
worlds-most-influential-scientific-minds-2014 worlds-most-influential-scientific-minds-2014

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Reuters/Tony GentileTHE WORLD’sMost InfluentialScientific Minds2014

Reuters/Tony GentileTHE WORLD’sMost InfluentialScientific Minds<strong>2014</strong>

“Research is to see whateverybody else has seen,and to think what nobodyelse has thought.”— Albert Szent-Gyorgyi (1893 – 1986)Physiologist and Nobel Prize recipientCover Image:The sun is viewed through a telescope at the Vatican Observatory in Castelgandolfo, south ofRome, June 23, 2005. In the sleepy lakeside village of Castelgandolfo, away from the noise andhaste of Rome, the Vatican is helping to train tomorrow’s astronomers, regardless of their religiousbeliefs. For the past 20 years, the Vatican Observatory, one of the world’s oldest astronomicalinstitutes, has selected young, promising scholars for courses at the papal summer palace.

introductionWho are some of the bestand brightest <strong>scientific</strong> <strong>minds</strong>of our time?Thomson Reuters answers this question, as it hasin the past, by analyzing data using its Web ofScience and InCites platforms to determine whichresearchers have produced work that is <strong>most</strong>frequently acknowledged by peers.These highly cited researchers were determinedby analyzing at citation data over the last 11 yearsto identify those who published the highestimpactwork (2002—2012 and 2012—2013). Theseindividuals are influencing the future direction oftheir fields, and of the world.Within this collection of <strong>most</strong> highly citedresearchers is a small subset of individualswho have published the greatest number ofhot papers during 2012-2013. Hot papers areranked in the top .1% by citations for their field.In addition to being highly cited over the lastdecade, these individuals have produced recentwork, within the last two years, that’s madea notable impact on their peers. They are theauthors of multiple hot papers, the publishers ofresearch and experiments that fellow scientistsfind groundbreaking and <strong>influential</strong>.The second section of researchers lists some3,200 individuals who published the greatestnumber of highly cited papers in one of 21 broadfields, 2002-2012. Highly cited papers rank inthe top 1% by citations for their field and year ofpublication. Both hot papers and highly citedpapers are featured in the Essential ScienceIndicators database of Thomson Reuters.It is precisely this type of recognition, recognitionby peers, in the form of citations, that makes theirstatus meaningful. The identification of theseindividuals is rooted in the collective, objectiveopinions of the <strong>scientific</strong> community. Fellowscientists, through their citations, give credit tothese people and their work.Everyone acknowledged in this book is a personof influence in the sciences and social sciences.They are the people who are on the cuttingedge of their fields. They are performing andpublishing work that their peers recognize asvital to the advancement of their science. Theseresearchers are, undoubtedly, among the <strong>most</strong><strong>influential</strong> <strong>scientific</strong> <strong>minds</strong> of our 3

Biomedicine Leads the Hottest Research (cont)Broad before a recent move to BrandeisUniversity. Meanwhile, Kristin Ardlie coauthored15 works, including two outside the main groupof reports.Genomics specialists contributing to thecore of hot papers also comprise colleaguesfrom Washington University in St. Louis(WUSTL). The <strong>most</strong> prolific from this groupis a name familiar from last year’s analysis:Richard K. Wilson, who contributed to 21 hotpapers. In addition to five TCGA papers, twoof Wilson’s hot papers derived from anotherlarge, multi-author collaboration, the HumanMicrobiome Project Consortium. (These papersactually figured in last year’s roundup and werestill sufficiently cited during 2013 to maintaintheir “hot” status.)authors: Elaine Mardis, who contributed to 21of the reports, and Li Ding and Robert Fulton,featured on 18. As with the Broad contingent, theWUSTL coauthors examined genomic aspects ofa range of diseases, including leukemia as wellas cancers of the brain, breast and retina.The remaining author representing thebiomedical sciences is another returnee fromlast year: Gregory Y.H. Lip of the University ofBirmingham, UK, who coauthored 17 Hot Papers.Along with general guidelines on the diagnosisand treatment of cardiovascular disease, Lipcontributed to studies of warfarin and aspirinin patients with heart failure, as well as papersutilizing a risk-prediction score for atrialfibrillation, and recommendations on theuse of oral anticoagulants.Joining Wilson among the coauthors on <strong>most</strong> ofthese papers were three WUSTL colleagues who,like Wilson, appeared in last year’s listing of hotHiggs Materials Honorable and More MentionAlthough this year’s selection of scientistsis particularly crowded with names frombiomedicine, the physical sciences alsoproduced prolific authors of hot papers.During 2013, Hua Zhang of NanyangTechnological University, Singapore, saw 16of his recent papers register as hot. They covera variety of nanomaterials designed for sensing,clean energy, and other applications. Thesematerials include graphene-based composites,single-layer conducting nanosheets, andthin-film transistor arrays.Nanomaterials research, and 16 hot papers,also bring Yi Cui of Stanford University tothe spotlight. Among the selection of highlycited papers by Cui and colleagues: the use ofgraphene-wrapped sulfur particles in lithiumsulfurbatteries; nanowire solar cells; and thefabrication of supercapacitors on a carbonnanotube“sponge”—a promising format forenergy storage.With 15 hot papers, Konstantin Novoselov ofthe University of Manchester, UK, returns to thelist. He last appeared in 2010, the same year inwhich he shared the Nobel Prize in Physics withManchester colleague Andre Geim, for the pair’sexperiments in extracting single-atomic-layergraphene from bulk graphite. Novoselov’sHot Papers examine various aspects andforms of graphene nanomaterials, includingsuperlattices and plasmonics, for electronicsand other applications.Completing the list of hot authors is Huijun Gao,director of the Research Institute of IntelligentControl and Systems at the Harbin Institute ofTechnology, China. Gao’s 15 hot papers concerncomputation and filtering for the control ofnetworks and other 5

Scientists withMultiple Hot PapersStacey B. GabrielInstitutionBroad Institute of MIT and HarvardFieldGenomics23Number of Hot PapersMatthew MeyersonInstitutionBroad Institute of MIT and HarvardFieldGenomics22Number of Hot PapersGad GetzInstitutionBroad Institute of MIT and HarvardFieldGenomics21Number of Hot PapersRichard K. WilsonInstitutionWashington University, St. LouisFieldGenomics21Number of Hot PapersEric S. LanderInstitutionBroad Institute of MIT and HarvardFieldGenomics20Number of Hot PapersElaine MardisInstitutionWashington University, St. LouisFieldGenomics20Number of Hot PapersMichael S. LawrenceInstitutionBroad Institute of MIT and HarvardFieldGenomics18Number of Hot PapersRobert FultonInstitutionWashington University, St. LouisFieldGenomics18Number of Hot Papers6 Highly Cited Research Directory

Li DingInstitutionWashington University, St. LouisFieldGenomics18Number of Hot PapersAndrey Y. SivachenkoInstitutionBrandeis UniversityFieldGenomics17Number of Hot PapersKristian CibulskisInstitutionBroad Institute of MIT and HarvardFieldGenomics17Number of Hot PapersHua ZhangInstitutionNanyang Technological UniversityFieldMaterials16Number of Hot PapersKristin ArdlieInstitutionBroad Institute of MIT and HarvardFieldGenomics15Number of Hot PapersGregory Y.H. LipInstitutionUniversity of BirminghamFieldCardiology17Number of Hot PapersYi CuiInstitutionStanford UniversityFieldMaterials16Number of Hot PapersKonstantin NovoselovInstitutionUniversity of ManchesterFieldMaterials15Number of Hot PapersHuijun GaoInstitutionHarbin Institute of TechnologyFieldComputation/Engineering15Number of Hot 7

Reuters/Ali JarekjiAgricultural Sciences8

Agricultural SciencesLAST NAMEFIRST NAMEMIDDLE NAMEPrimary AffiliationAubinet Marc University of Liege, Belgium BelgiumBaldocchi Dennis D University of California, Berkeley, USA USABarr Alan G Meteorol Serv Canada, Canada CanadaBartolome Begona CSIC, Spain SpainBauman Dale E Cornell University, USA USABecker Klaus University of Hohenheim, Germany GermanyBeecher Gary R USDA, USA USABerbigier Paul EPHYSE, France FranceBernhofer Christian Dresden University of Technology, Germany GermanyBlack T Andrew University of British Columbia, Canada CanadaBlomhoff Rune University of Oslo, Norway NorwayBlumberg Jeffrey B Tufts University, USA USABrighenti Furio University of Parma, Italy ItalyBurdge Graham C University of Southampton, UK UKCalder Philip C University of Southampton, UK UKCarle Reinhold University of Hohenheim, Germany GermanyCassidy Aedin University of East Anglia, UK UKChilliard Yves INRA, France FranceCrozier Alan The University of Glasgow, UK UKDaferera Dimitra J Agricultural University of Athens, Greece GreeceDavis Ken J Pennsylvania State University - University Park, USA USADe vuyst Luc Vrije University Brussel, Belgium BelgiumDebevere Johan Ghent University, Belgium BelgiumDecker Eric Andrew University of Massachusetts Amherst, USA USADel rio Daniele University of Parma, Italy ItalyDelcour Jan A KU Leuven, Belgium BelgiumDomingo Jose L University Rovira i Virgili, Spain SpainDuffield Todd F University of Guelph, Canada CanadaFalge Eva M Max Planck Inst Chem, Germany GermanyFogliano Vincenzo University of Naples Federico II, Italy ItalyFriedman Mendel USDA, USA USAGebhardt Susan E USDA, USA USAGomez-cordoves Carmen CSIC, Spain SpainGu Liwei University of Florida, USA USAGulcin Ilhami King Saud University, Saudi Arabia Saudi ArabiaHampsch-woodill Maureen Associates of Cape Cod, USA USAHanson Mark A University of Southampton, UK UKHaytowitz David B USDA, USA USAHeber David University of California, Los Angeles, USA USACountry/RegionHoChi-tangRutgers, The State University of New Jersey - NewBrunswick, USAUSAHolden Joanne M USDA, USA USAHollinger David Y US Forest Serv, USA USAHollman Peter C H University of Wageningen, Netherlands NetherlandsHu Frank B Harvard University, USA USAHuang Dejian National University of Singapore, Singapore SingaporeJackson Alan A University of Southampton, UK UKKalbitz Karsten University of Amsterdam, Netherlands NetherlandsKim Dae-ok Kyung Hee University South KoreaKim Se-kwon Pukyong National University South KoreaAgricultural 9

Agricultural SciencesLAST NAMEFIRST NAMEMIDDLE NAME Primary AffiliationCountry/RegionLal Rattan The Ohio State University - Columbus, USA USALambert Joshua D Pennsylvania State University - University Park, USA USALaw Beverly E Oregon State University, USA USALean Michael E J The University of Glasgow, UK UKLee C Y Cornell University, USA USALehotay Steven J USDA, USA USALeslie Ken E University of Guelph, Canada CanadaLillycrop Karen A University of Southampton, UK UKLindroth Anders Lund University, Sweden SwedenLiu Rui Hai Cornell University, USA USAMarschner Bernd University of Bochum, Germany GermanyMattila Pirjo H MTT Agrifood Res Finland, Finland FinlandMatzner Egbert University of Bayreuth, Germany GermanyMazza Giuseppe King Saud University, Saudi Arabia Saudi ArabiaMcclements David Julian University of Massachusetts Amherst, USA USAMeyers Tilden P NOAA ARL, USA USAMonson Russell K University of Colorado at Boulder, USA USAMorgenstern Kai RKW Kompetenzzentrum (Projektleitung), Germany GermanyMullen William The University of Glasgow, UK UKNesic Zoran University of British Columbia, Canada CanadaO'donnell Colm P University College Dublin, Ireland IrelandOechel Walter C San Diego State University, USA USAOu Boxin Dover Sci, USA USAPark Yeonhwa University of Massachusetts Amherst, USA USAPellegrini Nicoletta University of Parma, Italy ItalyPhillips Emma S University of Southampton, UK UKPilegaard Kim Technical University of Denmark, Denmark DenmarkPolissiou Moschos G Agricultural University of Athens, Greece GreecePrior Ronald L USDA, USA USARayman Margaret P University of Surrey, UK UKRemesy Christian INRA, France FranceRichardson Andrew D Harvard University, USA USARoberfroid Marcel B Catholic University of Louvain, Belgium BelgiumRowland Ian R The University of Reading, UK UKScalbert Augustin Int Agcy Res Canc IARC, France FranceSeeram Navindra P University of Rhode Island, USA USASerafini Mauro Research Center on Agricultural CRA-NUT, Italy ItalySetchell Kenneth Dr Childrens Hosp Med Ctr, USA USAShahidi Fereidoon Memorial University of Newfoundland, Canada CanadaSmith Pete University of Aberdeen, UK UKSurh Young-joon Seoul National University South KoreaSuyker Andrew E University of Nebraska Lincoln USATharanathan R N Cent Food Technol Res Inst IndiaTomas-barberan Francisco A CSIC SpainTrayhurn Paul King Saud University Saudi ArabiaTsao Rong Agr & Agri Food Canada CanadaVanraden Paul M USDA USAVellas Bruno Toulouse Univ Hosp FranceVerma Shashi B University of Nebraska Lincoln USAWeiss Jochen University of Hohenheim Germany10 Highly Cited Research Directory

Agricultural SciencesLAST NAMEFIRST NAMEMIDDLE NAMEPrimary AffiliationWillett Walter C Brigham & Womens Hosp, USA USAWilliamson Gary University of Leeds, UK UKWofsy Steven C Harvard University, USA USAWolfe Kelly L Cornell University, USA USAWolffram Siegfried University of Kiel, Germany GermanyWood I Stuart University of Liverpool, UK UKWrolstad Ronald E Oregon State University, USA USAWu Guoyao Texas A&M University - College Station, USA USAWu Xianli University of Arkansas at Little Rock, USA USAWu Xianzhong USAXu Liukang LI COR Biosci, USA USAYang Chung SRutgers, The State University of New Jersey -New Brunswick, USAUSAYin Yulong Chinese Academy of Sciences, China ChinaCountry/RegionAgricultural 11

Reuters/Dani CardonaBiology & Biochemistry12

Biology & BiochemistryLAST NAMEAebersoldFIRST NAMERuediMIDDLE NAMEPrimary AffiliationSwiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich,SwitzerlandAkira Shizuo Osaka University, Japan JapanApweiler Rolf EBI, UK UKAshburner Michael University of Cambridge, UK UKSwitzerlandBader Gary D University of Toronto, Canada CanadaBairoch Amos University of Geneva, Switzerland SwitzerlandBaker David University of Washington, USA USABarber Galt P University of California, Santa Cruz, USA USABarrell Daniel Wellcome Trust Sanger Inst, UK UKBarrett Tanya NIH, USA USABateman Alex European Bioinformat Inst, UK UKBeal Kathryn European Bioinformat Inst, UK UKBenson Dennis A NIH, USA USABinns David AlertMe, UK UKCountry/RegionBirneyEwanEuropean Molecular Biology Laboratory/EuropeanBioinformatics Institute/EMBL-EBI, UKUKBoeckmann Brigitte Swiss Inst Bioinformat, Switzerland SwitzerlandBork Peer European Mol Biol Lab, Germany GermanyBreaker Ronald R Yale University, USA USABridge Alan Swiss Inst Bioinformat, Switzerland SwitzerlandBrunak Soren Technical University of Denmark, Denmark DenmarkBryant Stephen H Natl Lib Med, USA USABustamante Carlos University of California, Berkeley, USA USACanese Kathi NIH, USA USACantley Lewis C Cornell University, USA USACarling David Imperial College London, UK UKChen Yuan European Bioinformat Inst, UK UKCherry J Michael Stanford University, USA USAChou Kuo-chen Gordon Life Science Institute, USA USAChurch Deanna M NIH, USA USAChurch George M Harvard University, USA USAClapham David E Childrens Hosp Boston, USA USAClawson Hiram University of California, Santa Cruz, USA USACline Melissa S University of California, Santa Cruz, USA USACoates Guy Wellcome Trust Sanger Inst, UK UKCole James R Michigan State University, USA USACollins James J Boston University, USA USACopley Richard R University of Oxford, UK UKCravatt Benjamin F Scripps Res Inst, USA USACroce Carlo Maria The Ohio State University - Columbus, USA USACunningham Fiona European Bioinformat Inst, UK UKDaley George Q Childrens Hosp, USA USADe Castro Edouard Swiss Inst Bioinformat SIB, Switzerland SwitzerlandDicuccio Michael NIH, USA USADiekhans Mark University of California, Santa Cruz, USA USADimmer Emily C European Bioinformat Inst, UK UKDobson Christopher M University of Cambridge, UK UKDoerks Tobias European Mol Biol Lab, Germany GermanyDreszer Timothy R University of California, Santa Cruz, USA USABiology & 13

Biology & BiochemistryLAST NAMEDrummond Alexei J The University of Auckland, New Zealand New ZealandDunker A KeithIndiana University-Purdue University at Indianapolis,USADurbin Richard Wellcome Trust Sanger Inst, UK UKEddy Sean R HHMI Janelia Farm Res Campus, USA USAEdgar Ron LifeMap Sci LTD, Israel IsraelEisenberg David S University of California, Los Angeles, USA USAFederhen Scott NIH, USA USAFernandez-suarez Xose M Wellcome Trust Genome Campus, UK UKFeuermann Marc Swiss Inst Bioinformat, Switzerland SwitzerlandFinn Robert D HHMI Janelia Farm Res Campus, USA USAFlicek Paul European Bioinformat Inst, UK UKFujita Pauline A University of California, Santa Cruz, USA USAGasteiger Elisabeth Swiss Inst Bioinformat SIB, Switzerland SwitzerlandGeer Lewis Y NIH, USA USAGerstein Mark B Yale University, USA USAGibson Toby J European Mol Biol Lab, Germany GermanyGlabe Charles G University of California, Irvine, USA USAGoto Susumu Kyoto University, Japan JapanGouaux Eric Oregon Health and Science University, USA USAGregory Philip D Sangamo BioSci Inc, USA USAGriffiths-jones Sam The University of Manchester, UK UKGrigoriev Igor V US DOE Joint Genome Institute , USA USAGygi Steven P Harvard University, USA USAHaft Daniel H J Craig Venter Inst, USA USAHammond Martin European Bioinformat Inst, UK UKHardie D Grahame The University of Dundee, UK UKHarte Rachel A University of California, Santa Cruz, USA USAHaussler David University of California, Santa Cruz, USA USAHenrissatFIRST NAMEBernardMIDDLE NAMEPrimary AffiliationCenter National de la Recherche scientifique(CNRS),FranceHermjakob Henning European Bioinformat Inst EMBL EBI, UK UKHerrero Javier European Bioinformat Inst, UK UKHinrichs Angie S University of California, Santa Cruz, USA USAHolmes Michael C Sangamo BioSci Inc, USA USAHubbard Tim J P Wellcome Trust Sanger Inst, UK UKHulo Nicolas University of Geneva, Switzerland SwitzerlandJensen Lars Juhl University of Copenhagen, Denmark DenmarkKanehisa Minoru Kyoto University, Japan JapanKapustin Yuri NIH, USA USAKarin Michael University of California, San Diego, USA USAKarolchik Donna University of California, Santa Cruz, USA USAKarp Peter D SRI Int, USA USAKarsch-mizrachi Ilene NIH, USA USAKasprzyk Arek San Raffaele Scientific Institute, Italy ItalyKaufman Randal J Sanford Burnham Med Res Inst, USA USAKeasling Jay D Joint Bioenergy Inst, USA USAKeefe Damian European Bioinformat Inst, UK UKKent W James University of California, Santa Cruz, USA USAKlionsky Daniel J University of Michigan - Ann Arbor, USA USACountry/RegionUSAFrance14 Highly Cited Research Directory

Biology & BiochemistryLAST NAMEFIRST NAMEKobilka Brian K Stanford University, USA USAKomatsu Masaaki Tokyo Metropolitan Inst Med Sci, Japan JapanKoonin Eugene V NIH, USA USAKuhn Michael Dresden University of Technology, Germany GermanyKuhn Robert M University of California, Santa Cruz, USA USAKulesha Eugene European Bioinformat Inst, UK UKKyrpides Nikos C King Abdulaziz University, Saudi Arabia Saudi ArabiaLander Eric S Broad Inst Harvard & MIT, USA USALangendijk-genevaux Petra S Paul Sabatier University (Toulouse 3), France FranceLetunic Ivica Biobyte Solut GmbH, Germany GermanyLevine Ross L Mem Sloan Kettering Canc Ctr, USA USALewis Suzanna E University of California, Berkeley, USA USALipman David J NIH, USA USALongden Ian European Bioinformat Inst, UK UKLopez Rodrigo EMBL, UK UKMackinnon Roderick Rockefeller University, USA USAMadden Thomas L NIH, USA USAMaglott Donna R NIH, USA USAMagrane Michele European Bioinformat Inst, UK UKMann Matthias Max Planck Inst Biochem, Germany GermanyMarchler-bauer Aron NIH, USA USAMartin Maria Jesus European Bioinformat Inst, UK UKMeyer Laurence R University of California, Santa Cruz, USA USAMiller Jeffrey C Sangamo BioSci Inc, USA USAMizushima Noboru Tokyo Medical and Dental University, Japan JapanMulder Nicola J University of Cape Town, South Africa South AfricaNatale Darren A Georgetown University, USA USANilius Bernd KU Leuven, Belgium BelgiumO'donovan Claire C European Bioinformat Inst, UK UKOrchard Sandra E European Bioinformat Inst EMBL EBI, UK UKOstell James NIH, USA USAPalsson Bernhard O University of California, San Diego, USA USAPatel Dinshaw J Mem Sloan Kettering Canc Ctr, USA USAPhilippe Herve University of Montreal, Canada CanadaPohl Andy Ctr Genom Regulat CRG, Spain SpainProctor Glenn Eagle Genomics, UK UKPruitt Kim D NIH, USA USAPuigserver Pere Harvard University, USA USAPutnam Nicholas H Rice University, USA USAQuake Stephen R Stanford University, USA USARaney Brian J University of California, Santa Cruz, USA USARasmussen Soren G F University of Copenhagen, Denmark DenmarkRebar Edward J Sangamo BioSci Inc, USA USAReiter Russel JThe University of Texas Health Science Center at SanAntonio, USARhead Brooke University of California, Santa Cruz, USA USARoechert Bernd Swiss Inst Bioinformat, Switzerland SwitzerlandRokhsar Daniel S University of California, Berkeley, USA USARosenbaum Daniel MMIDDLE NAMEPrimary AffiliationThe University of Texas Southwestern Medical Centerat Dallas, USACountry/RegionUSAUSABiology & 15

Biology & BiochemistryLAST NAMEFIRST NAMERosenbloom Kate R University of California, Santa Cruz, USA USARubinsztein David C University of Cambridge, UK UKSabatini David M Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), USA USASalamov Asaf A US DOE Joint Genome Institute, USA USASander Chris Mem Sloan Kettering Canc Ctr, USA USASayers Eric W NIH, USA USAScherer Philipp EThe University of Texas Southwestern Medical Centerat Dallas, USASchuler Gregory D NIH, USA USASchuster Michael European Bioinformat Inst, UK UKSearle Stephen M J Wellcome Trust Sanger Inst, UK UKSelengut Jeremy D University of Maryland, College Park, USA USASemenza Gregg L The Johns Hopkins University, USA USASequeira Edwin NIH, USA USAShen Hong-bin Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China ChinaSherry Stephen T NIH, USA USASigrist Christian J A University of Geneva, Switzerland SwitzerlandSimons Kai Max Planck Inst Mol Cell Biol & Genet, Germany GermanySirotkin Karl NIH, USA USASlater Guy European Bioinformat Inst, UK UKSmith James Wellcome Trust Sanger Inst, UK UKSmith Kayla E University of California, Santa Cruz, USA USASonnhammer Erik L L Stockholm University, Sweden SwedenSouvorov Alexandre NIH, USA USASpiegel Sarah Virginia Commonwealth University, USA USASpiegelman Bruce M Harvard University, USA USAStarchenko Grigory NIH, USA USAStevens Raymond C University of Southern California, USA USATakahashi Joseph SMIDDLE NAMEPrimary AffiliationThe University of Texas Southwestern Medical Centerat Dallas, USATatusova Tatiana A NIH, USA USAThomas Paul D University of Southern California, USA USATrevanion Stephen Wellcome Trust Sanger Inst, UK UKTsien Roger Y University of California, San Diego, USA USATuschl Thomas Rockefeller University, USA USATycko Robert NIDDKD, USA USAUrnov Fyodor D Sangamo BioSci Inc, USA USAUversky Vladimir N University of South Florida, USA USAVendruscolo Michele University of Cambridge, UK UKVidal Marc Dana Farber Canc Inst, USA USAVogel Jan-hinnerk Genentech Inc, USA USAVon Heijne Gunnar Stockholm University, Sweden SwedenVon Mering Christian University of Zurich, Switzerland SwitzerlandWagner Lukas NIH, USA USAWang Yanli Natl Lib Med, USA USAWeis William I Stanford University, USA USAWheeler David L Natl Inst Hlth, USA USAWhite Simon Baylor College of Medicine, USA USAWishart David S University of Alberta, Canada CanadaCountry/RegionUSAUSA16 Highly Cited Research Directory

