Thanksgiving - NC Wise Owl

Thanksgiving - NC Wise Owl

Thanksgiving - NC Wise Owl


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- •SavingBy Jennifer ChenThanksgivinCharacters(Major roles are in boldface.)Narrators 1,2,3Darren English, 13Dana English, MTina Chang, 15AndyWu, 15, Tina's boyfriendLinda Chang, 45, Tina's mother,Darren and Dana's stepmotherStreet vendors 1, 2, 3, 4Terrence English, 45, Darren andDana's father, Tina's stepfatherChinese womanMartial artists 1 and 2Illustrations by Dave Clegg1 0 R E A D

Scene 1Narrator 1: It is the day before<strong>Thanksgiving</strong> in Chinatown, anarea of New York City. There arebig open fish markets, little turtlesin plastic aquariums, anddead ducks hanging in store windows.Inside one shop, Linda andTerrence pick out a large duckfrom the window display. Tina isoutside the store chatting withher boyfriend, Andy. Inside,Darren and Dana stare at theduck being purchased.Darren English: Look at that. Anentire duck. Dead. Its skin allcrispy Eyes shut. Just hangingthere like a bat.Dana English: I can't believeDad is going to make us eat duckon <strong>Thanksgiving</strong>. It's so wrong.

Darren: No pumpkin pies.No mashed potatoes. No gravy.Dana: I don't see one turkeyhere. What's <strong>Thanksgiving</strong>without Dad's turkey?Darren: Yeah, why can't Lindaand Tina eat like Americans?Like us?Narrator 2: Outside, their stepsister,Tina, watches Darren andDana through the window, andlaughs with Andy.Tina Chang: They've never evenseen ducks hanging like that.Darren asked me if these duckswere the same ones as the ducksin Central Park.Andy Wu: You shouldVe told himthey're all Donald Duck's cousins.That wouldVe freaked him out.Tina: So what is your familymaking for <strong>Thanksgiving</strong>?Andy: The usual. Duck, red beanbuns, and sticky rice. Get this—my mom is still making me eat atthe kids' table this year!Tina: Totally unfair. Fifteen isthree years away from being alegal adult.Andy: That's what I said!Narrator 3: Linda pokes herhead out of the store, shouting forTina, Darren, and Dana. There isa rush of pedestrians, taxicabshonking loudly, and streetvendors shouting out their goods.Linda's voice is drowned out bythe noise and clatter ofChinatown.Street vendor 1: Pan-friednoodles! Get your noodles here.Street vendor 2: Mangoes. Fiftycents each!Street vendor 3: Coconut juice.Fresh. Very sweet. Buy coconutjuice here!Linda Chang: Kids, your dad andI need help with the groceries.Terrenee English: Darren andDana, come in. Tina, you too.Tina: (rolling her eyes) Speaking ofunfair. I gotta go.Andy: Have fun. Talk to you later?Tina: You'd betterNarr 1: Andy leaves. Tina entersthe store, barely acknowledgingher stepsiblings. Darren and Danaenter the store, staring at everythingthe way tourists do. Darrenpicks up different products,inspecting them.Darren: What is this? It looksslimy and white. Look, it squisheswhen you squeeze it.Tina: (grabbing the package) Don'tdo that. You'll ruin the tofu.Dana: Toe-what?Tina: Tofu. And I eat it all thetime. It's good.Dana: What does it taste like?Tina: (shrugging her shoulders)It's flavorless. Tofu absorbs whateveryou cook it in—soy sauce,sesame oil, ginger.Dana: (making a face) Flavorless,slimy, white stufF. Sounds delicious.Narr 2: Darren picks up tbe tofuagain and tosses it in the air,squeezing it when he catches it.Tina glares at him, feeling embarrassedin the store.Darren: It looks like zombie guts.12 R E A D

