...

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UNIVERSITY COLLEGE DUBLINSchool <strong>of</strong> Architecture, Landscape and Civil Engineering<strong>Effect</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Climate</strong><strong>Change</strong> <strong>On</strong> <strong>Slope</strong><strong>Stability</strong> <strong>Problems</strong>Dr. Ken Gavin

Outline <strong>of</strong> the Presentation• Glacial Till slopes in Ireland• Description <strong>of</strong> Probabilistic Analysis• Benchmarking & Conclusions• Case Studies <strong>of</strong> rainfall induced slopefailures

Survey <strong>of</strong> 150 year old railway embankments9080Average slope angle = 387060No. <strong>of</strong> <strong>Slope</strong>s504030201000 8 16 24 32 40 48 56 64 72 80Embankment <strong>Slope</strong> Angle (degrees)Jennings & Muldoon (2003)

<strong>Slope</strong>s are Partially Saturated-• Air voids act like minicapilliary tubes, drawingwater up from the saturatedzone below the water tableby suction• This suction providesinherent stability+

<strong>Stability</strong> is affected by rainfallFinalSuctionInitialSuctionwetted soilwetting frontdrier soilairwatersoil particleAs rain falls, suctionsreduce. A wetting frontdevelops as the groundbecomes almost saturatedfrom the top down

<strong>Effect</strong> <strong>of</strong> suction on slope stabilityFOSCapacityDemand• <strong>Stability</strong> is providedby near surface suction(-pwp)• Rainfall causesformation <strong>of</strong> wettingfront (increased pwp)reduces suction andmay cause failure –typically shallow slip

Reliability Index• Consider alternative form <strong>of</strong>performance function g(x):FOS= C / Dg(x) = C – DIf C – D ≤ 0, the slope hasfailed• is the mean <strong>of</strong> theperformance function, dividedby the number <strong>of</strong> standarddeviations between the meanand origin – usually = 2 isminimum acceptable

UCD Reliability Model - GASSAGeotech reliability analysis <strong>of</strong>slopes usually assumes fixed soilproperties to determine criticalslip surface and the varies soilproperties along this fixed surfaceto determine reliabilityBy using polar transformationUCD consider soils properties andslip coordinates as variables andsolves simultaneously, invariantand computationally efficient

Performance <strong>of</strong>UCD model• Method applied tobenchmark 1:2 slope from theliterature• A range <strong>of</strong> soil propertiesCases A-N were considered• The relative performance <strong>of</strong>UCD model was best in all butone (Case H) <strong>of</strong> the fourteensoil pr<strong>of</strong>iles analysed, and inCase H all methods werebroadly similar

Partially Saturated <strong>Slope</strong> AnalysesDepth <strong>of</strong> failure surface (m) 1.5 2 2.5 3FOSMMonte CarloGASSA• Model used to asses theperformance <strong>of</strong> an instrumentedslope in the Swiss Alps• Measurements <strong>of</strong> suction,rainfall intensity and soil strengthparameters were available. 0.5 mdeep failure occurred after 45hours into infiltration test.• GASSA and Monte-Carlo givevery similar results. Both suggestcritical conditions (2) when thewetting front depth reaches 0.5m.

For Additional Uncertainty – Increase FOSFOS2.<strong>Slope</strong> angle25 o30 o35 o40 oCOV(h)=0.15 o COV()=0.10.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.30 0.35 0.40COV(C)Possible reasons for additionaluncertainty:(i) Untypical groundconditions(ii) Poor site investigation(iii) Complicated stratigraphy(iv) Lack <strong>of</strong> rainfall or otherdata(v)Natural variability

Conclusions - Analyses <strong>of</strong> slopes• A number <strong>of</strong> highly variable parameterscontrol the stability <strong>of</strong> slopes• <strong>Stability</strong> analysis is more suited toprobabilistic rather than deterministicmethods• Probabilistic models are available• Hybrid design approaches are also beingdeveloped

<strong>Stability</strong> <strong>of</strong> Infrastructure – Smart <strong>Slope</strong>srainfall• In-situ monitoring <strong>of</strong>suction and in-situstressesPressureSuction• Real time assessment <strong>of</strong>infrastructure reliability• We cannot monitorevery slope, we need toidentify critical sections–Geophysics?

Recent <strong>Slope</strong> Failures

Rainfall RecordsOctober• no exceptional storms• overall rainfall 50%above normalNovember• Rainfall 84% abovenormal• Included storm on25 th with 58mm <strong>of</strong>rainfall over 6 hourperiod.


Geophysical InvestigationResistivityinvestigation acrossfailure plane andalong track to confirmsoil stratigraphy andinvestigate suspectedlateral flow <strong>of</strong> wateralong embankment

ERT pr<strong>of</strong>ile across track through failure plane

ERT Pr<strong>of</strong>ile Along Track

Finite Element AnalysisModel <strong>of</strong> post-construction behaviour

Seepage Analyses• Rainfall data was used tomodel infiltration intoembankment• FOS reduced to 1.2• Regrading <strong>of</strong> embankmentcaused increase in FOS to1.5

Stress distribution beneath embankment• Geophysical investigationhighlighted extent <strong>of</strong> s<strong>of</strong>torganic clay present beneaththe slope• Tube samples were obtainedas part <strong>of</strong> a forensicinvestigation• Samples exhibited significantcreep at stress levels 80 – 100kPa

Conclusions - Case HistoryComplex groundconditions. The failurewas triggered byheavy antecedentrainfall and the effectswere amplified bycreep in the s<strong>of</strong>t claydeposit. Geophysics<strong>of</strong>fered key insightsfor low-cost

Acknowledgements• Irish Rail who sponsor our work on stability<strong>of</strong> steep slopes• Dr. Jianfeng Xue• Geophysical Research Unit at UCD andApex Geoservices• Arup Consulting Engineers

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