Biology & BiochemistryLAST NAMEFIRST NAMEMIDDLE NAME Primary AffiliationWu Cathy H University of Delaware, USAYaschenko Eugene NIH, USAYoshimori Tamotsu Osaka University, JapanZweig Ann S University of California, Santa Cruz, USACountry/RegionBiology & 17

Reuters/PAUL HACKETTChemistry18

ChemistryLAST NAMEAckermann Lutz University of Goettingen, Germany GermanyAjayan Pulickel M Rice University, USA USAAlivisatos A Paul University of California, Berkeley, USA USAAntonietti Markus Max Planck Inst Colloids & Interfaces, Germany GermanyAvouris Phaedon H IBM Thomas J Watson Res Ctr, USA USABao Zhenan Stanford University, USA USABaran Phil S Scripps Res Inst, USA USABarbas Carlos F Scripps Res Inst, USA USABatten Stuart R Monash University, Australia AustraliaBawendi Moungi G Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), USA USABeller Matthias University of Rostock, Germany GermanyBergman Robert G University of California, Berkeley, USA USABertozzi Carolyn R University of California, Berkeley, USA USABisquert Juan Jaume I University, Spain SpainBolm Carsten RWTH Aachen University, Germany GermanyBredas Jean-luc Georgia Institute of Technology, USA USABrennecke Joan F University of Notre Dame, USA USABuchwald Stephen L Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), USA USAChampness Neil R University of Nottingham, UK UKChang Christopher J Lawrence Berkeley Natl Lab, USA USAChen Banglin The University of Texas at San Antonio, USA USAChen Jingyi University of Arkansas at Fayetteville, USA USAChen Xiao-ming Sun Yat-sen University, China ChinaCheng Hui-ming Chinese Academy of Sciences, China ChinaCheon Jinwoo Yonsei University, South Korea South KoreaChristou George University of Florida, USA USACompton Richard G University of Oxford, UK UKCooks R Graham Purdue University - West Lafayette, USA USACorma Avelino Polytechnic University of Valencia, Spain SpainCrabtree Robert H Yale University, USA USACui Yi Stanford University, USA USADai Hongjie Stanford University, USA USADinca Mircea Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), USA USADong Shaojun Chinese Academy of Sciences, China ChinaDresselhaus Mildred S Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), USA USADumesic James A University of Wisconsin - Madison, USA USAEchavarren Antonio MEddaoudiFIRST NAMEMohamedInstitute of Chemical Research of Catalonia (ICIQ),SpainKing Abdullah University of Science and Technology,Saudi ArabiaEl-sayed Mostafa A Georgia Institute of Technology, USA USASpainSaudi ArabiaEnders Dieter RWTH Aachen University, Germany GermanyFacchetti Antonio King Abdulaziz University, Saudi Arabia Saudi ArabiaFagnou Keith University of Ottawa, Canada CanadaFan Chunhai Chinese Academy of Sciences, China ChinaFarha Omar K Northwestern University, USA USAFerey Gerard University of Versailles, France FranceFeringa Ben L University of Groningen, Netherlands NetherlandsFokin Valery V Scripps Res Inst, USA USAFrechet Jean M JMIDDLE NAMEPrimary AffiliationKing Abdullah University of Science and Technology,Saudi ArabiaCountry/RegionSaudi 19

ChemistryLAST NAMEFurstner Alois Max Planck Inst Kohlenforsch, Germany GermanyFurukawa Hiroyasu University of California, Berkeley, USA USAGale Philip A University of Southampton, UK UKGao Song Peking University, China ChinaGarcia Hermenegildo King Abdulaziz University, Saudi Arabia Saudi ArabiaGlorius Frank University of Muenster, Germany GermanyGoddard William A California Institute of Technology, USA USAGratzelMichaelEcole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne,SwitzerlandGrimes Craig A Nanjing University of Technology, China ChinaSwitzerlandGrimme Stefan University of Bonn, Germany GermanyGrubbs Robert H California Institute of Technology, USA USAGuldi Dirk M University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, Germany GermanyGuo Shaojun Chinese Academy of Sciences, China ChinaHaddon Robert C University of California, Riverside, USA USAHagfeldt Anders Uppsala University, Sweden SwedenHalas Naomi J Rice University, USA USAHartwig John F University of California, Berkeley, USA USAHashmi A Stephen K University of Heidelberg, Germany GermanyHawker Craig J University of California, Santa Barbara, USA USAHeeger Alan J University of California, Santa Barbara, USA USAHobza Pavel Acad Sci Czech Republic, Czech CzechHouk Kendall N University of California, Los Angeles, USA USAHuang Jiaxing Northwestern University, USA USAHumphry-bakerRobinEcole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne,SwitzerlandHupp Joseph T Northwestern University, USA USAHutchings Graham J Cardiff University, UK UKSwitzerlandHyeon Taeghwan Seoul National University, South Korea South KoreaJacobsen Eric N Harvard University, USA USAJiang Lei Chinese Academy of Sciences, China ChinaJin Rongchao Carnegie Mellon University, USA USAJorgensen Karl Anker Aarhus University, Denmark DenmarkJun Young-wook University of California, San Francisco, USA USAKamat Prashant V University of Notre Dame, USA USAKaner Richard B University of California, Los Angeles, USA USAKim Jong Seung Korea University, South Korea South KoreaKimFIRST NAMEKimoonMIDDLE NAMEPrimary AffiliationPohang University of Science and Technology, SouthKoreaKitagawa Susumu Kyoto University, Japan JapanKong Jing Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), USA USAKotov Nicholas A University of Michigan - Ann Arbor, USA USALam Jacky W YThe Hong Kong University of Science and Technology,Hong Kong, ChinaChinaLanger Robert S Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), USA USALaw Matt University of California, Irvine, USA IrvineSouth KoreaLeclerc Mario Laval University, Canada CanadaLee Shuit-tong City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China ChinaLi Bi-jie Peking University, China ChinaLi Chao-jun McGill University, Canada CanadaLi Fu-you Fudan University, China ChinaCountry/Region20 Highly Cited Research Directory

ChemistryLAST NAMEFIRST NAMELi Yadong Tsinghua University, China ChinaLi Zhi-yuan Chinese Academy of Sciences, China ChinaLieber Charles M Harvard University, USA USALin Yuehe Washington State University - Pullman, USA USALin Wenbin University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, USA USAList Benjamin Max Planck Inst Kohlenforsch, Germany GermanyLiu Jun Pacific NW Natl Lab, USA USALiz-marzan Luis M King Saud University, Saudi Arabia Saudi ArabiaLong Jeffrey R University of California, Berkeley, USA USALu Gao Qing (Max) The University of Queensland, Australia AustraliaMa Shengqian University of South Florida, USA USAMacmillan David W C Princeton University, USA USAMarks Tobin J Northwestern University, USA USAMatyjaszewski Krzysztof Carnegie Mellon University, USA USAMeijer E W Bert Eindhoven University of Technology, Netherlands NetherlandsMilstein David Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel IsraelMirkin Chad A Northwestern University, USA USAMiura Masahiro Osaka University, Japan JapanMuellen Klaus Max Planck Inst Polymer Res, Germany GermanyMurphy Catherine J University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA USAMurray Christopher B University of Pennsylvania, USA USANazeeruddin Mohammad KhajaEcole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne,SwitzerlandNguyen Sonbinh T Northwestern University, USA USANocera Daniel G Harvard University, USA USASwitzerlandNolan Steven P King Saud University, Saudi Arabia Saudi ArabiaNordlander Peter Rice University, USA USANorskov Jens K SLAC Natl Accelerator Lab, USA USANozik Arthur J University of Colorado at Boulder, USA USAO'keeffe Michael Arizona State University - Tempe, USA USAPeng Xiaogang Zhejiang University, China ChinaPercec Virgil University of Pennsylvania, USA USAPiner Richard D The University of Texas at Austin, USA USAPlaxco Kevin W University of California, Santa Barbara, USA USAPrasad Paras N State University of New York at Buffalo, USA USAPrato Maurizio University of Trieste, Italy ItalyRao C N R Jawaharlal Nehru Ctr Adv Sci Res, India IndiaRogers Robin D The University of Alabama - Tuscaloosa, USA USARosi Nathaniel L University of Pittsburgh, USA USARotello Vincent M University of Massachusetts Amherst, USA USARueping Magnus RWTH Aachen University, Germany GermanyRuoff Rodney SMIDDLE NAMEPrimary AffiliationUlsan National Institute of Science and Technology,South KoreaRussell Thomas P University of Massachusetts Amherst, USA USASanford Melanie S University of Michigan - Ann Arbor, USA USASatoh Tetsuya Osaka University, Japan JapanSchatz George C Northwestern University, USA USASouth KoreaSchmuki Patrik University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, Germany GermanySerre Christian University of Versailles, France FranceSharpless K Barry Scripps Res Inst, USA USACountry/ 21

ChemistryLAST NAMEShi Zhang-jie Peking University, China ChinaSmalley Richard E Rice University, USA USASnurr Randall Q Northwestern University, USA USASomorjai Gabor A University of California, Berkeley, USA USAStephan Douglas W University of Toronto, Canada CanadaStoddart J Fraser Northwestern University, USA USAStrano Michael S Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), USA USAStupp Samuel I Northwestern University, USA USASu Zhong-min Northeast Normal University, China ChinaSun Licheng Dalian University of Technology, China ChinaSun Shouheng Brown University, USA USASun Yugang Argonne Natl Lab, USA USATalapin Dmitri V Argonne Natl Lab, USA USATan Weihong Hunan University, China ChinaTang Ben ZhongTianHeThe Hong Kong University of Science and Technology,Hong Kong, ChinaEast China University of Science and Technology,ChinaToste F Dean University of California, Berkeley, USA USATour James M Rice University, USA USATrost Barry M Stanford University, USA USATruhlar Donald G University of Minnesota, Twin Cities, USA USAVan Duyne Richard P Northwestern University, USA USAWang Peng Chinese Academy of Sciences, China ChinaWang Erkang Chinese Academy of Sciences, China ChinaWang Joseph University of California, San Diego, USA USAWang Zhong Lin Georgia Institute of Technology, USA USAWang Zhong Lin ,Weitz David A Harvard University, USA USAWeller Horst University of Hamburg, Germany GermanyWernsdorfer Wolfgang CNRS, France FranceWhitesides George M Harvard University, USA USAWiley Benjamin J Duke University, USA USAWillner Itamar The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel IsraelWuerthner Frank University of Wuerzburg, Germany GermanyXia Younan Georgia Institute of Technology, USA USAXu Bing King Abdulaziz University, Saudi Arabia Saudi ArabiaXu Qiang Natl Inst Adv Ind Sci & Technol, Japan JapanYaghi Omar M University of California, Berkeley, USA USAYan Chun-hua Peking University, China ChinaYang Peidong University of California, Berkeley, USA USAYang Yang University of California, Los Angeles, USA USAYin Yadong University of California, Riverside, USA USAYoon Juyoung Ewha Womans University, South Korea South KoreaYu Jiaguo Wuhan University of Technology, China ChinaYu Jin-quan Scripps Res Inst, USA USAYumFIRST NAMEJun-hoEcole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne,SwitzerlandYus Miguel University of Alicante, Spain SpainZakeeruddin Shaik MMIDDLE NAMEPrimary AffiliationEcole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne,SwitzerlandCountry/RegionChinaChinaSwitzerlandSwitzerland22 Highly Cited Research Directory

ChemistryLAST NAMEFIRST NAMEMIDDLE NAME Primary AffiliationCountry/RegionZaworotko Michael J University of Limerick, Ireland IrelandZhang Jie-peng Sun Yat-sen University, China ChinaZhang Liming University of California, Santa Barbara, USA USAZhao Dongyuan Fudan University, China ChinaZhao Yan Hewlett Packard Corp, USA USAZheng Lan-sun Xiamen University, China ChinaZhou Hong-cai Joe Texas A&M University - College Station, USA USAZhu Daoben Chinese Academy of Sciences, China ChinaZink Jeffrey I University of California, Los Angeles, USA 23

Clinical Medicine“If we knew what it was wewere doing, it would not becalled research, would it?”— Albert Einstein (1879 – 1955)Theoretical physicist and Nobel Prize recipientReuters/David Gray24

Clinical MedicineLAST NAMEAbraham William T The Ohio State University - Columbus, USA USAAchenbach Stephan University of Giessen, Germany GermanyAggarwal Bharat BThe University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center,USAAkira Shizuo Osaka University, Japan JapanAlbers Gregory W Stanford University, USA USAAlder Hansjuerg The Ohio State University - Columbus, USA USAAltman Douglas G University of Oxford, UK UKAnderson Jeffrey L Intermt Med Ctr, USA USAAnderson Garnet L Fred Hutchinson Canc Res Ctr, USA USAAnderson Kenneth C Harvard University, USA USAAngiolillo Dominick J University of Florida, USA USAAntman Elliott M Brigham &Womens Hosp, USA USAAnversa Piero Harvard University, USA USAAppel Lawrence J The Johns Hopkins University, USA USAAshworth Alan Inst Canc Res, UK UKAvezum Alvaro Hosp Coracao, Brazil BrazilBaccarani Michele University of Bologna, Italy ItalyBaigent Colin University of Oxford, UK UKBakris George L University of Chicago, USA USABallantyne Christie M Baylor College of Medicine, USA USABardelli Alberto University of Turin, Italy ItalyBarlogie Bart University of Arkansas at Little Rock, USA USABarst Robyn J Columbia University, USA USABarter Philip J Heart Res Inst, Australia AustraliaBaselga Jose Mem Sloan Kettering Canc Ctr, USA USABates Eric R University of Michigan - Ann Arbor, USA USABax Jeroen J Leiden University, Netherlands NetherlandsBecker Richard C University of Cincinnati, USA USABellomo Rinaldo Monash University, Australia AustraliaBenjamin Emelia J Boston University, USA USABerger Peter B Weis Ctr Res, USA USABerman Daniel S Cedars Sinai Heart Inst, USA USABerry Donald AThe University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center,USABhatt Deepak L Brigham & Womens Hosp, USA USABlack Henry R New York University, USA USABlade Joan Hosp Clin Barcelona, Spain SpainBlair Steven N University of South Carolina - Columbia, USA USABloomfield Clara D The Ohio State University - Columbus, USA USABoccadoro Mario University of Turin, Italy ItalyBoersma Eric Erasmus MC, Netherlands NetherlandsBoerwinkleFIRST NAMEEricThe University of Texas Health Science Center atHouston, USABonow Robert O Northwestern University, USA USABosch F Xavier Inst Catala Oncol IDIBELL, Spain SpainBraunwald Eugene Brigham & Womens Hosp, USA USABreteler Monique M BMIDDLE NAMEPrimary AffiliationGerman Center for Neurodegenerative Diseases(DZNE), GermanyBruix Jordi University of Barcelona, Spain SpainUSAUSAUSAGermanyBudaj Andrzej Grochowski Hosp, Poland PolandCountry/RegionClinical 25

Clinical MedicineLAST NAME FIRST NAME MIDDLE NAME Primary Affiliation Country/RegionBudoff Matthew J Los Angeles Biomed Res Inst, USA USABuring Julie E Harvard University, USA USABuse John B University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, USA USABuzdar Aman UThe University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center,USACaliff Robert M Duke Translat Med Inst, USA USACalin George AdrianThe University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center,USACalkins Hugh The Johns Hopkins University, USA USACampbell Peter J Addenbrookes Hosp, UK UKCampo Elias University of Barcelona, Spain SpainCannon Christopher P Brigham & Womens Hosp, USA USACauley Jane A University of Pittsburgh, USA USAChertow Glenn M Stanford University, USA USAChinnaiyan Arul M University of Michigan - Ann Arbor, USA USAChlebowski Rowan T Harbor UCLA Med Ctr, USA USAClarke Robert J University of Oxford, UK UKCleland John G F Imperial College London, UK UKCleversHansRoyal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences,NetherlandsCohen David J University of Missouri - Kansas City, USA USACollins Rory University of Oxford, UK UKColombel Jean-frederic Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, USA USAColombo Antonio Ist Sci San Raffaele, Italy ItalyUSAUSANetherlandsConnolly Stuart J McMaster University, Canada CanadaConnors Joseph M British Columbia Canc Agcy, Canada CanadaCook Nancy R Harvard University, USA USACooper Cyrus University of Southampton, UK UKCoresh Josef The Johns Hopkins University, USA USACorless Christopher L Oregon Health and Science University, USA USACortes Jorge EThe University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center,USACreager Mark A Brigham & Womens Hosp, USA USACroce Carlo Maria The Ohio State University - Columbus, USA USACrowley John J Canc Res & Biostat, USA USACummings Steven R University of California, San Francisco, USA USACutlip Donald E Beth Israel Deaconess Med Ctr, USA USACuzick Jack Queen Mary, U. of London, UK UKD'agostino Ralph B Boston University, USA USADahlof Bjorn University of Gothenburg, Sweden SwedenDaley George Q Childrens Hosp, USA USADanesh John University of Cambridge, UK UKDaniels Stephen R Hlth Sci Ctr, USA USADavidson Nancy E University of Pittsburgh, USA USADawson-hughes Bess Tufts University, USA USADe Backer Guy Ghent University, Belgium BelgiumDe Bono Johann Sebastian Inst Canc Res, UK UKDeininger Michael W N University of Utah, USA USADemetri George D Dana Farber Canc Inst, USA USADevarajan Prasad University of Cincinnati, USA USADickstein Kenneth University of Bergen, Norway NorwayUSA26 Highly Cited Research Directory

Clinical MedicineLAST NAME FIRST NAME MIDDLE NAME Primary Affiliation Country/RegionDiener Hans-christoph University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany GermanyDimmeler Stefanie University of Frankfurt, Germany GermanyDimopoulos Meletios ANational and Kapodistrian University of Athens,GreeceDipersio John F Washington University in St. Louis, USA USAGreeceDoehner Hartmut University of Ulm, Germany GermanyDouek Daniel C NIAID, USA USADougados Maxime University of Paris Descartes (Paris 5), France FranceDowning James R St Jude Childrens Hosp, USA USADowsett Mitch Royal Marsden Hosp, UK UKDrexler Helmut Hannover Medical School, Germany GermanyDruker Brian J Oregon Health and Science University, USA USAEbrahim Shah B London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, UK UKEgger Matthias University of Bern, Switzerland SwitzerlandEikelboom John W McMaster University, Canada CanadaEl-serag Hashem B Baylor College of Medicine, USA USAEmery Paul Leeds Teaching Hosp Trust, UK UKEngelman Jeffrey A Harvard University, USA USAEzekowitz Michael D Lankenau Inst Med Res, USA USAFacon Thierry Hop Claude Huriez, France FranceFagard Robert H KU Leuven, Belgium BelgiumFaxon David P Brigham & Womens Hosp, USA USAFehrenbacher Louis Kaiser Permanente Oncol Clin Trials, USA USAFerrara Napoleone University of California, San Diego, USA USAFerrucci Luigi NIA, USA USAFlaherty Keith T Massachusetts Gen Hosp, USA USAFlegal Katherine M Ctr Dis Control & Prevent, USA USAFolsom Aaron R University of Minnesota, Twin Cities, USA USAFonarow Gregg C University of California, Los Angeles, USA USAForbes John F University of Newcastle, Australia AustraliaFord Earl S Ctr Dis Control & Prevent, USA USAFord Ian The University of Glasgow, UK UKFox Caroline S Harvard University, USA USAFox Keith A A The University of Edinburgh, UK UKFuchs Charles S Brigham & Womens Hosp, USA USAFunahashi Tohru Osaka University, Japan JapanFurberg Curt D Wake Forest University, USA USAFuster Valentin CNIC, Spain SpainFutreal P AndrewThe University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center,USAGabriel Stacey B Broad Inst, USA USAGalie Nazzareno University of Bologna, Italy ItalyGanser Arnold Hannover Medical School, Germany GermanyGarraway Levi A Broad Inst Harvard & MIT, USA USAGascoyne Randy D British Columbia Canc Agcy, Canada CanadaGazdar Adi FThe University of Texas Southwestern Medical Centerat Dallas, USAGaziano J Michael Boston Vet Affairs Healthcare Syst, USA USAGerald William L Mem Sloan Kettering Canc Ctr, USA USAGersh Bernard J Mayo Medical School USAGetz Gad Broad Inst MIT & Harvard, USA USAUSAUSAClinical 27

Clinical MedicineLAST NAME FIRST NAME MIDDLE NAME Primary Affiliation Country/RegionGibson C Michael Brigham & Womens Hosp, USA USAGill Inderbir S University of Southern California, USA USAGilliland D Gary Merck Res Labs, USA USAGiovannucci Edward L Brigham & Womens Hosp, USA USAGo Alan S Kaiser Permanente No Calif, USA USAGoldman John M Imperial Coll Healthcare NHS Trust, UK UKGolub Todd R Dana Farber Canc Inst, USA USAGoodman Zachary D Betty & Guy Beatty Ctr Integrat Res, USA USAGranger Christopher B Duke University, USA USAGreene Tom University of Utah, USA USAGreenland Philip Northwestern University, USA USAGrobbee Diederick E Univ Med Ctr Utrecht, Netherlands NetherlandsGrundy Scott MThe University of Texas Southwestern Medical Centerat Dallas, USAGuagliumi Giulio Osped Riuniti Bergamo, Italy ItalyGuilhot Francois University of Poitiers, France FranceGuyatt Gordon H McMaster University, Canada CanadaHaber Daniel A Harvard University, USA USAHacke Werner University of Heidelberg, Germany GermanyHaffner Steven MThe University of Texas Health Science Center at SanAntonio, USAHaissaguerre Michel H R University of Bordeaux, France FranceHalperin Jonathan L Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, USA USAHamm Christian W Kerckhoff Heart Ctr, Germany GermanyHanauer Stephen B Northwestern University, USA USAHarousseau Jean-luc Hop Hotel Dieu, France FranceHarrington Robert A Stanford University, USA USAHarris Adrian L University of Oxford, UK UKHarris Tamara B NIA, USA USAHayes Daniel F University of Michigan - Ann Arbor, USA USAHe Jiang Tulane University, USA USAHeinrich Michael C Oregon Health and Science University, USA USAHeiss Gerardo University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, USA USAHendrix Susan L Detroit Medical Ctr, USA USAHerbst Roy S Yale Canc Ctr, USA USAHicklin Daniel J CoStim, USA USAHideshima Teru Dana Farber Canc Inst, USA USAHiratzka Loren F Good Samaritan Hosp, USA USAHochhaus Andreas Univ Klinikum Jena, Germany GermanyHofman Albert Erasmus MC, Netherlands NetherlandsHohnloser Stefan H University of Frankfurt, Germany GermanyHolick Michael F Boston University, USA USAHolman Rury R University of Oxford, UK UKHolmes David R Mayo Medical School, USA USAHortobagyi Gabriel NThe University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center,USAHoward Barbara V Medstar Res Inst, USA USAHruban Ralph H The Johns Hopkins University, USA USAHu Frank B Harvard University, USA USAHudis Clifford A Mem Sloan Kettering Canc Ctr, USA USAHughes Timothy P The University of Adelaide, Australia AustraliaUSAUSAUSA28 Highly Cited Research Directory