'I think it's time forOperation Tina Torture.'Tina: That is so disgusting andmorbid.Dana: Hey! No one calls mybrother morbid but me.Darren: Thank you. Sis.Narr 3: Tina is mad and stormsoff. Terrence taps Darren on theshoulder. Darren immediatelysnaps to attention.Terrence: Darren, what is goingon here? I didn't raise you tothrow food around.Darren: Dad, this isn't food.Everyone in the old 'hood wouldlaugh at you for eating tofu.Terrence: Well, we're not in theold neighborhood anymore.Dana: Duh, I think we knowthat. It's pretty obvious no onehere looks like us except for us. IfI want to see any other blackkids, I have to turn on the TV.Terrence: Dana, that's enough.Dana: But, Dad—Terrence: No buts. Apologizeto Tina. Then come help yourmother and me carry the groceries.Got it?Dana: Fine, Dad. (turning toDarren as Terrence leaves) Canyou believe him? "Your mother."She's my stepmother.Darren: I'm not saying sorry toTina. Sbe said I was disgusting.Dana: We had to move toChinatown. We had to changeschools halfway through the yearWe have to eat duck on turkeyday. What does Tina have to do?Nothing.Darren: I think it's time forOperation Tina Torture.Dana: Cool thing, D. By the timewe're done, Tina will regret beinga snob to us.Scene 2Narr 1: Later that evening, Tinatries to walk nonchalantly intothe apartment, but Linda is standingat the doorway waiting for her,giving her a "Where have youbeen?" look. Tina knows she'scaught and just throws her armsup in the air.Tina: What's the big deal, Mom?Linda: Just go to bed. Tomorrow,you're helping me with dinner.And you're grounded all weekend.No phone calls—or visitswith Andy.Tina: All weekend! Why are youtorturing me? You never thinkabout me anymore!Narr 2: Tina walks into thekitchen, where she finds Darrenand Dana waiting for her.Dana: Hey, Tina, I'm really sonymoifcid-gruesomenonchalantly-casuallyREAD 13

Tina: (stops for a moment)Really? Thanks. Can you believemy mom grounded me for thewhole weekend? It's like prison.Dana: No, I mean about yourT-shirt. I accidentally spilledchocolate syrup all over it. It'sreally sticky now. Oops. Sorry.Narr 3: Dana holds up a paleyellow T-shirt with a large brownstain on the front. Tina frowns,taking the T-shirt back. Thephone rings while Tina tries towash her T-shirt in the kitchensink. Darren answers the phone.Darren: Sorry, bro. She's out.With some guy named Brendan.Studying late.Tina: Hey, is that Andy? I'mright here!Darren: (hangs up the phone)My bad. You wanted to talk to him?Tina: You guys are driving mecrazy. This is the worst<strong>Thanksgiving</strong> ever!Narr 1: Tina throws her T-shirton the kitchen floor and runs toher bedroom. Dana picks up the T-shirt from the floor, looking guilty.Dana: D., maybe we were toomean. She looked like she wasgoing to cry.Darren: Dana, do you hear that? Ithink Dad and Linda are flghting.Narr 2: Terrence and Linda arearguing in the living room.Darren and Dana listen to everyword of the argument.Terrence: Don't you think youmight be too hard on Tina? It is aholiday. Cut her a break. Shewants to visit her boyfriend.Linda: She ran off while shewas supposed to be with us.'You guys are driving me crazy.This is the worst <strong>Thanksgiving</strong> ever!'

What would you do if Dana orDarren did tbat?Terrence: My kids would neverdo that.Linda: Your kids? I thought wewere a family.Narr 3: In the kitchen, Dana andDarren look worried.Dana: What if they break up, andwe have to move again? We'd bettermake up with Tina and tell herwhat's going on with the folks.Darren: I can't stand fighting.Scene 3Narr 1: The next morning,<strong>Thanksgiving</strong> Day, Tina slips outof the apartment before anyone isup. When Dana and Darren realizeshe is gone, they decide to golooking for her before the parentsnotice she is missing. Darren figuresTina must be at Andy'sbecause that's where she usuallyis. The two siblings sneak outquietly and try to find their wayto Andy's place.Dana: D., I have no idea wherewe're going.Narr 2: Dana is looking up atstreet signs while Darren is staring,perplexed, at a map. Aroundthem, Chinese parents carry redplastic shopping bags while shepherdingtheir children close tothem on the crowded street.Chinese woman: Excuse me.(pushes past Dana) Pardon me!Darren: I feel like a touristwith this stupid map. In ourold liood, we knew exactly wherewe were going. I never had toask anyone for directions.Dana: You're holding the streetmap upside down!Narr 3: Darren throws downthe map in frustration. A streetvendor runs over the map withhis pushcart full of steamingfood. Dana tries to rescue themap, but it is ripped to shreds bythe cart's wheels.Street vendor 4: Fried rice.One dollar Egg rolls. Fifty cents.Dana: I hate it here! I warlt togo home. I want to go back to theold apartment. I want to seeother kids like us on the street.It's like we're a rare species here.Narr 1: Dana looks as thoughshe's about to cry. Darren hugshis sister.Darren: I know. Sis. It's weird.But you have me.Narr 2: Two Asian men dressedin martial arts costumes areai ({'ulix dueling in front of asword shop. Darren stops lookingat the street sign to checkout the martial artists.Martial artist 1: You thinkyou're clever, (challenging hisopponent) But you're not fastenough.Martial artist 2: We'll see.Darren: Cool. Did you see that?He almost took his arm off.Dana: Darren, let's get going.arthiB^-skillfully, gracefullyREAD 15