Clinical MedicineLAST NAME FIRST NAME MIDDLE NAME Primary Affiliation Country/RegionHumbert Marc University of Paris Sud (Paris 11), France FranceHunt Sharon Ann Stanford University, USA USAIngle James N Mayo Medical School, USA USAIoannidis John P A Stanford University, USA USAJacobs Alice K Boston Med Ctr, USA USAJaenisch Rudolf Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), USA USAJaenne Pasi A Dana Farber Canc Inst, USA USAJain Rakesh K Massachusetts Gen Hosp, USA USAJames Stefan K Uppsala University, Sweden SwedenJemal Ahmedin Amer Canc Soc, USA USAJohnson Bruce E Dana Farber Canc Inst, USA USAJohnson David HThe University of Texas Southwestern Medical Centerat Dallas, USAJohnson Karen C University of Tennessee Health Science Center, USA USAKajstura Jan Harvard University, USA USAKanis John A The University of Sheffield, UK UKKantarjian Hagop MThe University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center,USAKaouk Jihad H Cleveland Clin, USA USAKastelein John J P University of Amsterdam, Netherlands NetherlandsKastrati Adnan Deutsch Herzzentrum Munich, Germany GermanyKatus Hugo A University of Heidelberg, Germany GermanyKhaw Kay-tee University of Cambridge, UK UKKihara Shinji Osaka University, Japan JapanKinzler Kenneth W Johns Hopkins Kimmel Canc Ctr, USA USAKjeldsen Sverre E University of Oslo, Norway NorwayKober Lars Rigshosp, Denmark DenmarkKolodgie Frank D CVPath Inst, USA USAKomajda Michel Hop La Pitie Salpetriere, France FranceKris Mark G Mem Sloan Kettering Canc Ctr, USA USAKroemer Guido University of Paris Descartes (Paris 5), France FranceKrumholz Harlan M Yale University, USA USAKuller Lewis H University of Pittsburgh, USA USAKyle Robert A Mayo Medical School, USA USALacroix Andrea Z Fred Hutchinson Canc Res Ctr, USA USALander Eric S Broad Inst Harvard & MIT, USA USALandewe Robert B M University of Amsterdam, Netherlands NetherlandsLansky Alexandra J Yale University, USA USALarson Martin G Boston University, USA USALarson Richard A University of Chicago, USA USALeon Martin B Columbia University, USA USALeri Annarosa Harvard University, USA USALevey Andrew S Tufts Med Ctr, USA USALevy Daniel Framingham Heart Dis Epidemiol Study, USA USALibby Peter Brigham & Womens Hosp, USA USALip Gregory Y H University of Birmingham, UK UKLiuChang-gongThe University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center,USALlovet Josep M University of Barcelona, Spain SpainLloyd-jones Donald M Northwestern University, USA USALok Anna S F University of Michigan - Ann Arbor, USA USAUSAUSAUSAClinical 29

Clinical MedicineLAST NAME FIRST NAME MIDDLE NAME Primary Affiliation Country/RegionLynch Thomas J Yale Canc Ctr, USA USAMaggioni Aldo Pietro Assoc Nazl Med Cardiol Osped ANMCO Res Ctr, Italy ItalyMancia Giuseppe University of Milan - Bicocca, Italy ItalyManns Michael P Hannover Medical School, Germany GermanyManson Joann E Harvard University, USA USAMarcellin Patrick Beaujon Hosp, France FranceMarcucci Guido The Ohio State University - Columbus, USA USAMardis Elaine R Washington University in St. Louis, USA USAMassaro Joseph M Boston University, USA USAMathers Colin Douglas WHO, Switzerland SwitzerlandMatsuzawa Yuji Sumitomo Hosp, Japan JapanMcHutchison John G Gilead Sci, USA USAMcMurray John J V The University of Glasgow, UK UKMehilli Julinda Deutsch Herzzentrum Munich, Germany GermanyMehran Roxana Mt Sinai Med Ctr, USA USAMeigs James B Harvard University, USA USAMelton Lee Joseph Mayo Medical School, USA USAMeyerson Matthew L Brigham & Womens Hosp, USA USAMiller Vincent A Foundation Medicine, USA USAMills Gordon BThe University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center,USAMitsiades Constantine S Harvard University, USA USAMoher David Ottawa Hosp, Canada CanadaMontalescot Gilles CHU Pitie Salpetriere, France FranceMontori Victor M Knowledge & Evaluat Res Unit, USA USAMozaffarian Dariush Brigham & Womens Hosp, USA USAMurphy Sabina A Brigham & Womens Hosp, USA USANathan David M Massachusetts Gen Hosp, USA USANewman Anne B University of Pittsburgh, USA USANichol Graham University of Washington, USA USANieminen Markku S University of Helsinki, Finland FinlandNissen Steven E Cleveland Clin, USA USANorton Larry Mem Sloan Kettering Canc Ctr, USA USAOgino Shuji Brigham & Womens Hosp, USA USAOhman Erik Magnus Duke University, USA USAOlson Eric N UT Southwestern Medical Center, USA USAOsborne C Kent Baylor College of Medicine, USA USAPage Richard L University of Wisconsin - Madison, USA USAPalumbo Antonio University of Turin, Italy ItalyPao William Vanderbilt University, USA USAPeiris Joseph S M HKU Pasteur Res Ctr, China ChinaPencina Michael J Duke University, USA USAPerez Edith A Mayo Medical School, USA USAPerou Charles M University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, USA USAPeterson Eric D Duke Clin Res Inst, USA USAPeto Richard University of Oxford, UK UKPfeffer Marc A Brigham & Womens Hosp, USA USAPocock Stuart J London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, UK UKPogue Janice Hamilton Hlth Sci, Canada CanadaPoole-wilson Philip Alexander Imperial College London, UK UKUSA30 Highly Cited Research Directory

Clinical MedicineLAST NAME FIRST NAME MIDDLE NAME Primary Affiliation Country/RegionPopma Jeffrey J Beth Israel Deaconess Med Ctr, USA USAPoulter Neil R Imperial College London, UK UKPrins Martin H University of Maastricht, Netherlands NetherlandsPriori Silvia Giuliana IRCCS Salvatore Maugeri Fdn, Italy ItalyPritchard Kathleen I Sunnybrook Odette Canc Ctr, Canada CanadaPsaty Bruce M University of Washington, USA USAPusztai Lajos Yale University, USA USARader Daniel J University of Pennsylvania, USA USARajkumar S Vincent Mayo Medical School, USA USAReis-filho Jorge S Inst Canc Res, UK UKRemuzziGiuseppeIRCCS Mario Negri Institute for PharmacologicalResearch, ItalyRestifo Nicholas P NCI, USA USARichardson Paul G Dana Farber Canc Inst, USA USARidker Paul M Brigham & Womens Hosp, USA USARifaiNaderBoston Children's Hospital & Harvard Medical School,USAUSARimm Eric B Brigham & Womens Hosp, USA USARini Brian I Cleveland Clin Fdn, USA USARoger Veronique L Mayo Medical School, USA USARosenberg Steven A NCI, USA USARosenwald Andreas University of Wuerzburg, Germany GermanyRothwell Peter M University of Oxford, UK UKRubin Lewis J University of California, San Diego, USA USARubin Mark A Cornell University, USA USARutgeerts Paul J KU Leuven, Belgium BelgiumSaglio Giuseppe University of Turin, Italy ItalySandborn William J University of California, San Diego, USA USASargent Daniel J Mayo Medical School, USA USASattar Naveed The University of Glasgow, UK UKSawyers Charles L Mem Sloan Kettering Canc Ctr, USA USAScher Howard I Mem Sloan Kettering Canc Ctr, USA USASchoemig Albert Deutsch Herzzentrum Munich, Germany GermanySchreiber Stefan University of Kiel, Germany GermanySellers William R Novartis Inst BioMed Res, USA USASerruys Patrick W J C Erasmus University, Netherlands NetherlandsSettleman Jeffrey Genentech Inc, USA USAShaw Jonathan E Baker IDI Heart & Diabet Inst, Australia AustraliaShaw Leslee J Emory University, USA USAShekelle Paul G RAND Hlth, USA USASiena Salvatore Osped Niguarda Ca Granda, Italy ItalySimonneau Gerald Ctr Chirurg Marie Lannelongue, France FranceSiscovick David S University of Washington, USA USASleight Peter John Radcliffe Hosp, UK UKSmith George Davey University of Bristol, UK UKSmith Robert A Amer Canc Soc, USA USASmith Sidney C University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, USA USASmolen Josef S Hietzing Hosp, Austria AustriaSolomon Scott D Brigham & Womens Hosp, USA USASonneveld Pieter Erasmus MC, Netherlands NetherlandsItalyClinical 31

Clinical MedicineLAST NAME FIRST NAME MIDDLE NAME Primary Affiliation Country/RegionSosman Jeffrey A Vanderbilt University, USA USASpertus John A St Lukes Hosp, USA USAStaessen Jan A KU Leuven, Belgium BelgiumStampfer Meir J Brigham & Womens Hosp, USA USAStaudt Louis M NCI, USA USAStefanick Marcia L Stanford University, USA USASteg Philippe Gabriel INSERM, France FranceStevenson Lynne Warner Brigham & Womens Hosp, USA USAStone Gregg W Columbia University, USA USAStone Richard M Dana Farber Canc Inst, USA USAStratton Michael R Wellcome Trust Sanger Inst, UK UKSwedberg Karl B University of Gothenburg, Sweden SwedenTallman Martin S Mem Sloan Kettering Canc Ctr, USA USATavazziLuigiGVM Care&Research – E.S. Health ScienceFoundation, ItalyTefferi Ayalew Mayo Medical School, USA USATendera Michal Medical University of Silesia, Poland PolandTeo Koon K McMaster University, Canada CanadaThompson Simon G MRC, UK UKThomson James A Morgridge Inst Res, USA USAThun Michael J Amer Canc Soc, USA USATognoni Gianni Consorzio Mario Negri Sud, Italy ItalyTopol Eric J Scripps Clin, USA USATorp-pedersen Christian Aalborg University, Denmark DenmarkTuomilehto Jaakko Danube University Krems, Austria AustriaTuzcu E Murat Cleveland Clin, USA USAUitterlinden Andre G Erasmus MC, Netherlands NetherlandsUyeki Timothy M Ctr Dis Control & Prevent, USA USAVahanian Alec Hop Bichat Claude Bernard, France FranceVan Assche Gert KU Leuven, Belgium BelgiumVan Cutsem Eric KU Leuven, Belgium BelgiumVan De Vijver Marc University of Amsterdam, Netherlands NetherlandsVan De Werf Frans KU Leuven, Belgium BelgiumVan Der Heijde Desiree M F M Leiden University, Netherlands NetherlandsVan't Veer Laura J Netherlands Canc Inst, Netherlands NetherlandsVasan Ramachandran S Boston University, USA USAVelculescu Victor E Johns Hopkins Kimmel Canc Ctr, USA USAVermeire Severine KU Leuven, Belgium BelgiumVirmani Renu CVPath Inst, USA USAVogelstein Bert Johns Hopkins Kimmel Canc Ctr, USA USAVolinia Stefano The Ohio State University - Columbus, USA USAWallentin Lars C Uppsala Clin Res Ctr, Sweden SwedenWalsh Thomas J Cornell University, USA USAWang Thomas Jue-fuu Vanderbilt University, USA USAWard Elizabeth M Amer Canc Soc, USA USAWareham Nicholas J Med Res Council, UK UKWebb John G St Pauls Hosp, Canada CanadaWedel Hans Nord Sch Publ Hlth, Sweden SwedenWeissleder Ralph Harvard University, USA USAWeissman Irving L Stanford University, USA USAItaly32 Highly Cited Research Directory

Clinical MedicineLAST NAME FIRST NAME MIDDLE NAME Primary Affiliation Country/RegionWeller Michael University of Zurich, Switzerland SwitzerlandWhite Harvey D Auckland City Hosp, New Zealand New ZealandWillett Walter C Brigham & Womens Hosp, USA USAWilson Peter W F Emory University, USA USAWilson Richard K Washington University in St. Louis, USA USAWindecker Stephan Bern Univ Hosp, Switzerland SwitzerlandWiner Eric P Dana Farber Canc Inst, USA USAWitteman Jacqueline C M Erasmus MC, Netherlands NetherlandsWiviott Stephen D Brigham & Womens Hosp, USA USAWolmark Norman Allegheny Gen Hosp, USA USAWoodward Mark The George Institute for Global Health, Australia AustraliaYancy Clyde W Northwestern University, USA USAYang James C NCI, USA USAYusuf Salim Hamilton Hlth Sci, Canada CanadaZeiher Andreas M University of Frankfurt, Germany GermanyZeuzem Stefan University of Frankfurt, Germany GermanyZimmet Paul Z Baker IDI Heart & Diabet Inst, Australia AustraliaZinman Bernard University of Toronto, Canada CanadaClinical 33

Reuters/VINCENT WESTComputer Science34

Computer ScienceLAST NAMEAbecasis Goncalo R University of Michigan - Ann Arbor, USA USAAkyildiz Ian F Georgia Institute of Technology, USA USAAndrews Jeffrey G The University of Texas at Austin, USA USAAtluri Satya N King Abdulaziz University, Saudi Arabia Saudi ArabiaBach Francis R Ecole Normale Superieure - Paris, France FranceBader Gary D University of Toronto, Canada CanadaBazilevs Yuri University of California, San Diego, USA USABerriman Matthew Wellcome Trust Sanger Inst, UK UKBolcskeiHelmutSwiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich,SwitzerlandBoneh Dan Stanford University, USA USABotstein David Princeton University, USA USABoyd Stephen P Stanford University, USA USASwitzerlandBrinkman Fiona S L Simon Fraser University, Canada CanadaCaire Giuseppe University of Southern California, USA USACalo Victor MKing Abdullah University of Science and Technology,Saudi ArabiaCandes Emmanuel J Stanford University, USA USACarver Tim J Wellcome Trust Sanger Inst, UK UKChou Kuo-Chen Gordon Life Science Institute, USA USACohen-or Daniel Tel Aviv University, Israel IsraelCottrell J Austin Citigroup Inc USA, USA USACristianini Nello University of Bristol, UK UKSaudi ArabiaDe Moor Bart L R KU Leuven, Belgium BelgiumDelcher Arthur L University of Maryland, College Park, USA USADing Feng Jiangnan University, China ChinaDonoho David L Stanford University, USA USADougherty Edward R Texas A&M University - College Station, USA USADurbin Richard M Wellcome Trust Sanger Inst, UK UKEddy Sean R HHMI Janelia Farm Res Campus, USA USAEl Gamal Hesham The Ohio State University - Columbus, USA USAElofsson Arne Stockholm University, Sweden SwedenErkip Elza New York University, USA USAEstrin Deborah Cornell University, USA USAFang Hong US FDA, USA USAFedkiw Ronald Stanford University, USA USAFloudas Christodoulos A Princeton University, USA USAFoster Ian T University of Chicago, USA USAFrost Simon D W University of Cambridge, UK UKGarcia Salvador University of Jaen, Spain SpainGastparFIRST NAMEMichaelMIDDLE NAMEPrimary AffiliationEcole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne,SwitzerlandSwitzerlandGesbert David EURECOM, France FranceGiannakis Georgios B University of Minnesota, Twin Cities, USA USAGilles Ernst D Max Planck Inst Dynam Complex Tech Syst, Germany GermanyGoldsmith Andrea J Stanford University, USA USAGrossmann Ignacio E Carnegie Mellon University, USA USAHan Zhidong University of California, Irvine, USA USAHaussler David University of California, Santa Cruz, USA USAHeath Robert W The University of Texas at Austin, USA USAHerrera Francisco University of Granada, Spain SpainCountry/RegionComputer 35

Computer ScienceLAST NAMEFIRST NAMEHiggins Desmond G University College Dublin, Ireland IrelandHirschman Lynette A Mitre Corp, USA USAHochwald Bertrand M University of Notre Dame, USA USAHughes Thomas Jr The University of Texas at Austin, USA USAIrizarry Rafael A Harvard University, USA USAJafar Syed Ali University of California, Irvine, USA USAJindal Nihar University of Minnesota, Twin Cities, USA USAJones David T University College London, UK UKJones Steven J M Genome Sci Ctr, Canada CanadaJordan Michael I University of California, Berkeley, USA USAJurisica Igor Ontario Canc Inst, Canada CanadaKarger David R Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), USA USAKoetter Ralf Germany GermanyKohane Isaac S Harvard University, USA USAKramer Gerhard Technical University Munich, Germany GermanyKumar Sudhir Arizona State University - Tempe, USA USALengauer Thomas Max Planck Inst Informat, Germany GermanyLi Heng Broad Inst, USA USALi Weizhong University of California, San Diego, USA USALiang Ying-Chang ASTAR, Singapore SingaporeLiu Wing Kam Northwestern University, USA USALiu Chein-Shan National Taiwan University, Taiwan TaiwanLove David J Purdue University - West Lafayette, USA USAMa Hongwu Chinese Academy of Sciences, China ChinaMedard Muriel Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), USA USAMoore Jason H Dartmouth College, USA USAMukherjee Biswanath University of California, Davis, USA USANguyen-Xuan Hung University of Science Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam VietnamNielsen Morten Technical University of Denmark, Denmark DenmarkOsher Stanley J University of California, Los Angeles, USA USAParkhill Julian Wellcome Trust Sanger Inst, UK UKPaulraj Arogyaswami J Stanford University, USA USAPond Sergei L Kosakovsky University of California, San Diego, USA USAPosada David University of Vigo, Spain SpainRabczuk Timon Bauhaus University, Weimar, Germany GermanyRaghava Gajendra Pal Singh CSIR Inst Microbial Technol, India IndiaReali Alessandro University of Pavia, Italy ItalyRitchie Marylyn D Pennsylvania State University - University Park, USA USASalzberg Steven L The Johns Hopkins University, USA USASederberg Thomas W Brigham Young University, USA USAShamai Shlomo Technion-Israel Institute of Technology, Israel IsraelShamir Ariel Interdisciplinary Ctr, Israel IsraelSharan Roded Tel Aviv University, Israel IsraelShroff Ness B The Ohio State University - Columbus, USA USASimon Istvan Hungarian Acad Sci, Hungary HungarySimon Richard M NCI, USA USASmyth Gordon K Walter & Eliza Hall Inst Med Res, Australia AustraliaSpeed Terence PMIDDLE NAMEPrimary AffiliationWalter & Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research,Parkville, Australia, AustraliaCountry/RegionAustralia36 Highly Cited Research Directory

Computer ScienceLAST NAMEFIRST NAMEMIDDLE NAME Primary AffiliationCountry/RegionStormo Gary D Washington University in St. Louis, USA USAStrimmer Korbinian University of Leipzig, Germany GermanyTao Terence University of California, Los Angeles, USA USATarokh Vahid Harvard University, USA USATezduyar Tayfun E Rice University, USA USATong Weida D US FDA, USA USATropp Joel A California Institute of Technology, USA USATse David N C University of California, Berkeley, USA USAValencia Alfonso Spanish Natl Canc Res Ctr, Spain SpainVerdu Sergio Princeton University, USA USAVingron Martin Max Planck Inst Mol Genet, Germany GermanyVishwanath Sriram The University of Texas at Austin, USA USAViswanath Pramod University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA USAVuran Mehmet C University of Nebraska - Lincoln, USA USAWin Moe Z Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), USA USAWong Wing Hung Stanford University, USA USAWornell Gregory W Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), USA USAWu Cathy H University of Delaware, USA USAXu Zeshui PLA University of Science and Technology, China ChinaYu Wei University of Toronto, Canada CanadaZhang Wen X Xian Jiao Tong University, China ChinaComputer 37

Reuters/DAVID GRAYEconomics & Business38

Economics & BusinessLAST NAMEFIRST NAMEMIDDLE NAME Primary AffiliationCountry/RegionAcemoglu Daron Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), USA USAAguilera Ruth V University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA USAAlesina Alberto Harvard University, USA USAAndersen Torben G Northwestern University, USA USAAng Andrew Columbia University, USA USAAriely Dan Duke University, USA USAAvolio Bruce J University of Washington, USA USABagozzi Richard P University of Michigan - Ann Arbor, USA USABai Jushan S New York University, USA USABernard Andrew B Dartmouth College, USA USABertrand Marianne University of Chicago, USA USABirkinshaw Julian London Business School, UK UKBloom Nicholas Stanford University, USA USABollerslev Tim Duke University, USA USABrazier John E The University of Sheffield, UK UKCamerer Colin F California Institute of Technology, USA USACampbell John Y Harvard University, USA USADeaton Angus Princeton University, USA USADiebold Francis X University of Pennsylvania, USA USADjankov Simeon New Economic School, Russia RussiaDoidge Craig University of Toronto, Canada CanadaDuflo Esther Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), USA USAEasterly William New York University, USA USAEichenbaum Martin Northwestern University, USA USAFalk Armin University of Bonn, Germany GermanyFeldman Martha S University of California, Irvine, USA USAFischbacher Urs University of Konstanz, Germany GermanyGabaix Xavier New York University, USA USAGali Jordi University of Pompeu Fabra, Spain SpainGeels Frank W The University of Manchester, UK UKGibson Cristina B University of California, Irvine, USA USAGlaeser Edward L Harvard University, USA USAGneezy Uri University of California, San Diego, USA USAGreenwood Royston University of Alberta, Canada CanadaGrewal Dhruv Babson College, USA USAGuiso Luigi Einaudi Institute for Economics and Finance, Italy ItalyHansen Peter Reinhard European University Institute, Italy ItalyHardy Cynthia University of Melbourne, Australia AustraliaHarrison David A Pennsylvania State University - University Park, USA USAHarvey Campbell R Duke University, USA USAHeckman James J University of Chicago, USA USAHelpman Elhanan Harvard University, USA USAHitt Michael A Texas A&M University - College Station, USA USAImbens Guido W Harvard University, USA USAIreland R Duane Texas A&M University - College Station, USA USAJackson Gregory Free University of Berlin, Germany GermanyJansen Justin J P Erasmus University, Netherlands NetherlandsJohnson Simon Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), USA USAKarolyi George Andrew Cornell University, USA USAEconomics & 39

Economics & BusinessLAST NAMEKilian Lutz University of Michigan - Ann Arbor, USA USAKrueger Alan B Princeton University, USA USALa porta Rafael Dartmouth College, USA USALafond Ryan BlackRock, USA USALeuz Christian University of Chicago, USA USALevine Ross University of California, Berkeley, USA USAList John A University of Chicago, USA USALoewenstein George Carnegie Mellon University, USA USALopez-de-silanes Florencio EDHEC Business School, France FranceLunde Asger Aarhus University, Denmark DenmarkLusch Robert F University of Arizona, USA USAMcEvily Bill University of Toronto, Canada CanadaMelitz Marc J Harvard University, USA USAMiguel Edward University of California, Berkeley, USA USAMullainathan Sendhil Harvard University, USA USAParasuraman A "parsu" University of Miami, USA USAPavlou Paul A Temple University, USA USAPeng Mike W The University of Texas at Dallas, USA USAPesaran M Hashem University of Southern California, USA USAPetersen Mitchell A Northwestern University, USA USARajan Raghuram G University of Chicago, USA USARedding Stephen J Princeton University, USA USAReinhart Carmen M Harvard University, USA USARobinson James A Harvard University, USA USARothaermel Frank T Georgia Institute of Technology, USA USASapienza Paola Northwestern University, USA USAShankar Venkatesh Texas A&M University - College Station, USA USAShapiro Jesse M University of Chicago, USA USAShleifer Andrei Harvard University, USA USASirmon David G Texas A&M University - College Station, USA USAStock James H Harvard University, USA USAStulz Rene M The Ohio State University - Columbus, USA USASuddaby Roy University of Alberta, Canada CanadaTaylor Mark P University of Warwick, UK UKTirole Jean Toulouse School of Economics, France FranceTurner R Kerry University of East Anglia, UK UKTushman Michael L Harvard University, USA USAVargo Stephen L University of Hawaii at Manoa, USA USAVenkatesh Viswanath University of Arkansas at Fayetteville, USA USAVishny Robert W University of Chicago, USA USAVolberda Henk W Erasmus University, Netherlands NetherlandsWinter Sidney G University of Pennsylvania, USA USAWunderFIRST NAMESvenMIDDLE NAMEPrimary AffiliationCenter for International Forestry Research (CIFOR),BrazilZahra Shaker A University of Minnesota, Twin Cities, USA USAZeithaml Valarie A University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, USA USAZingales Luigi University of Chicago, USA USACountry/RegionBrazil40 Highly Cited Research Directory

“At a time when science playssuch a powerful role in the lifeof society, when the destinyof the whole of mankind mayhinge on the results of <strong>scientific</strong>research, it is incumbent on allscientists to be fully consciousof that role, and conductthemselves accordingly.”— Sir Joseph Rotblat (1908–2005)Physicist & Nobel Peace Prize recipient


engineeringLAST NAMEAdeli Hojjat The Ohio State University - Columbus, USA USAAdhikari Sushil Auburn University, USA USAAhmad Abdul L University Sains Malaysia, Malaysia MalaysiaAndrews Jeffrey G The University of Texas at Austin, USA USAAntolini Ermete Scuola Scienza Materiali, Italy ItalyArik Sabri Isik University, Turkey TurkeyBaeyens Jan University of Warwick, UK UKBalat Havva University Mah, Turkey TurkeyBalat Mustafa Sila Sci & Energy Unltd Co, Turkey TurkeyBanks Craig E Manchester Metropolitan University (MMU), UK UKBaraniuk Richard G Rice University, USA USABelytschko Ted Northwestern University, USA USABlaabjerg Frede Aalborg University, Denmark DenmarkBovik Alan Conrad The University of Texas at Austin, USA USABoyd Stephen P Stanford University, USA USABrown David A Brookhaven Natl Lab, USA USABrown Linda R California Institute of Technology, USA USACaloz Christophe Ecole Polytechnique de Montreal, Canada CanadaCampargue Alain Joseph Fourier University (Grenoble 1), France FranceCanagaratna Manjula R Aerodyne Res Inc, USA USACao Jinde Southeast University, China ChinaCastro-perez Jose M Merck Res Labs, USA USAChan Siew Hwa Nanyang Technological University, Singapore SingaporeChen Cheng-wu National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan TaiwanChen Guanrong City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China ChinaChen Tongwen University of Alberta, Canada CanadaCheng Ping Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China ChinaChoi Stephen U S University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA USACompton Richard G University of Oxford, UK UKCui Shuguang Texas A&M University - College Station, USA USACurran Henry J National University of Ireland, Galway, Ireland IrelandDagautFIRST NAMEPhilippeMIDDLE NAMEPrimary AffiliationCentre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS),FranceFranceDana Victor Pierre and Marie Curie University - Paris 6, France FranceDavidovits Paul Boston College, USA USADehghan Mehdi Amirkabir University of Technology, Iran IranDemirbas Ayhan King Abdulaziz University, Saudi Arabia Saudi ArabiaDincer Ibrahim University of Ontario Institute of Technology, Canada CanadaDing Feng Jiangnan University, China ChinaDing Yulong University of Birmingham, UK UKDjilali Ned University of Victoria, Canada CanadaDonoho David L Stanford University, USA USAElad Michael Technion-Israel Institute of Technology, Israel IsraelEmery Keith Natl Renewable Energy Lab, USA USAFaaij Andre P C University of Groningen, Netherlands NetherlandsFaridbod Farnoush University of Tehran IranFernando Sandun Texas A&M University, College Station USAFigueiredo Mario A T University of Lisbon PortugalFlaud Jean-marie University of Paris Diderot (Paris 7) FranceFridman Emilia Tel Aviv University IsraelCountry/ 43

engineeringLAST NAMEFIRST NAMEMIDDLE NAME Primary AffiliationCountry/RegionGamache Robert R University of Massachusetts Amherst, USA USAGanjali Mohammad Reza University of Tehran, Iran IranGanji Davood Domiri Babol Noshirvani University of Technology, Iran IranGao Huijun Harbin Institute of Technology, China ChinaGarche Juergen Fuel Cell & Battery Consulting, Germany GermanyGhaedi Mehrorang University of Yasuj, Iran IranGiannakis Georgios B University of Minnesota, Twin Cities, USA USAGoldman Aharon University of Denver, USA USAGonzalez Ernesto R University of Sao Paulo, Brazil BrazilGooding J Justin University of New South Wales, Australia AustraliaGreen Martin A University of New South Wales, Australia AustraliaGuerrero Josep M Aalborg University, Denmark DenmarkGuo Liejin Xian Jiao Tong University, China ChinaGuo Zeng-yuan Tsinghua University, China ChinaGupta Vinod Kumar Indian Inst Technol Roorkee, India IndiaHa Su Washington State University - Pullman, USA USAHameed Bassim H King Saud University, Saudi Arabia Saudi ArabiaHan Qing-long Central Queensland University, Australia AustraliaHayat Tasawar King Abdulaziz University, Saudi Arabia Saudi ArabiaHe Ji-huan Donghua University, China ChinaHe Yong Central South University, China ChinaHeath Robert W The University of Texas at Austin, USA USAHerrera Francisco University of Granada, Spain SpainHerrera-viedma Enrique University of Granada, Spain SpainHishikawa Yoshihiro Natl Inst Adv Ind Sci & Technol, Japan JapanHo Daniel W C City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China ChinaHolzapfel Gerhard A Graz University of Technology, Austria AustriaHuang Guang-bin Nanyang Technological University, Singapore SingaporeHutchinson John W Harvard University, USA USAItoh Tatsuo University of California, Los Angeles, USA USAJackson Thomas J ARS, USA USAJacquemart David Pierre and Marie Curie University - Paris 6, France FranceJain Anil K Korea University, South Korea South KoreaJayne John T Aerodyne Res Inc, USA USAJimenez Jose L University of Colorado at Boulder, USA USAKahn Antoine Princeton University, USA USAKuznetsov Andrey V North Carolina State University - Raleigh, USA USALacaita Andrea L Polytechnic Institute of Milan, Italy ItalyLam James The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China ChinaLaw Chung K Princeton University, USA USALee Jong-heun Korea University South KoreaLi Zhiwu Macau University of Science and Technology, Macau ChinaLi Wenzhen Michigan Technological University USALi Ye (geoffrey) Georgia Institute of Technology USALiang Jinling Southeast University ChinaLiao Shijun Shanghai Jiao Tong University ChinaLin Chiu-yue Feng Chia University, Taiwan TaiwanLiserre Marco Aalborg University DenmarkLiu Xiaohui Brunel University UKLiu Yurong Yangzhou University China44 Highly Cited Research Directory

engineeringLAST NAMEFIRST NAMEMIDDLE NAME Primary AffiliationCountry/RegionLiu Guo-ping Harbin Institute of Technology, China ChinaLiu Guirong University of Cincinnati, USA USALiu Jun Pacific NW Natl Lab, USA USALogan Bruce E Pennsylvania State University - University Park, USA USALu Jinhu Chinese Academy of Sciences, China ChinaLund Henrik Aalborg University, Denmark DenmarkLundstrom Mark S Purdue University - West Lafayette, USA USALuo Zhi-quan (tom) University of Minnesota, Twin Cities, USA USAMandin Jean-yves Pierre and Marie Curie University - Paris 6, France FranceMarusic Ivan University of Melbourne, Australia AustraliaMasel Richard I University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA USAMatas Jose Polytechnic University of Catalonia, Spain SpainMench Matthew M University of Tennessee - Knoxville, USA USAMikhailenko Semen N Russian Acad Sci, Russia RussiaMishra Umesh K University of California, Santa Barbara, USA USAMoes Nicolas Ecole Centrale de Nantes, France FranceMohan Dinesh Jawaharlal Nehru University, India IndiaMurray Richard M California Institute of Technology, USA USANayfeh Ali H The University of Jordan, Jordan JordanNeu Rudolf Max-Planck-Institut fur Plasmaphysik, Germany GermanyNorouzi Parviz University of Tehran, Iran IranOnasch Timothy B Aerodyne Res Inc, USA USAPerevalov Valery I SB RAS, Russia RussiaPerrin Agnes University of Paris Diderot (Paris 7), France FrancePitz William J Lawrence Livermore Natl Lab, USA USAPlumb Robert S Imperial College London, UK UKPopov Branko N University of South Carolina - Columbia, USA USARabczuk Timon Bauhaus University, Weimar, Germany GermanyRen Wei University of California, Riverside, USA USARiahi Siavash University of Tehran, Iran IranRinsland Curtis P NASA, USA USARodriguez Jose R Federico Santa María Technical University, Chile ChileRothman Laurence S Harvard Smithsonian Ctr Astrophys, USA USASari Ahmet Gaziosmanpasa University, Turkey TurkeySayed Ali H University of California, Los Angeles USASchmid Cordelia INRIA Grenoble FranceShao Yuyan Pacific NW Natl Lab USAShao Zongping Nanjing University of Technology ChinaShe Jin-hua Tokyo University of Technology JapanShi Peng The University of Adelaide AustraliaShi Yang University of Victoria CanadaSoylak Mustafa Erciyes University TurkeyStoica Petre Uppsala University SwedenSun Gongquan Chinese Academy of Sciences ChinaSuo Zhigang Harvard University USATao Dacheng University of Technology, Sydney AustraliaTashkun Sergey A SB RAS RussiaTennyson Jonathan University College London UKTeodorescu Remus Aalborg University 45

engineeringLAST NAMETezduyar Tayfun E Rice University, USA USATong Shao-cheng Liaoning University of Technology, China ChinaToth Robert A California Institute of Technology, USA USATuzen Mustafa Gaziosmanpasa University, Turkey TurkeyVander Auwera Jean University Libre Bruxelles, Belgium BelgiumVetterliFIRST NAMEMartinMIDDLE NAMEPrimary AffiliationEcole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne,SwitzerlandVeziroglu T Nejat Int Assoc Hydrogen Energy, USA USACountry/RegionSwitzerlandWangJunThe Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong,ChinaChinaWang Xiangke Chinese Academy of Sciences, China ChinaWang Zidong Brunel University, UK UKWang Changhong Harbin Institute of Technology, China ChinaWang Chao-yang Pennsylvania State University - University Park, USA USAWang Haijiang Natl Res Council Canada, Canada CanadaWang Joseph University of California, San Diego, USA USAWarta Wilhelm Fraunhofer Inst Solar Energy Syst, Germany GermanyWazwaz Abdul-majid Saint Xavier University, USA USAWestbrook Charles K Lawrence Livermore Natl Lab, USA USAWiegandThomasHeinrich Hertz Inst Nachrichtentech Berlin GmbH,GermanyGermanyWilkinson David P Clean Energy Res Ctr, Canada CanadaWinter Martin University of Muenster, Germany GermanyWong Kin-lu National Sun Yat-Sen University, Taiwan TaiwanWorsnop Douglas R Aerodyne Res Inc, USA USAWu Min Central South University, China ChinaXie Lihua Nanyang Technological University, Singapore SingaporeXin Qin Chinese Academy of Sciences, China ChinaXu Zeshui PLA University of Science and Technology, China ChinaXu Qiang Natl Inst Adv Ind Sci & Technol, Japan JapanXu Shengyuan Nanjing University of Science and Technology, China ChinaYan Shuicheng National University of Singapore SingaporeYu Wenwu Southeast University ChinaYuan Xiao-zi Natl Res Council Canada CanadaZamani Hassan Ali Islamic Azad University IranZavadskas Edmundas Kazimieras Vilnius Gediminas Technical University LithuaniaZhang Lixian Harbin Institute of Technology ChinaZhang David The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong ChinaZhangJiujunEnergy, Mining & Environment Portfolio, NationalResearch Council of CanadaCanadaZhao T SThe Hong Kong University of Science and Technology,Hong KongChinaZhou Mengchu Macau University of Science and Technology, Macau ChinaZiolkowski Richard W University of Arizona USA46 Highly Cited Research Directory

“Scientific research involvesgoing beyond the well-troddenand well-tested ideas andtheories that form the core of<strong>scientific</strong> knowledge. Duringthe time scientists are workingthings out, some results will beright, and others will be wrong.Over time, the right resultswill emerge.”— Lisa Randall (1962– )Theoretical Physicist & Leading Expert onParticle Physics and Cosmology

“Research is creating newknowledge.”— Neil Armstrong (1930 – 2012)American astronaut and first personto walk on the moonReuters/Mike Blake

environment/ecologyLAST NAMEFIRST NAMEMIDDLE NAME Primary AffiliationCountry/RegionAckerly David D University of California, Berkeley, USA USAAlvarez Pedro J J Rice University, USA USAAraujo Miguel B CSIC, Spain SpainBalmford Andrew University of Cambridge, UK UKBardgett Richard D The University of Manchester, UK UKBarr Dana Boyd Emory University, USA USABascompte Jordi CSIC, Spain SpainBond William J University of Cape Town, South Africa South AfricaBondeau Alberte Potsdam Inst Climate Change Res, Germany GermanyBrook Barry W University of Tasmania, Australia AustraliaCalafat Antonia M Ctr Dis Control & Prevent, USA USACallaghan Terry V Royal Acad Sci, Sweden SwedenCallaway Ragan M The University of Montana - Missoula, USA USACardinale Bradley J University of Michigan - Ann Arbor, USA USACarpenter Stephen R University of Wisconsin - Madison, USA USAChapin F Stuart University of Alaska - Fairbanks, USA USAChase Jonathan M Washington University in St. Louis, USA USAChave Jerome Paul Sabatier University (Toulouse 3), France FranceCheng Shaoan Zhejiang University, China ChinaCiais Philippe CEA, France FranceCleland Elsa E University of California, San Diego, USA USACornelissen Johannes H C VU University Amsterdam, Netherlands NetherlandsCornell Howard V University of California, Davis, USA USADe wit Cynthia A Stockholm University, Sweden SwedenDefries Ruth S Columbia University, USA USADiaz Sandra National University of Cordoba, Argentina ArgentinaDoney Scott C Woods Hole Oceanog Inst, USA USADuarte Carlos M The University of Western Australia, Australia AustraliaDuffy J Emmett The College of William and Mary, USA USAElimelech Menachem Yale University, USA USAElith Jane University of Melbourne, Australia AustraliaFalandysz Jerzy Gdansk University, Poland PolandField Christopher B Carnegie Inst Sci, USA USAFierer Noah University of Colorado at Boulder, USA USAFoley Jonathan A University of Minnesota, Twin Cities, USA USAFolke Carl Royal Swedish Acad Sci, Sweden SwedenFortin Marie-josee University of Toronto, Canada CanadaGalloway James N University of Virginia, USA USAGarnier Eric CNRS, France FranceGaston Kevin J University of Exeter, UK UKGraham Catherine H State University of New York at Stony Brook, USA USAGreen Rhys E Royal Soc Protect Birds, UK UKGuisan Antoine University of Lausanne, Switzerland SwitzerlandHalpern Benjamin S Natl Ctr Ecol Anal & Synth, USA USAHawkins Bradford A University of California, Irvine, USA USAHector Andy University of Zurich SwitzerlandHillebrand Helmut University of Oldenburg GermanyHobbs Richard J The University of Western Australia AustraliaHoegh-guldberg Ove The University of Queensland AustraliaEnvironment/ 49

Environment/EcologyLAST NAMEFIRST NAMEMIDDLE NAME Primary AffiliationCountry/RegionHoffmann Ary A University of Melbourne, Australia AustraliaHoughton Richard A Woods Hole Res Ctr, USA USAHubbell Stephen P University of California, Los Angeles, USA USAHughes Terry P James Cook University, Australia AustraliaHulme Philip E Lincoln University, New Zealand New ZealandJackson Jeremy B C University of California, San Diego, USA USAJackson Robert B Duke University, USA USAJerrett Michael University of California, Berkeley, USA USAJetz Walter Yale University, USA USAKannan Kurunthachalam New York State Department of Health, USA USAKearney Michael R University of Melbourne, Australia AustraliaKlironomos John N University of British Columbia, Canada CanadaKlotz Stefan UFZ Helmholtz Ctr Environm Res, Germany GermanyKremen Claire University of California, Berkeley, USA USAKühn Ingolf UFZ Helmholtz Ctr Environm Res, Germany GermanyLambin Eric F Catholic University of Louvain, Belgium BelgiumLavorel Sandra CNRS, France FranceLaw Robin J CEFAS Lowestoft Lab, UK UKLead Jamie R University of South Carolina - Columbia, USA USALegendre Pierre University of Montreal, Canada CanadaLehmann Johannes Cornell University, USA USALetcher Robert J Carleton University, Canada CanadaLewis Simon L University College London, UK UKLindenmayer David B The Australian National University, Australia AustraliaLiu Hong Oregon State University, USA USALobell David B Stanford University, USA USALogan Bruce E Pennsylvania State University - University Park, USA USALoreau Michel CNRS, France FranceLowry Gregory V Carnegie Mellon University, USA USALuikart Gordon The University of Montana - Missoula, USA USAMabury Scott A University of Toronto, Canada CanadaMace Georgina M University College London, UK UKMartin Jonathan W University of Alberta, Canada CanadaMcArdell Christa S Swiss Fed Inst Aquat Sci & Technol, Switzerland SwitzerlandMeyer Michael T US Geol Survey, USA USAMidgley Guy F S African Natl Biodivers Inst, South Africa South AfricaMoritz Craig The Australian National University, Australia AustraliaMuir Derek C G Environm Canada, Canada CanadaNaeem Shahid Columbia University, USA USANeedham Larry L Ctr Dis Control & Prevent, USA USANowack Bernd Empa Swiss Fed Labs Mat Sci & Technol, Switzerland SwitzerlandPearson Richard G University College London UKPenuelas Josep Autonomous University of Barcelona SpainPeterson A Townsend University of Kansas, Lawrence USAPetit Remy J INRA FrancePhillips Oliver L University of Leeds UKPhillips Steven J AT&T Labs Res USAPolasky Stephen University of Minnesota, Twin Cities USAPrentice Iain Colin Imperial College London UK50 Highly Cited Research Directory

environment/ecologyLAST NAMEFIRST NAMEMIDDLE NAMEPrimary AffiliationPysek Petr Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Czech CzechRabaey Korneel Ghent University, Belgium BelgiumReich Peter B University of Minnesota, Twin Cities, USA USAReichstein Markus Max Planck Inst Biogeochem, Germany GermanyRichardson David M Stellenbosch University, South Africa South AfricaRicketts Taylor H University of Vermont, USA USARoy David B NERC, UK UKSax Dov F Brown University, USA USAScheffer Marten University of Wageningen, Netherlands NetherlandsSchimel Joshua P University of California, Santa Barbara, USA USASchneider Stephen H Stanford University, USA USASchulze Ernst-detlef Max Planck Inst Biogeochem, Germany GermanySettele Josef UFZ Helmholtz Ctr Environm Res, Germany GermanySiegrist Hansruedi EAWAG, Switzerland SwitzerlandSitch Stephen University of Exeter, UK UKSjodin Andreas Ctr Dis Control & Prevent, USA USASodhi Navjot S National University of Singapore, Singapore SingaporeStapleton Heather M Duke University, USA USASteffen Will The Australian National University, Australia AustraliaCountry/RegionStuart Simon N Al Ain Wildlife Pk & Resort, United Arab EmiratesUnited ArabEmiratesSykes Martin T Lund University, Sweden SwedenTaberlet Pierre Joseph Fourier University (Grenoble 1), France FranceTernes Thomas A Fed Inst Hydrol BfG, Germany GermanyThomas Chris D University of York, UK UKThuiller Wilfried Joseph Fourier University (Grenoble 1), France FranceTilman G David University of Minnesota, Twin Cities, USA USAValentini Riccardo Tuscia University, Italy ItalyVerstraete Willy Ghent University, Belgium BelgiumVila Montserrat Estn Biol Donana EBD CSIC, Spain SpainVon guntenUrsEawag, Swiss Federal Institute of Aquatic Science andTechnology, SwitzerlandSwitzerlandWalker Brian CSIRO Sustainable Ecosyst, Australia AustraliaWang Xiangke Chinese Academy of Sciences, China ChinaWardle David A Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Sweden SwedenWestoby Mark Macquarie University, Australia AustraliaWiens John J University of Arizona, USA USAWorm Boris Dalhousie University, Canada CanadaWright Ian J Macquarie University, Australia AustraliaXing Baoshan University of Massachusetts Amherst, USA USAZimmermann Niklaus E Swiss Fed Res Inst WSL, Switzerland SwitzerlandEnvironment/ 51

GeosciencesLAST NAMEAiken Allison C Los Alamos Natl Lab, USA USAAlastuey Andres CSIC, Spain SpainAllen Myles R Smith Sch Enterprise & Environm, UK UKAndreae Meinrat O King Saud University, Saudi Arabia Saudi ArabiaArtaxo Paulo University of Sao Paulo, Brazil BrazilBahreini Roya University of California, Riverside, USA USABalkanski Yves CEA, France FranceBaltensperger Urs Paul Scherrer Inst, Switzerland SwitzerlandBard Edouard Aix Marseille University, France FranceBarnola Jean-marc Joseph Fourier University (Grenoble 1), France FranceBauer Susanne E Columbia University, USA USABigler Matthias University of Copenhagen, Denmark DenmarkBitz Cecilia M University of Washington, USA USABonan Gordon B Natl Ctr Atmospher Res, USA USABoucher Olivier Met Off Hadley Ctr, UK UKCanagaratna Manjula R Aerodyne Res Inc, USA USACarmichael Gregory R University of Iowa, USA USACarslaw Kenneth S University of Leeds, UK UKChappellazFIRST NAMEJeromeMIDDLE NAMEPrimary AffiliationCentre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS),FranceCheng Hai Xian Jiao Tong University, China ChinaChin Mian NASA, USA USAFranceCiais Philippe CEA, France FranceCoe Hugh The University of Manchester, UK UKCollins Matthew University of Exeter, UK UKCox Peter M University of Exeter, UK UKDahl-jensen Dorthe University of Copenhagen, Denmark DenmarkDai Aiguo State University of New York at Albany, USA USADamste Jaap S sinninghe NIOZ Royal Netherlands Inst Sea Res, Netherlands NetherlandsDecarlo Peter F Drexel University, USA USADelworth Thomas L NOAA, USA USADentener Frank J Commiss European Communities, Italy ItalyDonahue Neil M Carnegie Mellon University, USA USADoney Scott C Woods Hole Oceanog Inst, USA USAEdwards Ross Lawrence University of Minnesota, Twin Cities, USA USAEmmons Louisa K Natl Ctr Atmospher Res, USA USAFacchini Maria Cristina Natl Res Council CNR, Italy ItalyFeely Richard A NOAA, USA USAFischer Hubertus University of Bern, Switzerland SwitzerlandFriedlingstein Pierre University of Exeter, UK UKFuzzi Sandro Inst Atmospher Sci & Climate ISAC, Italy ItalyGao Shan China Univ Geosci, China ChinaGettelman Andrew Natl Ctr Atmospher Res, USA USAGinoux Paul A NOAA, USA USAGriffin William L Macquarie University, Australia AustraliaGuenther Alex B Pacific Northwest National Laboratory USAHansen James E Columbia University USAHegerl Gabriele C The University of Edinburgh UKHeld Isaac M NOAA USAHolben Brent N NASA USACountry/Region52 Highly Cited Research Directory

GeosciencesLAST NAMEHolland Marika M Natl Ctr Atmospher Res, USA USAHorowitz Larry W NOAA, USA USAJacob Daniel J Harvard University, USA USAJayne John T Aerodyne Res Inc, USA USAJenkin Mike Atmospher Chem Serv, UK UKJimenez Jose Luis University of Colorado at Boulder, USA USAJohnsen Sigfus Johann University of Copenhagen, Denmark DenmarkJones Phil D University of East Anglia, UK UKJoughin Ian University of Washington, USA USAJouzelJeanLaboratoire des Sciences du Climat et del'Environnement (CEA-CNRS-University of Versailles)and Institut Pierre Simon Laplace, FranceJungclaus Johann H Max Planck Inst Meteorol, Germany GermanyKanamori Hiroo California Institute of Technology, USA USAKaufman Yoram J NASA, USA USAKerminen Veli-matti Finnish Meteorological Institute, Finland FinlandKiehl Jeffrey T Natl Ctr Atmospher Res, USA USAKinne Stefan Max Planck Inst Meteorol, Germany GermanyKnoll Andrew H Harvard University, USA USAKnuttiRetoSwiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich,SwitzerlandKoch Dorothy M Columbia University, USA USAFranceSwitzerlandKrol Maarten C Utrecht University, Netherlands NetherlandsKroll Jesse H Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), USA USAKulmala Markku University of Helsinki, Finland FinlandLaaksonen Ari University of Eastern Finland, Finland FinlandLamarque Jean-francois Natl Ctr Atmospher Res, USA USALawrence David M Natl Ctr Atmospher Res, USA USALay Thorne University of California, Santa Cruz, USA USALettenmaier Dennis P University of Washington, USA USALi Xian-hua Chinese Academy of Sciences, China ChinaLi Zheng-xiang Curtin University of Technology, Australia AustraliaLiu Dunyi Chinese Academy of Sciences, China ChinaLiu Xiaohong Pacific NW Natl Lab, USA USALohmannUlrikeSwiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich,SwitzerlandSwitzerlandLuterbacher Juerg University of Giessen, Germany GermanyMaenhaut Willy Ghent University, Belgium BelgiumMahowald Natalie M Cornell University, USA USAMann Michael E Pennsylvania State University - University Park, USA USAMasson-delmotteFIRST NAMEValerieMIDDLE NAMEPrimary AffiliationCommissariat à l’Energie Atomique et aux EnergiesAlternatives, CEA, FranceMeehl Gerald A Natl Ctr Atmospher Res, USA USAMiddlebrook Ann M NOAA Earth Syst Res Lab, USA USAMinikin Andreas Deutsch Zentrum Luft & Raumfahrt, Germany GermanyMolina Luisa T Molina Ctr Energy & Environm, USA USAMurphy Daniel M NOAA, USA USAMyhre Gunnar Ctr Int Climate & Environm Res Oslo CICERO, Norway NorwayMyneni Ranga B Boston University, USA USAO'dowd Colin D National University of Ireland, Galway, Ireland IrelandOleson Keith W Natl Ctr Atmospher Res, USA USACountry/ 53