Narr 3: Darren joins the crowd infront of the sword shop. He is fascinatedby the martial artists andtheir fast fighting movements.Dana is exasperated. She turnsto a woman next to herDana: Could you tell me whereBaxter Street is?Scene 4Narr 1: Linda and Terrence aredrinking coffee in tbe kitchen.Linda is getting ready to startthe holiday cooking and takessome mixing bowls from the cupboard.Suddenly, she stands still,listening, and turns to Terrence.Linda: There's no noise. There'sstreet noise, but no yelling,name-calling, teasing.Terrence: The kids are probablyjust in their rooms.Linda: You check their rooms,n i check the living room.Terrence: (calling) Darren?Tina? Dana?Linda: How could they all begone? Where would they go? I'mgoing to call the police.Terrence: (rushing into the livingroom) Wait. Don't overreact.First we should call some of theirfriends. Call Andy.Linda: What if something'shappened to them?Terrence: Nothing's happenedto our kids. They're fine.Linda: We shouldn't be standingexasperated-irritated, annoyedhere arguing. We need to searchfor them. Come on!Narr 2: Linda rushes out of thehouse, not wearing any shoes or ajacket or even grabbing her purse.TeiTence buries his head in hishands, shaking his head. Heleaves too. A moment later, Lindareturns, throws on a jacket andshoes and then heads out again.The apartment is empty.Scene 5Narr 3: Darren and Dana havefinally found Baxter Street.Darren is imitating the movementsthat he saw the martialartists doing. Dana is carrying asmall white box tied with red ribbon.Dana buzzes apartment 8.Dana: Quit hitting me.Darren: I should've been amartial artist for Halloween.Dana: You should've been a clownfor Halloween.Narr 1: Darren jumps up anddelivers a hand chop at Dana.Dana quickly pushes him away.Andy answers the door andnotices Darren's movements.Andy: Awesome. Were you atUncle Tao's Sword Shop? I takeclasses there.Darren: Really? Do you knowany moves?Dana: We're here to talk to Tina,not to play street fighter.Tina: I'm right here.Narr 2: Tina steps out frombehind Andy. She looks at Darrenand Dana skeptically. She's not16 READ

'All parents fight.Especially on holidays/sure if she should trust them. Shenotices the white box in Dana'shands. Andy is showing Darrensome new moves.Tina: What's in there?Dana: These egg cake things.I was hungry. They're actuallygood. Want to try one?Tina: I know what they are.They're my favorite, (guardedly)So what do you guys want to talkto me about?Dana: We heard your mom andour dad fighting. We just thoughtthat you'd want to know. We'rekinda worried.Andy: (to Darren) If you put yourleft foot forward, you can throwoff your opponent and take himdown hard.Darren: (putting his left footdown) Cool. And if I swing myright arm out just like this, I'll beunstoppable.Andy: Precisely. You know, theguy who runs that shop teacheskarate classes on the weekend.Darren: Cool. I gotta take a class.Dana: Well, at least / was worried.Tina: (now worried) I've neverheard them fight before.Dana: Me neither.Darren: (trying out anothermove) Me too.Andy: All parents fight.Especially on holidays. My momthrew my dad out of the kitchenthis morning because he droppedthe duck on the fioor.Tina: I should bead home andmake sure everything is okay.Andy: All right. I'll talk to youtomorrow?Darren: (sheepishly) Sorry, Andy,about before when you called.Tina wasn't hanging out withBrendan. She was in the kitchen.Andy: It's cool. I do that stuff tomy sister all the time.Tina: (to Dana) Can I have anegg cake? I'm starving.Dana: (opening the box) Yeah. Ibought a couple of extras.I couldn't stop eating them.Tina: My mom and I make themevery year for <strong>Thanksgiving</strong>instead of pumpkin pie. Mom'snot a big fan of pumpkin. I canshow you how to make them.They're really easy.Dana: They kinda remind me ofMiss Sylvie's coconut cake. She'sfrom my old neighborhood.Tina: I love coconut. And I lovecake. Miss Sylvie's cake soundsreally good.Dana: Maybe you'd want tocome with me next time I go?Tina: Sure! But we have to stoptalking about food. I'm so hungry,I could eat that box!Darren: I can chop throughthe box.Dana and Tina: Don't!READ 17