GeosciencesLAST NAMEOtto-bliesner Bette L Natl Ctr Atmospher Res, USA USAPandis Spyros N University of Patras, Greece GreeceParrenin Frederic Joseph Fourier University (Grenoble 1), France FrancePawson Steven NASA, USA USAPetaja Tuukka University of Helsinki, Finland FinlandPitari Giovanni University of Aquila, Italy ItalyPoeschl Ulrich Max Planck Inst Chem, Germany GermanyPrevot Andre Sh Paul Scherrer Inst, Switzerland SwitzerlandQuerolFIRST NAMEXavierConsejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC),SpainRamsey Christopher Bronk University of Oxford, UK UKRanderson James T University of California, Irvine, USA USARasch Philip J Pacific NW Natl Lab, USA USARaynaud Dominique Joseph Fourier University (Grenoble 1), France FranceRemer Lorraine A NASA, USA USAReynolds Richard W NOAA, USA USARignot Eric University of California, Irvine, USA USARunning Steven W The University of Montana - Missoula, USA USARuth Urs Climate Anal & Consulting, Germany GermanySantosh M Kochi University, Japan JapanSarmiento Jorge L Princeton University, USA USASchmidt Gavin A NASA, USA USASchneider Johannes Max Planck Inst Chem, Germany GermanySchouten Stefan NIOZ Royal Netherlands Inst Sea Res, Netherlands NetherlandsSchulz Michael Lab Sci Climat & Environm, France FranceSchwander Jakob University of Bern, Switzerland SwitzerlandSeinfeld John H California Institute of Technology, USA USASeneviratne Sonia IMIDDLE NAMEPrimary AffiliationSwiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich,SwitzerlandSerreze Mark C University of Colorado at Boulder, USA USAShepherd Theodore G The University of Reading, UK UKShindell Drew T NASA, USA USASoden Brian J University of Miami, USA USASpainSwitzerlandSteffensen Jorgen Peder University of Copenhagen, Denmark DenmarkStephens Graeme L Colorado State University, USA USAStier Philip University of Oxford, UK UKStocker Thomas F University of Bern, Switzerland SwitzerlandStohl Andreas NILU-Norweigan Institute for Air Research NorwayStouffer Ronald J NOAA USAStreets David G Argonne Natl Lab USAStroeve Julienne C University of Colorado at Boulder USASun Min The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong ChinaTakemura Toshihiko Kyushu University JapanTrenberth Kevin E NCAR USAUlbrich Ingrid Marie University of Colorado at Boulder USAVan den broeke Michiel R Utrecht University NetherlandsVan der werf Guido R VU University Amsterdam NetherlandsVecchi Gabriel A NOAA USAVolkamer Rainer M Cooperat Inst Res Environm Studies USACountry/Region54 Highly Cited Research Directory

GeosciencesLAST NAMEFIRST NAMEMIDDLE NAME Primary AffiliationCountry/RegionWeaver Andrew J University of Victoria, Canada CanadaWeber Rodney J Georgia Institute of Technology, USA USAWeingartner Ernest Paul Scherrer Inst, Switzerland SwitzerlandWennberg Paul O California Institute of Technology, USA USAWiedensohler Alfred Leibniz Inst Tropospher Res, Germany GermanyWiedinmyer Christine Natl Ctr Atmospher Res, USA USAWilde Simon A Curtin University of Technology, Australia AustraliaWolff Eric W University of Cambridge, UK UKWorsnop Douglas R Aerodyne Res Inc, USA USAWu Fu-yuan Chinese Academy of Sciences, China ChinaWu Yuan-bao University of Science and Technology of China, China ChinaXiao Wenjiao Chinese Academy of Sciences, China ChinaXie Shang-ping University of California, San Diego, USA USAZachos James C University of California, Santa Cruz, USA USAZhang Qi University of California, Davis, USA USAZhao Guochun The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China Hong KongZheng Yong-fei University of Science and Technology of China, China 55

ImmunologyLAST NAMEAderem Alan Seattle BioMed, USA USAAhmed Rafi Emory University, USA USAAkira Shizuo Osaka University, Japan JapanArtis David University of Pennsylvania, USA USABanchereau Jacques Baylor University, USA USABelkaid Yasmine NIAID, USA USABettelli Estelle University of Washington, USA USABeutlerFIRST NAMEBruceThe University of Texas Southwestern Medical Centerat Dallas, USABluestone Jeffrey A University of California, San Francisco, USA USABrenchley Jason M NIAID, USA USACasanova Jean-laurent Rockefeller University, USA USAColonna Marco Washington University in St. Louis, USA USACoyle Anthony J Pfizer, USA USACua Daniel J Merck Res Labs, USA USACyster Jason G University of California, San Francisco, USA USADong Chen Tsinghua University, China ChinaDouek Daniel C NIAID, USA USADu Xin University of California, San Diego, USA USAFitzgerald Katherine AMIDDLE NAMEPrimary AffiliationUniversity of Massachusetts Medical School -Worcester, USAFlavell Richard A Yale University, USA USAFontenot Jason D Biogen Idec, USA USAFranchi Luigi University of Michigan - Ann Arbor, USA USAFreeman Gordon J Dana Farber Canc Inst, USA USAFujita Takashi Kyoto University, Japan JapanGabrilovich Dmitry I University of South Florida, USA USAGordon Siamon University of Oxford, UK UKHemmi Hiroaki Osaka University, Japan JapanHoebe Kasper Cincinnati Childrens Hosp Res Fdn, USA USAHonda Kenya RIKEN, Japan JapanHornung Veit University of Bonn, Germany GermanyHoshino Katsuaki Kagawa University, Japan JapanCountry/RegionIshii Ken JNational Institute of Biomedical Innovation (NIBIO),JapanJapanIwakura Yoichiro Tokyo University of Science, Japan JapanKaisho Tsuneyasu Osaka University, Japan JapanKanno Yuka NIAMSD, USA USAKarin Michael University of California, San Diego, USA USAKastelein Robert A Merck Res Labs, USA USAKawai Taro Nara Institute of Science and Technology, Japan JapanKorn Thomas Technical University Munich, Germany GermanyKuchroo Vijay K Harvard University, USA USALanier Lewis L University of California, San Francisco, USA USALanzavecchiaAntonioSwiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich,SwitzerlandSwitzerlandLatz Eicke University of Bonn, Germany GermanyLaurence Arian NIAMSD, USA USALittman Dan R New York University, USA USALiuYong-junThe University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center,USAUSAUSAUSA56 Highly Cited Research Directory

ImmunologyLAST NAMEFIRST NAMELocksley Richard M University of California, San Francisco, USA USAMantovani Alberto University of Milan, Italy ItalyMcClanahan Terrill K Merck Res Labs, USA USAMedzhitov Ruslan Yale University, USA USANakae Susumu The University of Tokyo, Japan JapanNunez Gabriel University of Michigan - Ann Arbor, USA USANurieva Roza IMIDDLE NAMEPrimary AffiliationThe University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center,USANussenzweig Michel C Rockefeller University, USA USAO'neill Luke Aj Trinity College Dublin, Ireland IrelandO'shea John J NIAMSD, USA USAOukka Mohamed Seattle Childrens Res Inst, USA USAPamer Eric G Mem Sloan Kettering Canc Ctr, USA USAPulendran Bali Emory University, USA USAReis e sousa Caetano Canc Res UK, UK UKRestifo Nicholas P NCI, USA USARudensky Alexander Y Memorial Sloan Kettering Inst, USA USASakaguchi Shimon Kyoto University, Japan JapanSallusto Federica Inst Res Biomed, Switzerland SwitzerlandSampson Hugh A Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, USA USASato Shintaro The University of Tokyo, Japan JapanSharpe Arlene H Harvard University, USA USASher Alan NIAID, USA USAShevach Ethan M NIAID, USA USASicherer Scott H Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, USA USASteinman Ralph M Rockefeller University, USA USAStockinger Brigitta Natl Inst Med Res, UK UKStrober Warren NIAID, USA USATakeda Kiyoshi Osaka University, Japan JapanTakeuchi Osamu Kyoto University, Japan JapanTaniguchi Tadatsugu The University of Tokyo, Japan JapanTato Cristina M Stanford University, USA USATschopp Juerg University of Lausanne, Switzerland SwitzerlandUematsu Satoshi The University of Tokyo, Japan JapanVon andrian Ulrich H Harvard University, USA USAWalker Bruce D Howard Hughes Med Inst, USA USAWeaver Casey T The University of Alabama at Birmingham, USA USAWherry E John University of Pennsylvania, USA USAYamamoto Masahiro Osaka University, Japan JapanYanai Hideyuki The University of Tokyo, Japan JapanYang Xuexian O The University of New Mexico - Albuquerque, USA USAYoneyama Mitsutoshi Chiba University, Japan JapanCountry/ 57

Materials ScienceLAST NAMEAjayan Pulickel M Rice University, USA USAAlivisatos A Paul University of California, Berkeley, USA USAAntonietti Markus Max Planck Inst Colloids & Interfaces, Germany GermanyArcher Lynden A Cornell University, USA USAAriga Katsuhiko Natl Inst Mat Sci, Japan JapanBando Yoshio Natl Inst Mat Sci, Japan JapanBao Zhenan N Stanford University, USA USABazan Guillermo C University of California, Santa Barbara, USA USABlom Paul W M Max Planck Inst Polymer Res, Germany GermanyBoccaccini Aldo R University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, Germany GermanyBrabec Christoph J Bavarian Ctr Appl Energy Res ZAE Bayern, Germany GermanyBradley Donal D C Imperial College London, UK UKCao Guozhong University of Washington, USA USACao Yong South China University of Technology, China ChinaCaruso Frank University of Melbourne, Australia AustraliaChen Mingwei Tohoku University, Japan JapanChen Yongsheng Nankai University, China ChinaCheng Hui-ming Chinese Academy of Sciences, China ChinaChoKilwonPohang University of Science and Technology, SouthKoreaSouth KoreaChu Ying-hao National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan TaiwanColeman Jonathan N Trinity College Dublin, Ireland IrelandCooper Andrew I University of Liverpool, UK UKDe Leeuw Dago MMax Planck Inst Polymer Res(Max Planck Institute forPoly Research), GermanyDurrant James R Imperial College London, UK UKGermanyFacchetti Antonio King Abdulaziz University, Saudi Arabia Saudi ArabiaFan Chunhai Chinese Academy of Sciences, China ChinaFang Xiaosheng Fudan University, China ChinaFeng Xinliang Max Planck Inst Polymer Res, Germany GermanyForrest Stephen R University of Michigan - Ann Arbor, USA USAFratzl Peter Max Planck Inst Colloids & Interfaces, Germany GermanyFriend Richard H University of Cambridge, UK UKGautam Ujjal K JNCASR, India IndiaGogotsi Yury Drexel University, USA USAGolberg Dmitri NIMS, Japan JapanGong Xiong The University of Akron, USA USAGratzelFIRST NAMEMichaelMIDDLE NAMEPrimary AffiliationEcole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne,SwitzerlandGrimes Craig A Nanjing University of Technology, China ChinaSwitzerlandGrosso David Pierre and Marie Curie University - Paris 6, France FranceGuo Yu-guo Chinese Academy of Sciences, China ChinaHammond Paula T Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), USA USAHeeger Alan J University of California, Santa Barbara, USA USAHeeney Martin Imperial College London, UK UKHoppe Harald Ilmenau University of Technology, Germany GermanyHu Yong-sheng Chinese Academy of Sciences ChinaHuang Yonggang Northwestern University USACountry/RegionHummelen Jan C (kees) University of Groningen NetherlandsHyeon Taeghwan Seoul National University South Korea58 Highly Cited Research Directory

Materials ScienceLAST NAMEFIRST NAMEMIDDLE NAME Primary AffiliationCountry/RegionInganas Olle Linkoping University, Sweden SwedenInoue Akihisa Josai International University, Japan JapanJanssen Rene A J Eindhoven University of Technology, Netherlands NetherlandsJen Alex K-y University of Washington, USA USAJenekhe Samson A University of Washington, USA USAJiang Lei Chinese Academy of Sciences, China ChinaJorgensen Mikkel Technical University of Denmark, Denmark DenmarkKaplan David L Tufts University, USA USAKhademhosseini Ali Harvard University, USA USAKido Junji Yamagata University, Japan JapanKotov Nicholas A University of Michigan - Ann Arbor, USA USAKrebs Frederik C Technical University of Denmark, Denmark DenmarkLangdon Terence G University of Southampton, UK UKLanger Robert S Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), USA USALee Shuit-tong City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China ChinaLee Jim Yang National University of Singapore, Singapore SingaporeLi Yongfang Chinese Academy of Sciences, China ChinaLi Ju Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), USA USALi Chunxia Chinese Academy of Sciences, China ChinaLi Dan Monash University, Australia AustraliaLi Gang University of California, Los Angeles, USA USALi Yadong Tsinghua University, China ChinaLieber Charles M Harvard University, USA USALin Jun Chinese Academy of Sciences, China ChinaLiu Bin National University of Singapore, Singapore SingaporeLiu Jun Pacific NW Natl Lab, USA USALiu Yunqi Chinese Academy of Sciences, China ChinaLiz-marzan Luis M King Saud University, Saudi Arabia Saudi ArabiaLou Xiong Wen (David) Nanyang Technological University, Singapore SingaporeLu Gao Qing (Max) The University of Queensland, Australia AustraliaLu Ke Chinese Academy of Sciences, China ChinaLu Lei Chinese Academy of Sciences, China ChinaMa Evan The Johns Hopkins University, USA USAMa Dongge Chinese Academy of Sciences, China ChinaMaier Joachim Max Planck Inst Solid State Res, Germany GermanyMann Stephen University of Bristol, UK UKMarks Tobin J Northwestern University, USA USAMcCulloch Iain Imperial College London, UK UKMcGehee Michael D Stanford University, USA USAMeerholz Klaus University of Koeln, Germany GermanyMooney David J Harvard University, USA USAMoses Daniel University of California, Santa Barbara USAMuellen Klaus Max Planck Inst Polymer Res GermanyMurphy Catherine J University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign USANazar Linda F University of Waterloo CanadaNelson Jenny Imperial College London UKParak Wolfgang J University of Marburg GermanyPaulose Maggie University of Houston USARamakrishna Seeram National University of Singapore SingaporeMaterials 59

Materials ScienceLAST NAMERamesh Ramamoorthy Oak Ridge National Laboratory, USA USARao C N R Jawaharlal Nehru Ctr Adv Sci Res, India IndiaReynolds John R Georgia Institute of Technology, USA USARogers John A University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA USARuoff Rodney SUlsan National Institute of Science and Technology,South KoreaRussell Thomas P University of Massachusetts Amherst, USA USASouth KoreaSanchez Clement Pierre and Marie Curie University - Paris 6, France FranceSariciftci Niyazi Serdar Johannes Kepler University Linz, Austria AustriaScharber Markus C Johannes Kepler University Linz, Austria AustriaScherf Ullrich University of Wuppertal, Germany GermanySchubert Ulrich S Dutch Polymer Inst, Netherlands NetherlandsSchuth Ferdi Max Planck Inst Kohlenforsch, Germany GermanyScrosati Bruno Italian Institute of Technology, Italy ItalySekitani Tsuyoshi Japan Sci & Technol Agcy JST, Japan JapanSirringhaus Henning University of Cambridge, UK UKSomeya Takao Japan Sci & Technol Agcy JST, Japan JapanSong Wei-guo Chinese Academy of Sciences, China ChinaSpaldin Nicola ASwiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich,SwitzerlandStein Andreas University of Minnesota, Twin Cities, USA USAStucky Galen D University of California, Santa Barbara, USA USASun Shouheng Brown University, USA USASun Yugang Argonne Natl Lab, USA USASuresh Subra Carnegie Mellon University, USA USATang Ben ZhongThe Hong Kong University of Science and Technology,Hong Kong, ChinaSwitzerlandTarascon Jean-marie CNRS, France FranceTianFIRST NAMEHeMIDDLE NAMEPrimary AffiliationEast China University of Science and Technology,ChinaToney Michael F SLAC Natl Accelerator Lab, USA USAVarghese Oomman K University of Houston, USA USAWan Li-jun BNLMS, China ChinaWang Lixiang Chinese Academy of Sciences, China ChinaWang Zhong Lin Georgia Institute of Technology, USA USAWebster Thomas J Northeastern University, USA USAWest Jennifer L Duke University, USA USAWienk Martijn M Eindhoven University of Technology, Netherlands NetherlandsWong Wai-yeung Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong, China ChinaXia Younan Georgia Institute of Technology USAYang Peidong D University of California, Berkeley USAYang Yang University of California, Los Angeles USAYin Yadong University of California, Riverside USAYip Hin-lap South China University of Technology ChinaYu Jiaguo Wuhan University of Technology ChinaYu Shu-hong University of Science and Technology of China ChinaYu Jimmy C The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong ChinaCountry/RegionZakeeruddin Shaik M Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne SwitzerlandZeng Hua Chun National University of Singapore SingaporeChinaChina60 Highly Cited Research Directory

Materials ScienceLAST NAMEFIRST NAMEMIDDLE NAME Primary AffiliationCountry/RegionZhang Fengling Linkoping University, Sweden SwedenZhang Hua Nanyang Technological University, Singapore SingaporeZhang Miqin University of Washington, USA USAZhao Dongyuan Fudan University, China ChinaZhu Daoben Chinese Academy of Sciences, China ChinaZhu Yuntian North Carolina State University - Raleigh, USA USAMaterials 61


MathematicsLAST NAMEAbbasbandy Saeid Imam Khomeini International University, Iran IranAgarwal Ravi P Texas A&M University-Kingsville, USA USAAhmad Bashir King Abdulaziz University, Saudi Arabia Saudi ArabiaArnold Douglas N University of Minnesota, Twin Cities, USA USABellomo Nicola King Abdulaziz University, Saudi Arabia Saudi ArabiaBenchohra Mouffak King Abdulaziz University, Saudi Arabia Saudi ArabiaBerestyckiHenriSchool for Advanced Studies in the Social Sciences(EHESS), FranceBerger James O Duke University, USA USABickel Peter J University of California, Berkeley, USA USABuhlmannPeterSwiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich,SwitzerlandCandes Emmanuel J Stanford University, USA USACao Jinde Southeast University, China ChinaCarroll Raymond J Texas A&M University - College Station, USA USAChen G Q Peking University, China ChinaFranceSwitzerlandCho Yeol Je Gyeongsang National University, South Korea South KoreaCockburn Bernardo University of Minnesota, Twin Cities, USA USAConstantin Adrian University of Vienna, Austria AustriaCristini Vittorio The University of New Mexico - Albuquerque, USA USADaubechies Ingrid Duke University, USA USADehghan Mehdi Amirkabir University of Technology, Iran IranDevore Ronald A Texas A&M University - College Station, USA USADiening Lars University of Munich, Germany GermanyDonoho David L Stanford University, USA USADudoit Sandrine University of California, Berkeley, USA USAEfron Bradley Stanford University, USA USAEscher Joachim University of Hannover, Germany GermanyFan Jianqing Princeton University, USA USAFan Xianling Lanzhou University, China ChinaFomin Sergey University of Michigan - Ann Arbor, USA USAFriedman Jerome H Stanford University, USA USAGneitingFIRST NAMETilmannMIDDLE NAMEPrimary AffiliationHeidelberg Inst Theoret Studies, GermanyKarlsruhe Institute of Technology, GermanyGoldfarb Donald Columbia University, USA USAGordji Madjid Eshaghi Res Grp Nonlinear Anal & Applicat RGNAA, Iran IranGermanyHall Peter G University of Melbourne, Australia AustraliaHamel Francois Aix Marseille University, France FranceHashim Ishak University Kebangsaan Malaysia, Malaysia MalaysiaHastie Trevor J Stanford University, USA USAHayat Tasawar King Abdulaziz University, Saudi Arabia Saudi ArabiaHothorn Torsten University of Zurich, Switzerland SwitzerlandIirizarry Rafael A Harvard University, USA USAJiang Daqing Northeast Normal University, China ChinaJohnstone Iain M Stanford University, USA USAJordan Michael I University of California, Berkeley, USA USAKang Shin Min Gyeongsang National University, South Korea South KoreaKeller Bernhard University of Paris Diderot (Paris 7) FranceLakshmikantham V Florida Institute of Technology USALi Runze Pennsylvania State University, University Park USALi Songxiao Macau University of Science and Technology, Macau ChinaCountry/ 63

MathematicsLAST NAMELi Wan-Tong Lanzhou University, China ChinaLiao Shijun Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China ChinaLin Yi Verition Fund Management, USA USAMaini Philip K University of Oxford, UK UKMarino Giuseppe University of Calabria, Italy ItalyMeinshausenNicolaiMessaoudi Salim ASwiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich,SwitzerlandKing Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals,Saudi ArabiaMingione Giuseppe University of Parma, Italy ItalyMomani Shaher The University of Jordan, Jordan JordanMuthen Bengt O University of California, Los Angeles, USA USANieto Juan J University of Santiago Compostela, Spain SpainSwitzerlandSaudi ArabiaO'Regan Donal National University of Ireland, Galway, Ireland IrelandOsher Stanley J University of California, Los Angeles, USA USAOzsvath Peter Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), USA USAPepe Margaret S Fred Hutchinson Canc Res Ctr, USA USAPerelson Alan S Los Alamos Natl Lab, USA USAPerthame Benoit Pierre and Marie Curie University - Paris 6, France FranceQin Xiaolong Hangzhou Normal University, China ChinaRadulescu Vicentiu King Abdulaziz University, Saudi Arabia Saudi ArabiaRaftery Adrian E University of Washington, USA USARakocevic Vladimir University of Nis, Serbia SerbiaReitenFIRST NAMEIdunMIDDLE NAMEPrimary AffiliationNorwegian University of Science and Technology,NorwayRoberts Gareth O University of Warwick, UK UKRodriguez-Lopez Rosana University of Santiago Compostela, Spain SpainRoyston Patrick University College London, UK UKRuan Shigui University of Miami, USA USARubin Donald B Harvard University, USA USASchramm Oded Microsoft Res, USA USACountry/RegionNorwaySpeed Terence PWalter & Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research,Parkville, Australia, AustraliaAustraliaStevic Stevo Serbian Academy of Science, Serbia SerbiaStorey John D Princeton University, USA USASu Yongfu Tianjin Polytech University, China ChinaSuzuki Tomonari Kyushu Institute of Technology, Japan JapanSzabo Zoltan Princeton University, USA USATakahashi Wataru National Sun Yat-Sen University, Taiwan TaiwanTao Terence University of California, Los Angeles, USA USATibshirani Robert Stanford University, USA USAVan Den Driessche Pauline University of Victoria CanadaWebb Jeff R l The University of Glasgow UKWerner Wendelin Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich SwitzerlandXu Hong-Kun National Sun Yat Sen University, Taiwan TaiwanYao Jen-Chih Kaohsiung Medical University, Taiwan TaiwanYao Yonghong Tianjin Polytech University ChinaYin Zhaoyang Sun Yat sen University ChinaZelevinsky Andrei Northeastern University USAZhao Xiao-Qiang Memorial University of Newfoundland CanadaZhou Yong Zhejiang Normal University, China China64 Highly Cited Research Directory

MathematicsLAST NAMEFIRST NAMEMIDDLE NAME Primary AffiliationCountry/RegionZhou Ding-Xuan City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China ChinaZhou Yong Xiangtan University, China ChinaZhu Ji University of Michigan - Ann Arbor, USA USAZou Hui University of Minnesota, Twin Cities, USA 65