Scene 6Narr 3: Back at their apartment,Tina, Darren, and Dana walk in.Darren attempts a flying kick inthe kitchen and ends up knockingover a turkey that has beenthawing on tbe counter. Danasmacks Darren over the headwhile Tina picks up the icyturkey from the kitchen fioor.Tina: (sarcastically) Good one,Darren. Guys, shouldn't this birdbe in the oven cooking?Dana: A turkey! We're havingturkey after all! That's more likeit. But nothing's cooking!Darren: No parents around tocook it.Tina: We should call them andtell them we're home. Maybethey went out looking for us.Dana: You think?Tina: Where else could they be?I mean, they don't have lives.They're parents, right?Dana: You call Linda, and I'llcall Dad.Darren: Maybe we should startcooking too. I'm starving.Tina: No offense, but do youknow how to cook?Darren: Do you?Narr 1: Darren, Tina, and Danastare at one another, blank lookson their faces. Panic sets in.Dana: <strong>Thanksgiving</strong> dinner isruined!Scene 7Narr 2: The kitchen is a bigmess. Potatoes have explodedonto the ceiling. Pots are boilingover. Bamboo leaves, rice, sweetpotatoes, and coUard greens arestrewn all over the counter.Darren is stirring the pot of boilingpotatoes, but water continuesto bubble over. Tina is beatingeggs in a bowl. Dana is making

little pie shells for the egg cakes.It's boiling hot in the kitchen.Dana: I thought you said thatmaking these egg custard thingswas easy.Tina: They are if you're notmaking a duck, wrappingbamboo leaves, and beating eggsat the same time.Darren: Whoops. I dropped aneggshell in the mashed potatoes.Dana: Great! Way to go, genius.Darren: Like you could makethe mashed potatoes any better?Danac I could. All you're doing isboiling potatoes. I'm rolling outpastry dough. This is way harder.Narr 3: Darren picks up a soggypotato and mashes it over Dana'shead. The potato crumbles in herhair. She immediately grabs anegg and breaks it over Darren'shead. Tina turns to see the mess.Tina: Guys, stop!Narr 1: Darren and Dana stopand look at each other. Darrenpicks up another potato whileDana grabs an egg. Tina seesthem approaching and tries toshield herself, but it's too late.She's covered in egg and potato.Tina: I hate you both!Narr 2: Everyone stops, thenbreaks up into laughter. Tina ishunched over with laughter,clutching her stomach. They arecovered in food, and no one cares.Tina takes a moment and thengrabs a container of sour creamand pours it over Darren's andDana's heads. Sour cream dripsdown their faces while they'restill laughing.Darren and Dana: We hateyou too!Narr 3: A full-on food fightbreaks out. Greens, rice, milk,eggs, and flour go flying everywhere.The next moment, thefront door opens, and Linda andTerrence walk in. The kids don'thear them, so they don't stop.Linda: Kids, oh my gosh, stop!Terrence: Stop fighting!Narr 1: The kids hear theirparents and turn on them.Laughing, the kids start throwingfood at Linda and Terrence.Terrence: What the^Dana: We thought <strong>Thanksgiving</strong>wasn't going to happen.Darren: And we weren't fighting.It was a food fight. There's a bigdifference.Tina: We need help. We can'tmake anything on our own.Linda: You can certainly make abig mess! We'd better start cleaningup if we're going to have aproper <strong>Thanksgiving</strong> dinner—adinner that doesn't have potatoeshanging from the ceiling.Tina: We're not going to cleanup yet.Linda: Excuse me?Narr 2: The kids stop in theirtracks as if they're going onstrike. Terrence and Linda lookat them curiously.Dana: We'll only help clean upand cook dinner if—Darren: You both promise to stopREAD 19