MicrobiologyLAST NAMEFIRST NAMEMIDDLE NAME Primary AffiliationCountry/RegionAmann Rudolf Max Planck Inst Marine Microbiol, Germany GermanyAngiuoli Samuel V University of Maryland, Baltimore, USA USAAarrangou Rodolphe Pennsylvania State University - University Park, USA USABarrell Barclay G Wellcome Trust Sanger Inst, UK UKBartenschlager Ralf University of Heidelberg, Germany GermanyBassler Bonnie L Howard Hughes Med Inst, USA USABeanan Maureen J NIH, USA USABentley Stephen D Wellcome Trust Sanger Inst, UK UKBerriman Matthew Wellcome Trust Sanger Inst, UK UKBieniasz Paul D Rockefeller University, USA USABrander Christian Hosp Badalona Germans Trias & Pujol, Spain SpainBrinkac Lauren M J Craig Venter Inst, USA USABurton Dennis R The Scripps Research Institute, USA USAChurcher Carol Wellcome Trust Sanger Inst, UK UKCosterton J William , USA USACowman Alan F University of Melbourne, Australia AustraliaCullen Bryan R Duke University, USA USADaugherty Sean C University of Maryland, Baltimore, USA USADe Vos Willem M University of Helsinki, Finland FinlandDeboy Robert T J Craig Venter Inst, USA USADecker Julie M The University of Alabama at Birmingham, USA USADodson Robert J Northwestern University, USA USADurkin A Scott J Craig Venter Inst, USA USAEisen Jonathan A University of California, Davis, USA USAEl-Sayed Najib M University of Maryland, College Park, USA USAFeldblyum Tamara V US FDA, USA USAFouchier Ron Am Erasmus Med Ctr, Netherlands NetherlandsFraser Claire M University of Maryland, Baltimore, USA USAGale Michael University of Washington, USA USAGarcia-Sastre Adolfo Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, USA USAGhedin Elodie University of Pittsburgh, USA USAGill Steven R University of Rochester, USA USAGordon Jeffrey I Washington University in St. Louis, USA USAGuan Yi The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China ChinaHaas Brian J Broad Inst, USA USAHaft Daniel H J Craig Venter Inst, USA USAHahn Beatrice H University of Pennsylvania, USA USAHall Neil University of Liverpool, UK UKHamady Micah Biotechnology industry, USA USAHarris David E Wellcome Trust Sanger Inst, UK UKHarrison Stephen C Harvard University, USA USAHaynes Barton F Duke University, USA USAHugenholtz Philip The University of Queensland, Australia AustraliaHunter Eric Emory University, USA USAJacoby George A Lahey Hosp & Med Ctr, USA USAKatinger Hermann Univ Nat Resources & Appl Life Sci AustriaKawaoka Yoshihiro The University of Tokyo JapanKeele Brandon F NCI USAKhouri Hoda Marie J Craig Venter Inst 67

MicrobiologyLAST NAMEFIRST NAMEMIDDLE NAME Primary AffiliationCountry/RegionKnight Rob University of Colorado at Boulder, USA USAKoff Wayne C IAVI, USA USAKolonay James F US FDA, USA USAKoo Hean Pillsbury, USA USAKoonin Eugene V NIH, USA USAKorber Bette T M Los Alamos Natl Lab, USA USAKwong Peter D NIAID, USA USALemon Stanley M University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, USA USALivermore David M University of East Anglia, UK UKLovley Derek R University of Massachusetts Amherst, USA USALozupone Catherine A University of Colorado at Denver, USA USAMadupu Ramana J Craig Venter Inst, USA USAMascola John R NIAID, USA USAMcKeating Jane A University of Birmingham, UK UKMoineau Sylvain University of Laval, Canada CanadaMolin Soren Technical University of Denmark, Denmark DenmarkMontefiori David C Duke University, USA USANabel Gary J NIAID, USA USANealson Kenneth H University of Southern California, USA USANeil Stuart J D King's College London, UK UKNelson Karen E J Craig Venter Inst, USA USANelson William C University of Southern California, USA USANordmann Patrice Hop Bicetre, France FranceOsterhaus Albert Dme Erasmus Med Ctr, Netherlands NetherlandsPalese Peter Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, USA USAParkhill Julian Wellcome Trust Sanger Inst, UK UKPaulsen Ian T Macquarie University, Australia AustraliaPeiris Joseph Sriyal Malik The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China ChinaPertea Mihaela The Johns Hopkins University, USA USAPeterson Jeremy D Morgan, USA USAPhogat Sanjay K Int AIDS Vaccine Initiat, USA USAPoignard Pascal Scripps Res Inst, USA USAPoirel Laurent University of Fribourg, Switzerland SwitzerlandPop Mihai University of Maryland, College Park, USA USAQuail Michael A Wellcome Trust Sanger Inst, UK UKRabbinowitsch Ester H University of Oxford, UK UKRajandream Marie-Adele Wellcome Trust Sanger Inst, UK UKRice Charles M Rockefeller University, USA USARichardson Paul M Joint Genome Inst, USA USARimmelzwaan Guus F Erasmus Med Ctr, Netherlands NetherlandsRohwer Forest San Diego State University, USA USASalazar-Gonzalez Jesus F The University of Alabama at Birmingham USASalzberg Steven L The Johns Hopkins University USASeaman Michael S Harvard University USASelengut Jeremy D University of Maryland, College Park USAShaw George M University of Pennsylvania USASibley L David Washington University in St. Louis USASodroski Joseph G Harvard University USATaubenberger Jeffery K NIAID USA68 Highly Cited Research Directory

MicrobiologyLAST NAMEThomson Nicholas R Welcome Trust Sanger Inst, UK UKTumpey Terrence M Ctr Dis Control & Prevent, USA USAUtterback Terry R Independent Biotechnology Consultant, USA USAVan Aken Susan E MacroGenics, USA USAWagner Michael University of Vienna, Austria AustriaWalker Bruce D Howard Hughes Med Inst, USA USAWalker Laura M Adimab LLC, USA USAWebster Robert G St. Jude Children's Research Hospital, USA USAWhite Owen R University of Maryland, Baltimore, USA USAWilson Ian A Scripps Res Inst, USA USAWoodford Neil Health Protection Agcy, UK UKWortman Jennifer R Broad Inst, USA USAWrin Terri Monogram Biosci Inc, USA USAWu Xueling Aaron Diamond AIDS Research Center, USA USAWyatt Richard T Scripps Res Inst, USA USAZhouFIRST NAMETongqingMIDDLE NAMEPrimary AffiliationNational Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases,USACountry/ 69

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Molecular Biology & GeneticsLAST NAMEFIRST NAMEMIDDLE NAMEPrimary AffiliationAbecasis Goncalo R University of Michigan - Ann Arbor, USA USAAlkan Can Bilkent University, Turkey TurkeyAllis C David Rockefeller University, USA USAAltshuler David M Broad Inst MIT & Harvard, USA USAArdlie Kristin G Broad Inst Harvard & MIT, USA USABarrett Jeffrey C Wellcome Trust Sanger Inst, UK UKBarroso Ines University of Cambridge, UK UKBartel David P Whitehead Inst Biomed Res, USA USABergman Richard N Cedars Sinai Med Ctr, USA USABernstein Bradley E Broad Inst MIT & Harvard, USA USACountry/RegionBirneyEwanEuropean Molecular Biology Laboratory/EuropeanBioinformatics Institute/EMBL-EBI, UKUKBirren Bruce W Broad Inst Massachusetts Inst Technol & Harvard, USA USABoehnke Michael University of Michigan - Ann Arbor, USA USABoerwinkleEricThe University of Texas Health Science Center atHouston, USAUSABonnycastle Lori L NHGRI, USA USABork Peer European Mol Biol Lab, Germany GermanyBrown Matthew A The University of Queensland, Australia AustraliaBurge Christopher B Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), USA USACampbell Harry The University of Edinburgh, UK UKCarter Nigel P Wellcome Trust Sanger Inst, UK UKCaulfield Mark J Queen Mary, U. of London, UK UKChakravarti Aravinda The Johns Hopkins University, USA USAChanock Stephen J NCI, USA USACheng Ze University of Washington, USA USAChinwalla Asif T Monsanto, USA USAClark Andrew G Cornell University, USA USACollins Francis S NIH, USA USACooper Gregory M HudsonAlpha Inst Biotechnol, USA USADaly Mark J Broad Inst Harvard & MIT, USA USADe Bakker Paul I W Broad Inst MIT & Harvard, USA USADeloukas Panos Queen Mary, U. of London, UK UKDermitzakis Emmanouil T University of Geneva, Switzerland SwitzerlandDonnelly Peter University of Oxford, UK UKDurbin Richard M Wellcome Trust Sanger Inst, UK UKEaston Douglas F University of Cambridge, UK UKEichler Evan E University of Washington, USA USAElledge Stephen J Brigham & Womens Hosp, USA USAElliott Paul Imperial College London, UK UKErdos Michael R Natl Human Genome Res Inst, USA USAFlicek Paul European Bioinformat Inst, UK UKFrayling Timothy M University of Exeter, UK UKFroguel Philippe Imperial College London, UK UKFulton Lucinda Washington University in St. Louis, USA USAGabriel Stacey B Broad Inst, USA USAGerstein Mark B Yale University, USA USAGibbs Richard A Baylor College of Medicine USAGieger Christian German Res Ctr Environm Hlth GermanyGingeras Thomas R Cold Spring Harbor Lab USAMolecular Biology & 71

Molecular Biology & GeneticsLAST NAMEGreen Douglas R St Jude Childrens Hosp USAGreen Eric D NHGRI, USA USAGroop Leif C Lund University, Sweden SwedenGuan Kun-liang University of California, San Diego, USA USAGudbjartsson Daniel F deCODE Genet, Iceland IcelandGuiducci Candace Broad Inst Massachusetts Inst Technol & Harvard, USA USAGuigo Roderic Ctr Genom Regulat CRG, Spain SpainGulcher Jeffrey R deCODE Genet, Iceland IcelandGwilliam Rhian KBioscience Unit 7, UK UKGygi Steven P Harvard University, USA USAHall Alistair S University of Leeds, UK UKHannon Gregory J Cold Spring Harbor Lab, USA USAHansen Torben University of Copenhagen, Denmark DenmarkHartikainen Anna-liisa University of Oulu, Finland FinlandHattersley Andrew T University of Exeter, UK UKHaussler David University of California, Santa Cruz, USA USAHillier Ladeana W Washington University in St. Louis, USA USAHirschhorn Joel N Broad Inst, USA USAHofman Albert Erasmus MC, Netherlands NetherlandsHu Frank B Harvard University, USA USAHunt Sarah E Wellcome Trust Sanger Inst, UK UKHunter David J Harvard University, USA USAHurles Matthew E Wellcome Trust Sanger Inst, UK UKIllig Thomas German Res Ctr Environm Hlth, Germany GermanyJackson Stephen P University of Cambridge, UK UKJackson Anne U University of Michigan - Ann Arbor, USA USAJacobsen Steven E W University of California, Los Angeles, USA USAJaenisch Rudolf Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), USA USAJaffe David B Broad Inst, USA USAJarvelin Marjo-riitta Natl Inst Hlth & Welf, Finland FinlandJohnson Toby GlaxoSmithKline, UK UKJorgensen Torben J D Glostrup Univ Hosp, Denmark DenmarkKarin Michael University of California, San Diego, USA USAKathiresan Sekar Broad Inst, USA USAKellis Manolis Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), USA USAKent William James University of California, Santa Cruz, USA USAKiemeney Lambertus A Radboud University Nijmegen, Netherlands NetherlandsKim V Narry Seoul National University, South Korea South KoreaKlionsky Daniel J University of Michigan - Ann Arbor, USA USAKong Augustine deCODE Genet, Iceland IcelandKraft Peter Harvard University, USA USAKroemer Guido University of Paris Descartes (Paris 5), France FranceKuusisto Johanna University of Eastern Finland FinlandLaakso Markku University of Eastern Finland FinlandLander Eric S Broad Inst Harvard & MIT USALee Charles Harvard University USALevineFIRST NAMEBethMIDDLE NAMEPrimary AffiliationThe University of Texas Southwestern Medical Centerat DallasLi Yingrui BGI Shenzhen ChinaLi Yun University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill USACountry/RegionUSA72 Highly Cited Research Directory

Molecular Biology & GeneticsLAST NAMEFIRST NAMEMIDDLE NAME Primary AffiliationCountry/RegionLindblad-toh Kerstin Broad Inst Harvard & Massachusetts Inst Technol USALindgren Cecilia M University of Oxford, UK UKLoos Ruth J F Addenbrookes Hosp, UK UKMann Matthias Max Planck Inst Biochem, Germany GermanyMarchini Jonathan L University of Oxford, UK UKMardis Elaine R Washington University in St. Louis, USA USAMarra Marco A British Columbia Canc Res Ctr, Canada CanadaMathew Christopher G King's College London, UK UKMcArdle Wendy L University of Bristol, UK UKMcCarroll Steven A Broad Inst Harvard & MIT, USA USAMcCarthy Mark I University of Oxford, UK UKMeitinger Thomas Technical University Munich, Germany GermanyMikkelsen Tarjei S Broad Inst MIT & Harvard, USA USAMiller Webb Pennsylvania State University - University Park, USA USAMizushima Noboru Tokyo Medical and Dental University, Japan JapanMohlke Karen L University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, USA USAMooser Vincent GlaxoSmithKline R&D, USA USAMorris Andrew D The University of Dundee, UK UKMullikin James C NHGRI, USA USAMuzny Donna Marie Baylor College of Medicine, USA USANakamura Yusuke University of Chicago, USA USANickerson Deborah A University of Washington, USA USANielsen Rasmus University of California, Berkeley, USA USANusbaum Chad Harvard University, USA USAOlsen Jesper V University of Copenhagen, Denmark DenmarkOuwehand Willem H NHS Blood Transplant, UK UKPalmer Colin N A The University of Dundee, UK UKPatterson Nick J Harvard University, USA USAPedersen Oluf Hagedorn Res Inst, Denmark DenmarkPeltonen Leena University of Helsinki, Finland FinlandPonting Chris P University of Oxford, UK UKProkopenko Inga Imperial College London, UK UKPurcell Shaun M Massachusetts Gen Hosp, USA USAQuail Michael A Wellcome Trust Sanger Inst, UK UKRegev Aviv Broad Inst MIT & Harvard, USA USAReik Wolf Babraham Institute Cambridge, UK UKReinberg Danny New York University, USA USARen Bing University of California, San Diego USARinn John L Broad Inst MIT & Harvard USARubinsztein David C University of Cambridge UKSabatini David M Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) USASalomaa Veikko Natl Inst Hlth & Welf FinlandSamani Nilesh J University of Leicester UKSanna Serena CNR ItalySchadt Eric E Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai USASchaffner Stephen F Broad Inst MIT & Harvard USAScheet Paul A The University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center USAScherer Stephen W The Hospital for Sick Children CanadaSchlessinger David NIA USASchreiber Stefan University of Kiel GermanyMolecular Biology & 73

Molecular Biology & GeneticsLAST NAMEFIRST NAMEMIDDLE NAME Primary AffiliationCountry/RegionScott Laura J University of Michigan - Ann Arbor, USA USASearle Stephen M J Wellcome Trust Sanger Inst, UK UKSharp Phillip A Koch Inst Integrat Canc Res, USA USAShendure Jay University of Washington, USA USASmit Arian F A Inst Syst Biol, USA USASnyder Michael Stanford University, USA USASodergren Erica J Washington University in St. Louis, USA USASoranzo Nicole Wellcome Trust Sanger Inst, UK UKSpector Timothy D King's College London, UK UKStark Alexander Res Inst Mol Pathol IMP, Austria AustriaStefansson Kari deCODE Genet, Iceland IcelandStefansson Hreinn deCODE Genet, Iceland IcelandStein Lincoln D University of Toronto, Canada CanadaSteinthorsdottir Valgerdur deCODE Genet, Iceland IcelandStephens Matthew University of Chicago, USA USAStrachan David P University College London, UK UKStratton Michael R Wellcome Trust Sanger Inst, UK UKStringham Heather M University of Michigan - Ann Arbor, USA USASulem Patrick deCODE Genet, Iceland IcelandTempst Paul Mem Sloan Kettering Canc Ctr, USA USAThompson Craig B Mem Sloan Kettering Canc Ctr, USA USAThorleifsson Gudmar deCODE Genet, Iceland IcelandThorsteinsdottir Unnur deCODE Genet, Iceland IcelandTuomilehto Jaakko Danube University Krems, Austria AustriaUda Manuela CNR, Italy ItalyUitterlinden Andre G Erasmus MC, Netherlands NetherlandsVan Duijn Cornelia M Erasmus University, Netherlands NetherlandsVisscher Peter M The University of Queensland, Australia AustraliaVoight Benjamin F University of Pennsylvania, USA USAWalters G Bragi deCODE Genet, Iceland IcelandWang Jun BGI, China ChinaWang Jian BGI Shenzhen ChinaWareham Nicholas J Med Res Council UKWaterston Robert H University of Washington USAWeedon Michael N University of Exeter UKWei Chia-lin Joint Genome Inst USAWeinberg Robert A Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) USAWeinstock George M The Jackson Laboratory for Genomic Medicine USAWeissman Jonathan S University of California, San Francisco USAWheeler David A Baylor College of Medicine USAWichmann H-erich German Res Ctr Environm Hlth GermanyWijmenga Cisca University of Groningen NetherlandsWiller Cristen J University of Michigan, Ann Arbor USAWilson James F The University of Edinburgh UKWilson Richard K Washington University in St. Louis USAWorley Kim C Baylor College of Medicine USAYang Huanming BGI Shenzhen ChinaYang Shiaw-pyng Monsanto Co USA74 Highly Cited Research Directory

Molecular Biology & GeneticsLAST NAMEFIRST NAMEYoule Richard J NIH, USA USAYoung Richard A Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), USA USAZamore Phillip DUniversity of Massachusetts Medical SchoolWorcester, MassZhang Yi Harvard University, USA USAZhao Jing Hua University of Cambridge, UK UKZody Michael CMIDDLE NAMEPrimary AffiliationBroad Inst Harvard & Massachusetts Inst Technol M,USACountry/RegionUSAUSAMolecular Biology & 75


Neuroscience & BehaviorLAST NAMEFIRST NAMEMIDDLE NAMEPrimary AffiliationAlvarez-Buylla Arturo University of California, San Francisco, USA USAAshe Karen H University of Minnesota, Twin Cities, USA USABarkhof Frederik VU University Amsterdam, Netherlands NetherlandsBeckmann Christian F Radboud University Nijmegen, Netherlands NetherlandsBehrens Timothy E J University of Oxford, UK UKBennett David A Rush University, USA USABigio Eileen H Northwestern University, USA USABiswal Bharat BRutgers, The State University of New Jersey -New Brunswick, USAUSABoeve Bradley F Mayo Medical School, USA USABraak Heiko University of Ulm, Germany GermanyBrooks David J Imperial College London, UK UKBuckner Randy L Harvard University, USA USABullmore Edward T University of Cambridge, UK UKBush Ashley I University of Melbourne, Australia AustraliaBuzsaki Gyoergy New York University, USA USACastellanos F Xavier Nathan S Kline Inst Psychiat Res, USA USACleveland Don W University of California, San Diego, USA USACohen Jonathan D Princeton University, USA USACorbetta Maurizio Washington University in St. Louis, USA USADale Anders M University of California, San Diego, USA USADawson Ted M The Johns Hopkins University, USA USADawson Valina L The Johns Hopkins University, USA USADeisseroth Karl Stanford University, USA USADekosky Steven T University of Virginia, USA USADickson Dennis W Mayo Medical School, USA USADolan Raymond J University College London, UK UKDuman Ronald S Yale University, USA USAEgan Michael F Merck Sharp & Dohme Corp, USA USAEvans Alan C McGill University, Canada CanadaEveritt Barry J University of Cambridge, UK UKFeldman Howard H University of British Columbia, Canada CanadaFischl Bruce Massachusetts Gen Hosp, USA USAFox Michael D Harvard University, USA USAFox Nick C University College London, UK UKFriston Karl J University College London, UK UKGabrieli John D E Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), USA USAGage Fred H Salk Inst Biol Studies, USA USAGarcia-Verdugo Jose Manuel University of Valencia, Spain SpainGiedd Jay N NIMH, USA USAGlover Gary H Stanford University, USA USAGreenberg Michael E Harvard University, USA USAGreicius Michael D Stanford University, USA USAGreve Doug N Harvard University, USA USAHardy John University College London, UK UKHariri Ahmad R Duke University USAHe Zhigang Children’s Hospital Boston USAHeinrichs Markus University of Freiburg GermanyHen Rene Columbia University USACountry/RegionNeuroscience & 77

Neuroscience & BehaviorLAST NAMEFIRST NAMEMIDDLE NAME Primary AffiliationCountry/RegionHoltzman David M Washington University in St. Louis, USA USAHyman Bradley T Harvard University, USA USAJack Clifford R Mayo Clinic, USA USAJenkinson Mark University of Oxford, UK UKKlunk William E University of Pittsburgh, USA USAKnopman David S Mayo Medical School, USA USAKolachana Bhaskar S NIMH, USA USAKriegstein Arnold R University of California, San Francisco, USA USALaFerla Frank M University of California, Irvine, USA USALaird Angela R Florida International University, USA USALang Anthony E University of Toronto, Canada CanadaLassmann Hans Medical University of Vienna, Austria AustriaLedoux Joseph E Nathan S Kline Inst Psychiat Res, USA USALee Virginia Man-Yee University of Pennsylvania, USA USALees Andrew J University College London, UK UKLennon Vanda A Mayo Medical School, USA USALewis David A University of Pittsburgh, USA USALozano Andres M University of Toronto, Canada CanadaLu Bai Tsinghua University, China ChinaLucchinetti Claudia F Mayo Medical School, USA USAMackenzie Ian R A University of British Columbia, Canada CanadaMakris Nikos Harvard University, USA USAMalenka Robert C Stanford University, USA USAMalinow Roberto University of California, San Diego, USA USAMasters Colin L University of Melbourne, Australia AustraliaMathis Chester A University of Pittsburgh, USA USAMattay Venkata S NIMH, USA USAMatthews Paul M GlaxoSmithKline Inc, UK UKMattson Mark P NIA, USA USAMcewen Bruce S Rockefeller University, USA USAMenon Vinod Stanford University, USA USAMeyer-Lindenberg Andreas University of Heidelberg, Germany GermanyMilham Michael P Child Mind Inst, USA USAMiller Bruce L University of California, San Francisco, USA USAMintun Mark A Avid Radiopharmaceuticals, USA USAMorris John C Washington University in St. Louis, USA USAMucke Lennart Gladstone Inst Neurol Dis, USA USANedergaard Maiken University of Rochester, USA USANestler Eric J Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, USA USANichols Thomas E University of Oxford, UK UKNicoll Roger A University of California, San Francisco, USA USAO'Doherty John P California Institute of Technology USAParisi Joseph E Mayo Medical School USAPetersen Ronald C Mayo Medical School USAPittock Sean J Mayo Medical School USAPrzedborski Serge Columbia University USAQuirk Gregory J University of Puerto Rico USARademakers Rosa Mayo Medical School USARaichle Marcus E Washington University in St. Louis USA78 Highly Cited Research Directory

Neuroscience & BehaviorLAST NAMEFIRST NAMEMIDDLE NAMEPrimary AffiliationReiss Allan L Stanford University, USA USARizzolatti Giacomo Italian Inst Technol, Italy ItalyRobbins Trevor W University of Cambridge, UK UKRushworth Matthew Fs University of Oxford, UK UKSalat David H Massachusetts Gen Hosp, USA USASaper Clifford B Beth Israel Deaconess Med Ctr, USA USASchneider Julie A Rush University, USA USASchultz Wolfram University of Cambridge, UK UKSelkoe Dennis J Harvard University, USA USASheng Morgan Genentech Inc, USA USASmith Stephen M University of Oxford, UK UKSnyder Abraham Z Washington University in St. Louis, USA USASong Hongjun The Johns Hopkins University, USA USASperling Reisa A Harvard University, USA USASüdhof Thomas C Stanford University, USA USASvoboda Karel Howard Hughes Med Inst, USA USASweatt J David The University of Alabama at Birmingham, USA USATanzi Rudolph E Harvard University, USA USAThompson Paul M University of California, Los Angeles, USA USAToga Arthur W University of California, Los Angeles, USA USATrojanowski John Q University of Pennsylvania, USA USAVan Der Kouwe Andre J W Massachusetts Gen Hosp, USA USAVincent Justin Ll Harvard University, USA USAWager Tor D University of Colorado at Boulder, USA USAWalsh Dominic M Brigham & Womens Hosp, USA USAWeinberger Daniel R NIMH, USA USAWeiner Michael W University of California, San Francisco, USA USAWeinshenker Brian G Mayo Medical School, USA USAWoolf Clifford J Harvard University, USA USAWoolrich Mark W University of Oxford, UK UKZhangFengBroad Inst Massachusetts Inst Technol MIT & Harva,USAUSAZlokovic Berislav V University of Southern California, USA USACountry/RegionNeuroscience & 79


Pharmacology & ToxicologyLAST NAMEFIRST NAMEAggarwal Bharat BThe University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center,USAAmiji Mansoor M Northeastern University, USA USABae You Han University of Utah, USA USABaillie Thomas A University of Washington, USA USABatrakova Elena V University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, USA USABenet Leslie Z University of California, San Francisco, USA USABonner Tom I NIMH, USA USABouvier Michel University of Montreal, Canada CanadaBurnstock Geoffrey University College London, UK UKButenhoff John L 3M Co, USA USACasini Angela F University of Groningen, Netherlands NetherlandsCatterall William A University of Washington, USA USAChai Zhifang Chinese Academy of Sciences, China ChinaChambon Pierre University of Strasbourg, France FranceChandy K George University of California, Irvine, USA USAChen Chunying Chinese Academy of Sciences, China ChinaChristopoulos Arthur Monash University, Australia AustraliaChun Jerold Scripps Res Inst, USA USAColvin Vicki L Rice University, USA USAConn P Jeffrey Vanderbilt University, USA USACouvreur Patrick University of Paris Sud (Paris 11), France FranceCryan John F University College Cork, Ireland IrelandDavis Mark E California Institute of Technology, USA USADe Clercq Erik KU Leuven, Belgium BelgiumDe Petrocellis Luciano CNR, Italy ItalyDi Marzo Vincenzo CNR, Italy ItalyDischer Dennis E University of Pennsylvania, USA USADonaldson Ken The University of Edinburgh, UK UKDuncan Ruth University College London, UK UKFang Jun Sojo University, Japan JapanFarokhzad Omid C Harvard University, USA USAFerdinandy Peter PharmaHungary Grp, Hungary HungaryFredholm Bertil B Karolinska Institute, Sweden SwedenGan Liang-Shang Biogen Idec Inc, USA USAGreengard Paul Rockefeller University, USA USAGronemeyer Hinrich Inst Genet & Mol Biol Cell IGBMC, France FranceGurny Robert University of Lausanne, Switzerland SwitzerlandHanes Justin The Johns Hopkins University, USA USAHennink Wim E Utrecht University, Netherlands NetherlandsHla Timothy Cornell University, USA USAHoffman Allan S University of Washington, USA USAHollenberg Morley D The University of Calgary, Canada CanadaHolmes Elaine Imperial College London, UK UKHussain Saber M Mol Bioeffects Branch, USA USAIjzerman Adriaan P Leiden University NetherlandsIngelman-sundberg Magnus Karolinska Institute SwedenIzzo Angelo A Endocannabinoid Res Grp ItalyJacobson Kenneth AMIDDLE NAMEPrimary AffiliationNational Institute of Diabetes & Digestive & KidneyDiseases, National Institutes of HealthCountry/RegionUSAUSAPharmacology & 81

Pharmacology & ToxicologyLAST NAMEFIRST NAMEJhoti Harren Astex Pharmaceut, UK UKJiskoot Wim Leiden University, Netherlands NetherlandsJohnstone Ricky W Peter MacCallum Canc Ctr, Australia AustraliaKabanov Alexander V University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, USA USAKataoka Kazunori The University of Tokyo, Japan JapanKenakin Terry P University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, USA USAKensler Thomas W University of Pittsburgh, USA USAKim Kwangmeyung Korea Inst Sci & Technol, South Korea South KoreaKim Sung Wan University of Utah, USA USAKissel Thomas University of Marburg, Germany GermanyKlaunig James EMIDDLE NAMEPrimary AffiliationIndiana University-Purdue University at Indianapolis,USAKobilka Brian K Stanford University, USA USACountry/RegionKong Ah-Ng TonyRutgers, The State University of New Jersey - NewBrunswick, USAUSAKreyling Wolfgang G German Res Ctr Environm Hlth, Germany GermanyKroemer Guido University of Paris Descartes (Paris 5), France FranceKunos George NIAAA, USA USAKwon Glen S University of Wisconsin - Madison, USA USAKwon Ick Chan Korea Institue of Science & Technology, South Korea South KoreaLabhasetwar Vinod Cleveland Clin, USA USALanger Robert Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), USA USALau Christopher U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, USA USALecluyse Edward L The Hamner Institutes for Health Sciences, USA USALefkowitz Robert J Duke University, USA USALerouxJean-ChristopheSwiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich,SwitzerlandSwitzerlandLeurs Rob VU University Amsterdam, Netherlands NetherlandsLinden Joel La Jolla Inst Allergy & Immunol, USA USALindon John C Imperial College London, UK UKLoftsson Thorsteinn University of Iceland, Iceland IcelandMackie Ken Indiana University Bloomington, USA USAMaeda Hiroshi Sojo University, Japan JapanMakriyannis Alexandros Northeastern University, USA USAMarks Paul A Mem Sloan Kettering Canc Ctr, USA USAMcNeil Scott E SAIC Frederick Inc, USA USAMechoulam Raphael The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel IsraelMikos Antonios G Rice University, USA USAMilligan Graeme The University of Glasgow, UK UKMonteiro-riviere Nancy A North Carolina State University - Raleigh, USA USAMuller Rainer H Free University of Berlin, Germany GermanyNicholson Jeremy K Imperial College London, UK UKNiemi Mikko University of Helsinki FinlandObach R Scott Pfizer Inc USAO'Neill Luke A J Trinity College Dublin IrelandOrrenius Sten Karolinska Institute SwedenPacher Pal NIAAA USAPark Kinam Purdue University, West Lafayette USAPark Kwangsik Dongduk Women's University South KoreaPark Tae Gwan Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology South KoreaUSA82 Highly Cited Research Directory

Pharmacology & ToxicologyLAST NAMEPatri Anil K NCI, USA USAPeppas Nicholas A The University of Texas at Austin, USA USAPertwee Roger G University of Aberdeen, UK UKPin Jean-Philippe Inst Genom Fonct, France FrancePolli Joseph W GlaxoSmithKline, UK UKPrausnitz Mark R Georgia Institute of Technology, USA USARahman Irfan University of Rochester, USA USAReed Kenneth L DuPont Haskell Global Ctr Hlth & Environm Sci, USA USARudolph Uwe Harvard University, USA USASayes Christie M RTI Int, USA USASchinkel Alfred H Netherlands Canc Inst, Netherlands NetherlandsSchioth Helgi B Uppsala University, Sweden SwedenSchlager John J USAF, USA USASchneiderFIRST NAMEGisbertMIDDLE NAMEPrimary AffiliationSwiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich,SwitzerlandSwitzerlandSchulz Rainer University of Giessen, Germany GermanyScozzafava Andrea University of Florence, Italy ItalySexton Patrick M Monash University, Australia AustraliaShishodia Shishir Texas Southern University, USA USAShitara Yoshihisa Chiba University, Japan JapanSinha V R Panjab University, India IndiaSpedding Michael Les Labs Servier, France FranceStone Vicki Heriot Watt University, UK UKStorm Gert Utrecht University, Netherlands NetherlandsSugiyama Yuichi RIKEN, Japan JapanSupuran Claudiu T University of Florence, Italy ItalyCountry/RegionSzaboCsabaThe University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston,USAUSATorchilin Vladimir P Northeastern University, USA USAValko Marian Constantine the Philosopher University, Slovakia SlovakiaVan Nostrum Cornelus F Utrecht University, Netherlands NetherlandsVermeulen Nico P E VU University Amsterdam, Netherlands NetherlandsVeronese Francesco M University of Padua, Italy ItalyWarheit David B DuPont Haskell Lab Hlth & Environm Sci, USA USAWebb Thomas R St Jude Childrens Res Hosp, USA USAWulff Heike University of California, Davis, USA USAZanger Ulrich MDr Margarete Fischer Bosch Inst Clin Pharmacol,GermanyGermanyZhang Miqin University of Washington USAZhao Yuliang Chinese Academy of Sciences ChinaZhou Shu-Feng University of South Florida USAPharmacology & 83

PhysicsLAST NAMEFIRST NAMEMIDDLE NAMEPrimary AffiliationAnalytis James G University of California, Berkeley, USA USAAndo Yoichi Osaka University, Japan JapanAtwater Harry A California Institute of Technology, USA USAAvouris Phaedon IBM Corp, USA USAAwschalom David D University of Chicago, USA USABarabasi Albert-laszlo Northeastern University, USA USABerger Claire Georgia Institute of Technology, USA USABern Zvi University of California, Los Angeles, USA USABlatt Rainer University of Innsbruck, Austria AustriaBloch Immanuel University of Munich, Germany GermanyBud'ko Sergey L Iowa State University, USA USACai Ronggen Chinese Academy of Sciences, China ChinaCanfield Paul C Iowa State University, USA USACastro-netto Antonio H Boston University, USA USACava Robert J Princeton University, USA USAChen Gen-fu Renmin University of China, China ChinaChen Guanrong City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China ChinaChen Xian-hui University of Science and Technology of China, China ChinaCountry/RegionCheongSang-wookRutgers, The State University of New Jersey - NewBrunswick, USAUSAChin Cheng University of Chicago, USA USAChristidoulides Demetrios N University of Central Florida, USA USAChu Jiun-haw University of California, Berkeley, USA USACirac Juan Ignacio Max Planck Inst Quantum Opt, Germany GermanyCiraci Salim Bilkent University, Turkey TurkeyCorkum Paul B Joint Univ Ottawa, Canada CanadaDai Pengcheng Rice University, USA USADai Xi Chinese Academy of Sciences, China ChinaDas Sarma Sankar University of Maryland, College Park, USA USADavis J C (seamus) Cornell University, USA USADe Heer Walter A Georgia Institute of Technology, USA USADemler Eugene A Harvard University, USA USADeng Fu-guo Beijing Normal University, China ChinaDing Hong Chinese Academy of Sciences, China ChinaDixon Lance J Stanford University, USA USAEbbesen Thomas W ISIS, France FranceEisaki Hiroshi Natl Inst Adv Ind Sci & Technol, Japan JapanEsslingerTilmanSwiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich,SwitzerlandSwitzerlandFang Zhong Chinese Academy of Sciences, China ChinaFerrari Andrea C University of Cambridge, UK UKFisher Ian R Stanford University, USA USAForrest Stephen R University of Michigan - Ann Arbor, USA USAFrunzio Luigi Yale University, USA USAGao Yi-tian Beihang University, China ChinaGarcia-vidal Francisco J Autonomous University of Madrid, Spain SpainGeim Andre K The University of Manchester UKGirvin Steven M Yale University USAGisin Nicolas University of Geneva SwitzerlandGossard Arthur C University of California, Santa Barbara USA84 Highly Cited Research Directory

PhysicsLAST NAMEGrimm Rudolf University of Innsbruck, Austria AustriaGuinea Francisco CSIC, Spain SpainHansch Theodor W University of Munich, Germany GermanyHasan M Zahid Princeton University, USA USAHor Yew San Missouri University of Science and Technology, USA USAHosono Hideo Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan JapanHu Jiangping King Abdulaziz University, Saudi Arabia Saudi ArabiaHussain Zahid University of California, Berkeley, USA USAInguscio Massimo University of Florence, Italy ItalyJelezko Fedor University of Ulm, Germany GermanyJin Deborah S University of Colorado at Boulder, USA USAKatsnelson Mikhail I Radboud University Nijmegen, Netherlands NetherlandsKeimerBernhardMax Planck Institute for Solid State Research,GermanyKetterle Wolfgang Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), USA USAKim Philip Columbia University, USA USAKimble H Jeff California Institute of Technology, USA USAKippenberg Tobias JEcole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne,SwitzerlandGermanySwitzerlandKosower David A CEA Saclay, France FranceKouwenhoven Leo P Delft University of Technology, Netherlands NetherlandsKrausz Ferenc University of Munich, Germany GermanyKresse Georg University of Vienna, Austria AustriaLee Dung-hai University of California, Berkeley, USA USALewenstein Maciej ICFO Inst Ciencies Foton, Spain SpainLipson Michal Cornell University, USA USALouie Steven G University of California, Berkeley, USA USALukin Mikhail D Harvard University, USA USALuo Jian-lin Chinese Academy of Sciences, China ChinaLynn Jeffrey W NIST, USA USAMacDonald Allan H The University of Texas at Austin, USA USAMaldacena Juan Inst Adv Study, USA USAMandrus David University of Tennessee Health Science Center, USA USAMartinis John M University of California, Santa Barbara, USA USAMartin-moreno Luis University of Zaragoza, Spain SpainMatsuda Yuji Kyoto University, Japan JapanMazin Igor I Naval Res Lab, USA USAMcGuire Michael A Oak Ridge Natl Lab, USA USAMorozov Sergei V Russian Res Ctr Inst Phys & Power Engn, Russia RussiaMyers Robert C Perimeter Inst Theoret Phys, Canada CanadaNagaosaFIRST NAMENaotoMIDDLE NAMEPrimary AffiliationRIKEN Center for Emergent Matter Science, RIKEN,JapanNakamura Yasunobu RIKEN Ctr Emergent Matter Sci JapanNewman Mark E J University of Michigan, Ann Arbor USANi Ni University of California, Los Angeles USANojiri Shin'ichi Nagoya University JapanNovoselov Konstantin S The University of Manchester UKO'brien Jeremy L University of Bristol UKOdintsov Sergei D ICREA and ICE(CSIC IEEC) SpainCountry/ 85

PhysicsLAST NAME FIRST NAME MIDDLE NAME Primary Affiliation Country/RegionOng Nai Phuan Princeton University, USA USAPan Jian-wei University of Science and Technology of China, China ChinaPendry John B Imperial College London, UK UKPerc Matjaz University of Maribor, Slovenia SloveniaPeres Nuno M R University of Minho, Portugal PortugalQi Xiao-liang Stanford University, USA USARalph Daniel C Cornell University, USA USARamesh Ramamoorthy Oak Ridge National Laboratory, USA USARobertson John University of Cambridge, UK UKRoos Christian F University of Innsbruck, Austria AustriaRotenberg Eli University of California, Berkeley, USA USASachdev Subir Harvard University, USA USASales Brian C Oak Ridge Natl Lab, USA USASato Takafumi Tohoku University, Japan JapanScheffler Matthias Max Planck Gesell, Germany GermanySchmalian Joerg Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany GermanySchoelkopf Robert J Yale University, USA USASchuster David I University of Chicago, USA USASefat Athena S Oak Ridge Natl Lab, USA USAShen Zhi-xun Stanford University, USA USAShibauchi Takasada Kyoto University, Japan JapanSingh David J Oak Ridge Natl Lab, USA USASmith David R Duke University, USA USASon Dam Thanh University of Chicago, USA USASoukoulis Costas M US DOE Joint Genome Institute, USA USASpaldin Nicola ASwiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich,SwitzerlandTakagi Hidenori The University of Tokyo, Japan JapanTakahashi Takashi Tohoku University, Japan JapanTianTokuraBoYoshinoriBeijing University of Posts and Telecommunications,ChinaRIKEN Center for Emergent Matter Science(CEMS),JapanTseytlin Arkady A Imperial College London, UK UKTsujikawa Shinji Tokyo University of Science, Japan JapanUchida Shin-ichi The University of Tokyo, Japan JapanVahala Kerry J California Institute of Technology, USA USAVan De Walle Chris G University of California, Santa Barbara, USA USASwitzerlandVilleneuve David M Natl Res Council Canada, Canada CanadaWang Feng University of California, Berkeley USAWang Nan-lin Chinese Academy of Sciences ChinaWang Xiangfeng University of Science and Technology of China ChinaWegener Martin University of Karlsruhe GermanyWrachtrup Joerg University of Stuttgart GermanyYacoby Amir Harvard University USAYazdani Ali Princeton University USAYe Jun University of Colorado at Boulder USAChinaJapan86 Highly Cited Research Directory

PhysicsLAST NAME FIRST NAME MIDDLE NAME Primary Affiliation Country/RegionZeilinger Anton University of Vienna AustriaZettl Axel University of California, Berkeley USAZhang Xiang University of California, Berkeley USAZhang Shoucheng Stanford University USAZoller Peter University of Innsbruck AustriaZwierlein Martin W Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) 87

Plant & Animal ScienceLAST NAMEFIRST NAMEMIDDLE NAMEPrimary AffiliationAlonso Jose M North Carolina State University - Raleigh, USA USAAmasino Richard M University of Wisconsin - Madison, USA USAAsami Tadao The University of Tokyo, Japan JapanAusubel Frederick M Harvard University, USA USABailey-serres Julia University of California, Riverside, USA USABaldwin Ian Thomas Max Planck Inst Chem Ecol, Germany GermanyBaulcombe David C University of Cambridge, UK UKBeeckman Tom Ghent University, Belgium BelgiumBenfey Philip N Duke University, USA USABenkova Eva IST Austria, Austria AustriaBennett Malcolm J King Saud University, Saudi Arabia Saudi ArabiaBhalerao Rishikesh P King Saud University, Saudi Arabia Saudi ArabiaBoerjan Wout Ghent University, Belgium BelgiumBohlmann Joerg University of British Columbia, Canada CanadaBoller Thomas University of Basel, Switzerland SwitzerlandBouwmeester Harro J Ctr Biosyst Genom, Netherlands NetherlandsBuell C Robin Michigan State University, USA USACarrington James C Oregon State University, USA USAChase Mark W Royal Botanic Gardens, UK UKChen Zhixiang Purdue University - West Lafayette, USA USAChory Joanne Salk Inst Biol Studies, USA USACook Douglas R University of California, Davis, USA USACountry/RegionCouplandGeorgeMax Planck Institute for Plant Breeding Research,GermanyGermanyCoutinho Pedro M Aix Marseille University, France FranceCrous Pedro W CBS KNAW Fungal Biodivers Ctr, Netherlands NetherlandsDangl Jeffery L University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, USA USADean Caroline John Innes Ctr Plant Sci Res, UK UKDeng Xing Wang Yale University, USA USADennis Elizabeth S University of Technology, Sydney, Australia AustraliaDepamphilis Claude W Pennsylvania State University - University Park, USA USADesikan Radhika Imperial College London, UK UKDixon Richard A University of North Texas - Denton, USA USADong Xinnian Duke University, USA USAEcker Joseph R Salk Inst Biol Studies, USA USAEstelle Mark University of California, San Diego, USA USAFernie Alisdair R Max Planck Inst Mol Plant Physiol, Germany GermanyFeuillet Catherine University of Auvergne, France FranceFiehn Oliver University of California, Davis, USA USAFlexas Jaume University of Illes Balears, Spain SpainFoyer Christine H University of Leeds, UK UKFriml Jiri Ghent University, Belgium BelgiumFujita Yasunari Japan Int Res Ctr Agr Sci, Japan JapanFujita Miki University of British Columbia, Canada CanadaGeiser David M Pennsylvania State University - University Park, USA USAGershenzon Jonathan Max Planck Inst Chem Ecol GermanyGibon Yves INRA FranceGiovannoni James J Cornell University USAGlazebrook Jane University of Minnesota, Twin Cities USA88 Highly Cited Research Directory

Plant & Animal ScienceLAST NAMEGreen Pamela j University of Delaware, USA USAGrigoriev Igor v US DOE Joint Genome Institute , USA USAGrimwood Jane HudsonAlpha Inst Biotechnol, USA USAGrossniklaus Ueli University of Zurich, Switzerland SwitzerlandGruissemWilhelmSwiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich,SwitzerlandHan Bin Chinese Academy of Sciences, China ChinaHanada Atsushi Tohoku University, Japan JapanHancock John T University of the West of England, UK UKHe Sheng Yang Howard Hughes Med Inst, USA USASwitzerlandHebert Paul D N University of Guelph, Canada CanadaHenrissatFIRST NAMEBernardMIDDLE NAMEPrimary AffiliationCenter National de la Recherche scientifique(CNRS),FranceHirai Masami Yokota RIKEN Plant Sci Ctr, Japan JapanHirochika Hirohiko Natl Inst Agrobiol Sci, Japan JapanFranceHirt Heribert University of Evry, France FranceHowe Gregg A Michigan State University, USA USAHyde Kevin D King Saud University, Saudi Arabia Saudi ArabiaInze Dirk Ghent University, Belgium BelgiumJiang Jiming University of Wisconsin - Madison, USA USAJones Jonathan D G Sainsbury Lab, UK UKKakimoto Tatsuo Osaka University, Japan JapanKamiya Yuji RIKEN Plant Sci Ctr, Japan JapanKamoun Sophien The Sainsbury Laboratory, UK UKKangasjarvi Jaakko King Saud University, Saudi Arabia Saudi ArabiaKay Steve A University of Southern California, USA USAKazan Kemal Commonwealth Sci & Ind Res Org, Australia AustraliaKeller Beat University of Zurich, Switzerland SwitzerlandKobayashi Masatomo RIKEN, Japan JapanKopka Joachim Max Planck Inst Mol Plant Physiol, Germany GermanyKraemer Ute University of Bochum, Germany GermanyKudla Joerg King Saud University, Saudi Arabia Saudi ArabiaLi Jiayang Chinese Academy of Sciences, China ChinaLindquist Erika A US DOE Joint Genome Inst, USA USALjung Karin Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Sweden SwedenLong Stephen P University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign, USA USALuan Sheng University of California, Berkeley, USA USALucas Susan M Energy Sciences Network, USA USAMartin Gregory B Cornell University, USA USAMartinoia Enrico University of Zurich, Switzerland SwitzerlandMaruyama Kyonoshin Japan Int Res Ctr Agr Sci, Japan JapanMatsuoka Makoto Nagoya University, Japan JapanMauch-Mani Brigitte University of Neuchatel SwitzerlandMay Gregory D DuPont Pioneer USAMayer Klaus F X King Saud University Saudi ArabiaMessingJoachimRutgers, The State University of New Jersey NewBrunswickUSAMeyers Blake C University of Delaware USAMillar A Harvey The University of Western Australia AustraliaMittler Ron University of North Texas, Denton USACountry/RegionPlant & Animal 89

Plant & Animal ScienceLAST NAMEFIRST NAMEMIDDLE NAME Primary AffiliationCountry/RegionMurphy Angus S Purdue University - West Lafayette, USA USANakajima Masatoshi The University of Tokyo, Japan JapanNambara Eiji University of Toronto, Canada CanadaNeill Steven J University of the West of England, UK UKNelson David R University of Tennessee Health Science Center, USA USANoctor Graham University of Paris Sud (Paris 11), France FranceNunes-Nesi Adriano Federal University of Vicosa, Brazil BrazilO'Donnell Kerry USDA ARS, USA USAOhlrogge John B Michigan State University, USA USAOhme-Takagi Masaru Natl Inst Adv Ind Sci & Technol, Japan JapanOldroyd Giles E D John Innes Ctr, UK UKPanstruga Ralph RWTH Aachen University, Germany GermanyParker Jane E Max Planck Inst Plant Breeding Res, Germany GermanyParniske Martin University of Munich, Germany GermanyPieterse Corne M J Utrecht University, Netherlands NetherlandsRalph John Great Lakes Bioenergy Res Ctr, USA USARanson Hilary Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine (LSTM) UKRobinson David G University of Heidelberg, Germany GermanyRokhsar Daniel S University of California, Berkeley, USA USARombauts Stephane Ghent University, Belgium BelgiumRonald Pamela C University of California, Davis, USA USARouze Pierre Ghent University, Belgium BelgiumSaito Kazuki Chiba University, Japan JapanSakakibara Hitoshi RIKEN Center for Sustainable Resource Science, Japan JapanSalamov Asaf A US DOE Joint Genome Institute, USA USASalse Jerome University of Auvergne, France FranceSandberg Goran Umea University, Sweden SwedenSato Shusei Kazusa DNA Res Inst, Japan JapanScheible Wolf-Ruediger Max Planck Inst Mol Plant Physiol, Germany GermanyScheres Ben University of Wageningen, Netherlands NetherlandsSchmutz Jeremy HudsonAlpha Inst Biotechnol, USA USASchoch Conrad L NIH, USA USASchroeder Julian I University of California, San Diego, USA USASchulze-Lefert Paul Max Planck Inst Plant Breeding Res, Germany GermanySeki Motoaki RIKEN, Japan JapanSheen Jen Harvard University, USA USAShikanai Toshiharu Kyoto University, Japan JapanShimamoto Ko Nara Institute of Science and Technology JapanSshinozaki Kazuo RIKEN JapanShirasu Ken RIKEN JapanSmall Ian D The University of Western Australia AustraliaSmith Alison M John Innes Ctr UKSolano Roberto Ctr Nacl Biotecnol Consejo Super Invest Cient SpainSoltis Douglas E University of Florida USASoltis Pamela S University of Florida USASomerville Chris R University of California, Berkeley USASomerville Shauna C University of California, Berkeley USASperry John S University of Utah USAStierhof York-Dieter University of Tuebingen GermanyStitt Mark Max Planck Inst Mol Plant Physiol Germany90 Highly Cited Research Directory