'Here's to our first <strong>Thanksgiving</strong> as a family.fighting. It's cool when martialartists fight. Not cool when parentsfight.Narr 3: Linda and Terrence areshocked. They had no idea theirkids had heard them fighting.They turn to each other.Terrence: If all we have to do isapologize to get our kids to cookand clean, I'm all for it. Linda,I'm sorry.Linda: Me too. I'm sorry, Terrence.It was wrong of me to accuse you ofnot caring about all our children—especially now that they finallyseem to be getting along.Dana: Well, not completely. We(indicating Tina and herself) stillthink Darren is an idiot.Scene 8Narr 1: The kitchen is nowsparkling clean. Darren is expertlywhipping potatoes while Tina poursin a cup of sour cream and choppedchives. Dana pulls a casserole dishof sweet potatoes out of the oven.Linda sprinkles the sweet potatoeswith a dash of cinnamon.Linda: Is that enough?Dana: My great-grandma used toadd a little bit of nutmeg too.Linda: Nutmeg coming right up.Terrence: Tina, do you have thegarlic ready?Tina: Yup.Terrence: Pour the garlic righton top of the collards and then stirthem up so the garlic is spread allover the greens.Darren: Linda, I think thebazung are done.Linda: (smiling) Thanks forreminding me, Darren. Theyshould be perfectly steamed now.Terrence: Now what's bazung?Dana: (rolling her eyes at her dad)Duh, Dad. It's sticky rice with egg,meat, and nuts mixed togetherand steamed in a bamboo leafTerrence: Well, pardon me.Narr 2: A kitchen timer dings.Tina rushes over to the oven andturns it off. Dana helps her pullout a dozen little egg cakes aswell as a pumpkin pie.Terrence: And what are those?Dana: Egg cakes. Dad. They're inall the Chinese bakeries.Linda: I think we should leavethe kids alone to cook more often.Darren, Tina, and Dana: No!Terrence: And now—stand back,everyone—my specialty!Narr 3: Terrence pulls out theturkey from the oven. Darren andTina carry it to the table and set itbeside the crispy duck. The diningroom table is now full of food: garlickygreens, mashed potatoeswith sour cream and chives, butterysweet potatoes, a few dozensteaming bazung, egg cakes, andpumpkin pie. Everyone sits downand passes dishes around. Eachperson takes a little bit of everything.Dana and Darren unwrapthe bamboo leaves to reveal2 0 R E A D

And to our first—and last—food fight.*steaming rice, meat, egg, and nuts.Dana: Dad, you should try thebazung. It's really good.Linda: The sweet potatoes areheavenly. Dana, you would makeyour great-grandmother proud.Dana: Thanks.Tina: I've never had this type ofgreens hefore. They're good. Theysort of remind me of hok choy.Terrence: I'm glad you likethem. The recipe is my grandmother's.She also made thefluffiest buttermilk biscuits.Linda: Ooh, they sound good.Dana: But what if Great-Grandma could see us now? Whatwould she think of this crazy<strong>Thanksgiving</strong> meal?Terrence: Well, Gram understoodthe importance of tradition.And she understood the importanceof family. She used to saythat holiday meals remind us ofwho we are and where we camefrom. And, my heavens, shecertainly loved good food! Shewas a great Southern cook.Dana: Well, next year we'll makeGreat-Grandma's biscuits too.Right, Tina?Tina: Right.Darren: What about me? I madethe mashed potatoes. The bestmashed potatoes in the world.Narr 1: Just then, some potatoesstill stuck to the ceiling from thefood fight fall down and hitDarren square on the nose. Danaand Tina burst into laughter.Dana: I love the mashed potatoes!Tina: The best mashed potatoesin the world.Terrence: (taking Linda's handin his) Here's to our first<strong>Thanksgiving</strong> as a family. And toour first—and last—food fight.Darren: To annoying sisters.Tina: To mashed potatoes.Terrence: To turkey and duck!Linda: To our new family EDPlaywright Jennifer Chen is aprogram coordinator at TeachersNetwork in New York City.We Are What We EatIn Saving <strong>Thanksgiving</strong>, food acts as a focal point of family conflict.• On page 12, Darren says, "Yeah, why can't Linda and Tina eat likeAmericans? Like us?" Write a short dialogue between Darren and Tina,in which you imagine what they might say to each other on that subject.• On page 21, Terrence says, "[Gram] used to say that holiday mealsremind us of who we are and where we came from." What is yourfamily's traditional <strong>Thanksgiving</strong> (or other holiday) menu? How does itreflect Gram's philosophy?READ 21

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