Plant & Animal ScienceLAST NAMEStougaard Jens Aarhus University, Denmark DenmarkSun Tai-Ping Duke University, USA USASunkar Ramanjulu Oklahoma State University, USA USASweetlove Lee J University of Oxford, UK UKTabata Satoshi Kazusa DNA Res Inst, Japan JapanThomashow Michael F Michigan State University, USA USATohge Takayuki Max Planck Inst Mol Plant Physiol, Germany GermanyTon Jurriaan The University of Sheffield, UK UKTtown Christopher D J Craig Venter Inst, USA USAUdvardi Michael K Samuel Roberts Noble Fdn Inc, USA USAUeguchi-Tanaka Miyako Nagoya University, Japan JapanUsadel Bjoern Max Planck Inst Mol Plant Physiol, Germany GermanyVan Breusegem Frank Ghent University, Belgium BelgiumVan De Peer Yves Ghent University, Belgium BelgiumVan Loon Leendert C Utrecht University, Netherlands NetherlandsVarshney Rajeev K CIMMYT, Mexico MexicoVierstra Richard D University of Wisconsin - Madison, USA USAVoinnetFIRST NAMEOlivierMIDDLE NAMEPrimary AffiliationSwiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich,SwitzerlandSwitzerlandWeigel Detlef Max Planck Inst Dev Biol, Germany GermanyWeisshaar Bernd University of Bielefeld, Germany GermanyWhite Philip J King Saud University, Saudi Arabia Saudi ArabiaWin Joe Sainsbury Lab, UK UKWing Rod A University of Arizona, USA USAYamaguchi Shinjiro RIKEN Plant Sci Ctr, Japan JapanYamaguchi-Shinozaki Kazuko Japan Int Ctr Agr Sci, Japan JapanYano Masahiro Natl Inst Agrobiol Sci, Japan JapanYe Zheng-Hua The University of Georgia, USA USAZhong Ruiqin The University of Georgia, USA USAZhu Jian-Kang Purdue University - West Lafayette, USA USAZhu Tong Syngenta Biotechnology, Inc., USA USAZipfel Cyril The Sainsbury Laboratory, UK UKCountry/RegionPlant & Animal 91


Psychiatry / PsychologyLAST NAMEAkiskal Hagop S University of California, San Diego, USA USAAngermeyer Matthias C University of Cagliari, Italy ItalyBakker Arnold B Erasmus University, Netherlands NetherlandsBanaji Mahzarin R Harvard University, USA USABaumeister Roy F Florida State University, USA USABerglund Patricia A University of Michigan - Ann Arbor, USA USABiederman Joseph Harvard University, USA USABowden Charles LThe University of Texas Health Science Center at SanAntonio, USABuchanan Robert W University of Maryland, Baltimore, USA USACadenhead Kristin S University of California, San Diego, USA USACalabrese Joseph R Case Western Reserve University, USA USACannonFIRST NAMEMaryMIDDLE NAMEPrimary AffiliationRoyal College of Surgeons in IrelandBeaumont Hosp, IrelandCannon Tyrone D Yale University, USA USACarter Cameron S University of California, Davis, USA USACaspi Avshalom Duke University, USA USACharney Dennis S Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, USA USAChou S Patricia NIAAA, USA USACountry/RegionCorrell Christoph UZucker Hillside Hospital, North Shore Long IslandJewish Health System, USAUSACraddock Nick Cardiff University, UK UKCuijpers Pim VU University Amsterdam, Netherlands NetherlandsDavis John M University of Illinois at Chicago, USA USADawson Deborah A NIAAA, USA USADe Graaf Ron Netherlands Inst Mental Hlth & Addict, Netherlands NetherlandsDehaene Stanislas CEA, France FranceEngle Randall W Georgia Institute of Technology, USA USAFaraone Stephen VState University of New York Upstate MedicalUniversity, USAUSAFava Maurizio Harvard University, USA USAFreedman Robert University of Colorado at Denver, USA USAGold James M University of Maryland, Baltimore County, USA USAGoodwin Guy M University of Oxford, UK UKGrant Bridget F NIAAA, USA USAGreen Michael F University of California, Los Angeles, USA USAGross James J Stanford University, USA USAHarrington Honalee Duke University, USA USAHarvey Philip D University of Miami, USA USAHasin Deborah S Columbia University, USA USAJin Robert Harvard University, USA USAKane John MThe Zucker Hillside Hospital, North Shore Long IslandJewish Health System, USAUSAKeck Paul E University of Cincinnati, USA USAKeefe Richard S E Duke University, USA USAKeller Martin B Brown University, USA USAKendler Kenneth S Virginia Commonwealth University, USA USAKessler Ronald C Harvard University, USA USAKupfer David J University of Pittsburgh USALeon Andrew C Cornell University USALeucht Stefan Technical University Munich GermanyUSAIrelandPsychiatry / 93

Psychiatry / PsychologyLAST NAMELieberman Jeffrey A Columbia University, USA USAMackinnon David P Arizona State University - Tempe, USA USAMann J John Columbia University, USA USAMarder Stephen R University of California, Los Angeles, USA USAMcevoy Joseph P Duke University, USA USAMcGlashan Thomas H Yale University, USA USAMcGorry Patrick D ORYGEN Youth Hlth Res Ctr, Australia AustraliaMcGuire Philip K King's College London, UK UKMcIntyre Roger S University of Toronto, Canada CanadaMerikangas Kathleen Ries NIMH, USA USAMickFIRST NAMEEricUniversity of Massachusetts Medical School -Worcester, USAMoeller Hans-Juergen University of Munich, Germany GermanyMoffitt Terrie E Duke University, USA USAMurray Robin M King's College London, UK UKNasrallah Henry A University of Cincinnati, USA USANewcomer John W Florida Atlantic University, USA USANierenberg Andrew A Massachusetts General Hospital, USA USANolen Willem A University of Groningen, Netherlands NetherlandsNosek Brian A University of Virginia, USA USAOlfson Mark Columbia University, USA USAOlincy Ann Denver VA Med Ctr, USA USAOrmel Johan University of Groningen, Netherlands NetherlandsOwen Michael J Cardiff University, UK UKPantelis Christos Melbourne Hlth, Australia AustraliaPerkins Diana O University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, USA USAPhillips Lisa J University of Melbourne, Australia AustraliaPine Daniel S NIMH, USA USAPosada-Villa Jose AUniversidad Colegio Mayor de Cundinamarca,ColombiaUSAColombiaPoulton Richie University of Otago, New Zealand New ZealandPreacher Kristopher J Vanderbilt University, USA SARush A John Duke Natl Univ Singapore, Singapore SingaporeSachs Gary S Harvard University, USA USASchaufeli Wilmar B Utrecht University, Netherlands NetherlandsSeidman Larry J Harvard University, USA USAStein Murray B University of California, San Diego, USA USASteinberg Laurence Temple University, USA USAStinson Frederick S NIAAA, USA USAStroup T Scott Columbia University, USA USASuppes Trisha Stanford University, USA USAThase Michael E University of Pennsylvania, USA USATohen Mauricio The University of New Mexico - Albuquerque, USA USATrivedi Madhukar HMIDDLE NAMEPrimary AffiliationThe University of Texas Southwestern Medical Centerat DallasVan Os Jim University of Maastricht NetherlandsVieta Eduard University of Barcelona SpainWalters Ellen E Harvard University USAWeinberger Daniel R NIMH USAWilliams David R Harvard University USACountry/RegionUSA94 Highly Cited Research Directory

Psychiatry / PsychologyLAST NAMEFIRST NAMEMIDDLE NAME Primary AffiliationCountry/RegionWisniewski Stephen R University of Pittsburgh, USA USAWood Stephen J University of Birmingham, UK UKWoods Scott W Yale University, USA USAYatham Lakshmi N University of British Columbia, Canada CanadaYoung Allan H King's College London, UK UKYung Alison R The University of Manchester, UK UKZaslavsky Alan M Harvard University, USA USAPsychiatry / 95

Social Sciences, generalLAST NAMEAdler Nancy E University of California, San Francisco, USA USAAiken Linda H University of Pennsylvania, USA USAArora Neeraj K NCI, USA USAAsh Joan S Oregon Health and Science University, USA USABaker Laurence C Stanford University, USA USABates David W Brigham & Womens Hosp, USA USABebchuk Lucian A Harvard University, USA USABeck Ulrich London School of Economics and Political Science, UK UKBensing Jozien M Utrecht University, Netherlands NetherlandsBerwick Donald M Inst Healthcare Improvement, USA USABlumenthal David Commonwealth Fund, USA USABornmann Lutz Max Planck Soc, Germany GermanyBoschma Ron A Lund University, Sweden SwedenBrenner Neil Harvard University, USA USABrownell Kelly D Duke University, USA USABrownson Ross C Washington University in St. Louis, USA USABrug Johannes VU University Amsterdam, Netherlands NetherlandsCasalino Lawrence P Cornell University, USA USACatlin Aaron Ctr Medicare & Medicaid Serv CMS, USA USACesari Matteo Paul Sabatier University (Toulouse 3), France FranceChapman James E Urban Design 4 Health, Inc. CanadaChernew Michael E Harvard University, USA USAClarke Sean P University of Pennsylvania, USA USACooper Lisa A Johns Hopkins Med Inst, USA USACowan Cathy A CMS, USA USACrimmins Eileen M University of Southern California, USA USACummings Greta G University of Alberta, Canada CanadaCutler David M Harvard University, USA USADanielFIRST NAMEHans-dieterMIDDLE NAMEPrimary AffiliationSwiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich,SwitzerlandSwitzerlandDemirbas Ayhan King Abdulaziz University, Saudi Arabia Saudi ArabiaDemirbas Muhammed Fatih Sila Sci, Turkey TurkeyD'errico Francesco University of Bordeaux, France FranceDoty Michelle M Knowledge Network, USA USADruckman James N Northwestern University, USA USADue Rokus Awe Indonesian Ctr Archaeol, Indonesia IndonesiaEccles Martin P Newcastle University, UK UKEgghe Leo University of Hasselt, Belgium BelgiumElliott Marc N RAND Corp, USA USAEnsrud Kristine E University of Minnesota, Twin Cities, USA USAEpstein Ronald M University of Rochester, USA USAEstabrooks Carole A University of Alberta, Canada CanadaFagerlin Angela University of Michigan - Ann Arbor, USA USAFerrucci Luigi NIA, USA USAFiner Lawrence B Alan Guttmacher Inst, USA USAFinkelhor David University of New Hampshire USAFiscella Kevin University of Rochester USAFisher Elliott S Ctr Healthcare Res USAFrank Lawrence Douglas University of British Columbia CanadaCountry/Region96 Highly Cited Research Directory

Social Sciences, generalLAST NAMEFIRST NAMEMIDDLE NAME Primary AffiliationCountry/RegionFranks Peter University of California, Davis, USA USAFried Linda P Columbia University, USA USAFuchs Lynn S Vanderbilt University, USA USAGandhi Tejal K Harvard University, USA USAGhali William A The University of Calgary, Canada CanadaGiles-corti Billie University of Melbourne, Australia AustraliaGillberg Christopher University of Gothenburg, Sweden SwedenGlanzel Wolfgang KU Leuven, Belgium BelgiumGlasgow Russell E NCI, USA USAGleditsch Kristian Skrede University of Essex, UK UKGoldsmith Charles H McMaster University, Canada CanadaGreenhalgh Trisha Queen Mary, U. of London, UK UKGrulich Andrew E University of New South Wales, Australia AustraliaGunz Philipp Max Planck Inst Evolutionary Anthropol, Germany GermanyGuralnik Jack M University of Maryland, Baltimore, USA USAHall Mark A Wake Forest University, USA USAHarris Tamara B NIA, USA USAHarvey Gill The University of Manchester, UK UKHenshilwood Christopher Stuart University of Bergen, Norway NorwayHibbard Judith H University of Oregon, USA USAHigham Tom F G University of Oxford, UK UKHooghe Liesbet University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, USA USAHublin Jean-jacques Max Planck Inst Evolutionary Anthropol, Germany GermanyInouye Sharon K Harvard University, USA USAJacobs Zenobia University of Wollongong, Australia AustraliaJanssen Ian Queen's University, Canada CanadaJatmiko Indonesian Ctr Archaeol, Indonesia IndonesiaJewkes Rachel K University of the Witwatersrand, South Africa South AfricaJha Ashish K Harvard University, USA USAKerr Jacqueline University of California, San Diego, USA USAKey Timothy J University of Oxford, UK UKKiely Dan K Hebrew SeniorLife, USA USAKing Gary Harvard University, USA USAKitson Alison L The University of Adelaide, Australia AustraliaKlabunde Carrie N NCI, USA USAKravitz Richard L University of California, Davis, USA USAKreuter Matthew W Siteman Canc Ctr, USA USAKritchevsky Stephen B Wake Forest University, USA USAKuperman Gilad J Columbia University, USA USALandon Bruce E Harvard University, USA USALarson Eric B Grp Hlth Cooperat Puget Sound, USA USALeydesdorff Loet University of Amsterdam NetherlandsLord Stephen R University of New South Wales AustraliaLynch John The University of Adelaide AustraliaMacintyre Sally MRC Social & Publ Hlth Sci Unit UKMalmberg Anders Uppsala University SwedenMarks Gary VU University Amsterdam NetherlandsMarmot Michael G University College London UKMaskell Peter Copenhagen Business School DenmarkSocial Sciences, 97

Social Sciences, generalLAST NAMEFIRST NAMEMIDDLE NAME Primary AffiliationCountry/RegionMatson Johnny L Louisiana State University - Baton Rouge, USA USAMattson Mark P NIA, USA USAMcCormack Brendan University of Ulster, Ireland IrelandMcLanahan Sara S Princeton University, USA USAMiller Franklin G NIH, USA USAMoody James Duke University, USA USAMorenoff Jeffrey D University of Michigan - Ann Arbor, USA USAMorrison R Sean Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, USA USAMorwood Michael J University of New England, Australia AustraliaNeumark-sztainer Dianne University of Minnesota, Twin Cities, USA USANevitt Michael C University of California, San Francisco, USA USANewman Anne B University of Pittsburgh, USA USANoar Seth M University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, USA USAOsborn Robin Commonwealth Fund, USA USAOsborne Jonathan Stanford University, USA USAOztas Fulya Selcuk University, Turkey TurkeyPager Devah Harvard University, USA USAPahor Marco University of Florida, USA USAPeck Jamie University of British Columbia, Canada CanadaPeeters Petra H M Univ Med Ctr Utrecht, Netherlands NetherlandsPenninx Brenda W J H VU University Amsterdam, Netherlands NetherlandsPerera Subashan University of Pittsburgh, USA USAPianta Robert C University of Virginia, USA USAPoortinga Wouter Cardiff University, UK UKPopkin Barry M University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, USA USAQuan Hude D The University of Calgary, Canada CanadaRafols Ismael Polytechnic University of Valencia , Spain SpainRehm Juergen University of Toronto, Canada CanadaReiser Brian J Northwestern University, USA USARiley Gerald F Ctr Medicaid Serv, USA USARoberts Richard G University of Wollongong, Australia AustraliaRomano Patrick S University of California, Davis, USA USARosario Angelika Schaffrath Robert Koch Inst, Germany GermanyRousseau Ronald KU Leuven, Belgium BelgiumRycroft-malone Jo Bangor University, UK UKSaelens Brian E Childrens Hosp & Reg Med Ctr, USA USASaidur Rahman University of Malaya MalaysiaSallis James F University of California, San Diego USASampson Robert J Harvard University USASaptomo E Wayhu Indonesian Ctr Archaeol IndonesiaSchoen Cathy Commonwealth Fund USASeers Kate University of Warwick UKShi Leiyu The Johns Hopkins University USASimonsick Eleanor M NIA USASimpson D Dwayne Texas Christian University USASloane Douglas M University of Pennsylvania USASmith George Davey University of Bristol UKSnijders Tom A B University of Oxford UKSokol Michael C Merck & Co Inc, USA USASpencer Elizabeth A University of Oxford, UK UK98 Highly Cited Research Directory

Social Sciences, generalLAST NAMEFIRST NAMEMIDDLE NAME Primary AffiliationCountry/RegionStarfield Barbara The Johns Hopkins University, USA USASteg Linda University of Groningen, Netherlands NetherlandsStorper Michael London School of Economics and Political Science, UK UKStory Mary Duke University, USA USAStringer Chris Nat Hist Museum London, UK UKStudenski Stephanie A University of Pittsburgh, USA USASturm Roland RAND Corp, USA USASutikna Thomas Indonesian Ctr Archaeol, Indonesia IndonesiaTheodore Nik University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA USATitchen Angie Fontys University of Applied Sciences, Netherlands NetherlandsTrichopoulou Antonia Hellenic Health Foundation, Greece GreeceTrinkaus Erik Washington University in St. Louis, USA USATurner Heather A University of New Hampshire - Durham, USA USATusler Martin The Ohio State University - Columbus, USA USAUmberson Debra J The University of Texas at Austin, USA USAUrry John Lancaster University, UK UKVan Raan Anthony F J Leiden University, Netherlands NetherlandsVan Schaik Carel P University of Zurich, Switzerland SwitzerlandVanhaeren Marian University of Bordeaux 1, France FranceVisser Marjolein VU University Amsterdam, Netherlands NetherlandsVolpato Stefano University of Ferrara, Italy ItalyWadley Lyn University of the Witwatersrand, South Africa South AfricaWagner Edward H MacColl Ctr Hlth Care Innovat, USA USAWalston Jeremy D The Johns Hopkins University, USA USAWarren Judith L NIH, USA USAWechsler Howell Alliance for a Healthier Generation, USA USAWelch Ailsa A University of East Anglia, UK UKWestern Bruce Harvard University, USA USAWilliams David R Harvard University, USA USAYaffe Kristine University of California, San Francisco, USA USASocial Sciences, 99

“Research is what I’mdoing when I don’t knowwhat I’m doing.”— Wernher von Braun (1912 – 1977)Rocket engineer and “Father of Rocket Science”National Medal of Science recipientReuters100

Space ScienceLAST NAMEFIRST NAMEMIDDLE NAME Primary AffiliationCountry/RegionAlexander David M University of Durham, UK UKAnderson Scott F University of Washington, USA USAAnnis James T Fermilab Natl Accelerator Lab, USA USABahcall Neta A Princeton University, USA USABaldry Ivan K Liverpool John Moores University, UK UKBarentine John C The University of Texas at Austin, USA USABeers Timothy C Michigan State University, USA USABell Eric F University of Michigan - Ann Arbor, USA USABennett Charles L The Johns Hopkins University, USA USABlanton Michael R New York University, USA USABrandt William Nielsen Pennsylvania State University - University Park, USA USABrewington Howard J Apache Point Observ, USA USABrinkmann Jonathan Apache Point Observ, USA USACaraveo Patrizia A INAF Ist Astrofis Spaziale & Fis Cosm, Italy ItalyCimatti Andrea University of Bologna, Italy ItalyCole Shaun University of Durham, UK UKCsabai Istvan N Eotvos Lorand University, Hungary HungaryDaddi Emanuele CEA Saclay, France FranceDickinson Mark E Natl Opt Astron Observ, USA USADoi Mamoru The University of Tokyo, Japan JapanEisenstein Daniel J Harvard Smithsonian Ctr Astrophys, USA USAEllis Richard S California Institute of Technology, USA USAFan Xiaohui University of Arizona, USA USAFilippenko Alexei V University of California, Berkeley, USA USAFinkbeiner Douglas P Harvard Smithsonian Ctr Astrophys, USA USAFrenk Carlos S University of Durham, UK UKFrieman Joshua A Fermilab Natl Accelerator Lab, USA USAFukugita Masataka The University of Tokyo, Japan JapanGehrels Neil NASA, USA USAGenzel Reinhard Max Planck Inst Extraterr Phys, Germany GermanyGiavalisco Mauro University of Massachusetts Amherst, USA USAGiommi Paolo Agenzia Spaziale Italiana ASI Sci Data Ctr, Italy ItalyGlazebrook Karl Swinburne University of Technology, Australia AustraliaGrebel Eva K University of Heidelberg, Germany GermanyGunn James E Princeton University, USA USAHalpern Mark University of British Columbia, Canada CanadaHarvanek Michael Apache Point Observ, USA USAHasinger Gunther University of Hawaii at Manoa, USA USAHeckman Timothy M The Johns Hopkins University, USA USAHernquist Lars Harvard Smithsonian Ctr Astrophys, USA USAHinshaw G F University of British Columbia, Canada CanadaHogg David W Max Planck Inst Astron, Germany GermanyIvezic Zeljko University of Washington, USA USAIvison R J Royal Observ, UK UKJarosik Norman Princeton University, USA USAKauffmann Guinevere Max Planck Inst Astrophys GermanyKent Stephen M Fermilab Natl Accelerator Lab USAKleinman Scot J Gemini Observ USAKnapp Gillian R Princeton University USASpace 101

Space ScienceLAST NAME FIRST NAME MIDDLE NAME Primary Affiliation Country/RegionKoekemoer Anton M Space Telescope Sci Inst, USA USAKogut Alan J NASA, USA USAKomatsu Eiichiro Max Planck Inst Astrophys, Germany GermanyKron Richard G Fermilab Natl Accelerator Lab, USA USAKrzesinski Jurek Akad Pedog Krakowie, Poland PolandLe Floc'h Emeric Pierre and Marie Curie University - Paris 6, France FranceLimon Michele Columbia University, USA USALong Daniel C Apache Point Observ, USA USALoveday Jon University of Sussex, UK UKLupton Robert H Princeton University, USA USAMcKay Timothy A University of Michigan - Ann Arbor, USA USAMeyer Stephan S University of Chicago, USA USAMunn Jeffrey A USN Observ, USA USANewberg Heidi Jo Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, USA USANichol Robert C University of Portsmouth, UK UKNitta Atsuko Gemini Observ, USA USANolta Michael R University of Toronto, Canada CanadaNorris Jay P Boise State University, USA USAOkamura Sadanori Hosei University, Japan JapanPage Lyman A Princeton University, USA USAPapovich Casey J Texas A&M University - College Station, USA USAPeacock John A The University of Edinburgh, UK UKPier Jeffrey R Natl Sci Fdn, USA USAQuinn Thomas R University of Washington, USA USAReimer Olaf University of Innsbruck, Austria AustriaRenzini Alvio Osserv Astron Padova, Italy ItalyRichards Gordon T Drexel University, USA USARieke George H University of Arizona, USA USARiess Adam G The Johns Hopkins University, USA USARix Hans-walter Max Planck Inst Astron, Germany GermanyRockosi Constance M University of California, Santa Cruz, USA USASchlegel David J Lawrence Berkeley Natl Lab, USA USASchneider Donald P Pennsylvania State University - University Park, USA USAShapley Alice E University of California, Los Angeles, USA USAShimasaku Kazuhiro The University of Tokyo, Japan JapanSmail Ian R University of Durham, UK UKSmith J Allyn Austin Peay State University, USA USASnedden Stephanie A Apache Point Observ, USA USASpergel David N Princeton University, USA USASpringel Volker Heidelberg Inst Theoret Studies, Germany GermanySteidel Charles C California Institute of Technology, USA USAStoughton Chris Fermilab Ctr Particle Astrophys USAStrauss Michael A Princeton University USASubbarao Mark U University of Chicago USASzalay Alexander S The Johns Hopkins University USATakahashi Tadayuki The University of Tokyo JapanThakar Aniruddha R The Johns Hopkins University USATremonti Christy A University of Wisconsin , Madison USATucker Gregory S Brown University USAVanden Berk Daniel E St Vincent Coll USA102 Highly Cited Research Directory

Space ScienceLAST NAME FIRST NAME MIDDLE NAME Primary Affiliation Country/RegionWeinberg David H The Ohio State University - Columbus, USA USAWhite Simon D M Max Planck Inst Astrophys, Germany GermanyWollack Ed NASA, USA USAWright Edward L University of California, Los Angeles, USA USAYanny Brian Fermilab Natl Accelerator Lab, USA USAYork Donald G University of Chicago, USA USAZehavi Idit Case Western Reserve University, USA USASpace 103

Reuters/Jamal Saidi

METHODOLOGYAnalysts from Thomson Reuters used thecompany’s Web of Science platform, thepremier search and discovery environmentfor the sciences, social sciences, and artsand humanities, alongside InCites, itsleading web-based <strong>scientific</strong> evaluationand benchmarking platform, to identify someof the <strong>most</strong> <strong>influential</strong> <strong>scientific</strong> <strong>minds</strong> of <strong>2014</strong>.Thomson Reuters Web of Science and InCitesinclude an array of publication and citation-baseddata sets for gauging performance. One resourceis Essential Science Indicators, which, among itsother metrics, compiles exclusive data on HotPapers: recent reports that are accruing citationsat a clip markedly above papers of comparabletype and age published in the same journals;and Highly Cited Papers, ranked in the top 1% bycitations for their field and year of publication.The highly cited researchers are identified basedonthe number of highly cited papers producedover the 11 year period, 2002—2012. The hottestresearchers are identified based on number ofHot Papers produced over the last two years,2012— 105

Reuters/RICHARD CHUNG“While advances in <strong>scientific</strong>research have led to somenew and exciting treatmentsthat have enlarged andenhanced the quality andlength of human life, we mustnot lose sight as to what weare trying to accomplish.”— Nathan Deal (1942– )Governor of Georgia (USA) & American Politician106 Highly Cited Research Directory

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