English version - European Renewable Energy Council

English version - European Renewable Energy Council

English version - European Renewable Energy Council


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C O N F E R E N C E P R O G R A M M EMonday, 19 th January 2004CONFERENCE OPENING• Klaus Wowereit, Mayor of Berlin• Mechtild Rothe, Member of the <strong>European</strong> Parliament,President of EUFORES• Jürgen Trittin, Federal Minister for Environment,Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety of Germany• Loyola de Palacio, Vice-President of the <strong>European</strong>Commission, Commissioner for <strong>Energy</strong> and TransportRENEWABLE ENERGY SOURCES:POLICY FRAMEWORK AND PROGRESS IN THE EU UP TO NOW• Günther Hanreich, Director, <strong>European</strong> Commission, DG <strong>Energy</strong> & Transport• Arthouros Zervos, President, ERECSession 1: The Campaign for Take-Off 1999-2003PANEL 1A: RES IN CITIESModerators: Soeren Moeller, Deputy Mayor of Odense, President,Energie-Cités - Mariàngels Pérez Latorre, Deputy Head of Unit,<strong>European</strong> Commission, DG <strong>Energy</strong> & TransportPanellists: Imma Mayol, Vice-Mayor, Barcelona - Bo Frank, Vice-Mayor, Växjö - Serge Godard, Mayor, Clermont-Ferrand - JoachimLorenz, Member of the City <strong>Council</strong>, Munich - Zsolt Fábián, Head ofthe Economic Committee, GödöllöPANEL 1B: RES DEPLOYMENT AT REGIONAL AND LOCAL LEVELModerators: Michael Geissler, Secretary General, FEDARENE -Dominique Bidou, Président, Association pour la Haute QualitéEnvironnementalePanellists: Gerhard Dell, <strong>Energy</strong> Commissioner, Upper Austria -José Javier Armendariz, Regional Minister for Industry, Technology,Commerce and Labour, Navarra - Tagh O’Donovan, Mayor of CorkCounty - Jean-Loup Fleuret, Vice-President of the Regional <strong>Council</strong>,Rhône-Alpes - Antonio di Nunzio, President of <strong>Energy</strong> and EnvironmentCommission, Province of ChietiPANEL 1C: 100 % RES COMMUNITIES & ISLANDSModerators: Cipriano Marin, Vice Secretary General, INSULA -Melim Mendes, Regional Agency for <strong>Energy</strong> and Environment of theAutonomous Region of MadeiraPanellists: Soeren Hermansen, Manager, <strong>Energy</strong> and Environmentaloffice, Island of Samsoe - Javier Morales Febles, Minister CanaryIsland Government - Mick Bates, Member of the Welsh NationalAssembly - Olympia Stilianou, Director, Ministry of Commerce,Industry and Tourism of Cyprus - Dieter Aschbrenner, Head of theDistrict Authority, Lüchow-DannenbergTuesday, 20th January 2004Session 2: Implementation of RES Policies in EuropePANEL 2A: RES ELECTRICITY - OVERCOMINGADMINISTRATIVE & MARKET BARRIERSModerators: Rainer Hinrichs-Rahlwes, Director General, FederalMinistry for Environment of Germany - Luc Werring, Head of Unit,<strong>European</strong> Commission, DG <strong>Energy</strong> & TransportPanellists: Matthias Eichelbrönner, Managing Director <strong>Renewable</strong>Energies, MVV Energie AG - Joan Fages, President, EREF - Antonio Sàda Costa, ESHA - Annemarie Goedmakers, Director <strong>Renewable</strong>Electricity, NUON - Eddie O’Connor, CEO, AirtricityPANEL 2B: SUPPORTING RES ELECTRICITYModerators: Hermann Scheer, President of EUROSOLAR, Memberof the German Parliament - Roberto Vigotti, ENEL Green Power /Chairman of the Eurelectric working group on R&DGPanellists: Johannes Lackmann, President, German <strong>Renewable</strong><strong>Energy</strong> Association (BEE) - Ernesto Macias, President, EPIA - PeterNiermeier, General Secretary, <strong>Renewable</strong> <strong>Energy</strong> Certificate System- Iain Todd, Director, Department of Trade and Industry - Poul ErikMorthorst, Senior Scientist, Risoe National LaboratoryBIOFUELSHans-Josef Fell, Member of the German ParliamentJavier Salgado, CEO, Abengoa BioenergíaPANEL 2C: RES HEATING & COOLINGModerators: David Taylor, CEO, Sustainable <strong>Energy</strong> Ireland - KarlKellner, Head of Unit, <strong>European</strong> Commission, DG <strong>Energy</strong> & TransportPanellists: Ole Pilgaard, President, ESTIF - Christian Boissavy,President, EGEC - Heinz Kopetz, Vice-President, AEBIOM - RadanPanacek, Deputy Director, Technology Centre of Czech Republic -Markus Kurdziel, Head of Section, German <strong>Energy</strong> Agency (DENA)PANEL 2D: HOW TO CREATE A LEVEL-PLAYING FIELD ?Moderators: Juan Fraga, General Secretary, EUFORES - William Gillett,Deputy Head of Unit, <strong>European</strong> Commission, DG <strong>Energy</strong> & TransportPanellists: Claude Turmes, Member of the <strong>European</strong> Parliament -Nigel Hall, Deputy Head of Division, <strong>European</strong> Investment Bank -Shimon Awerbuch, University of Sussex - Klaus Rave, VicePresident, EWEA - Olaf Hohmeyer, University of FlensburgWednesday, 21st January 2004Session 3: Looking forward: horizon 2020PANEL 3A: TARGETS AND SCENARIOS UP TO 2020Moderators: Anders Wijkman, Member of the <strong>European</strong> Parliament- Corrado Clini, Director General, Ministry for Environment of ItalyPanellists: Eberhard Jochem, Fraunhofer Institute ISI- Fatih Birol, Headof Economic Analysis Division, IEA - Didier Mayer, President, EURECAgency - Jennifer Morgan, Director Climate Change Programme, WWFPANEL 3B: FROM RIO TO KYOTO AND JOHANNESBURGModerators: Klaus Töpfer, Executive Director, UNEP - Jos Delbeke,Director, <strong>European</strong> Commission, DG EnvironmentPanellists: Steve Sawyer, Climate Policy Advisor, GreenpeaceInternational - Elfriede A. More, Austrian Federal Ministry ofAgriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management -Rajendra K. Pachauri, Chairman of Intergovernmental Panel onClimate Change / Director-General TERI - Antonio GarcíaFragio, Head of Unit, <strong>European</strong> Commission, DG DevelopmentCONFERENCE CLOSURE• Jorgen Henningsen, Principal Adviser, <strong>European</strong>Commission, DG <strong>Energy</strong> & Transport• Eryl McNally, Member of the <strong>European</strong> Parliament• Heidemarie Wieczorek-Zeul, Federal Minister for Economicco-operation and Development of Germany• A Representative of the Irish Presidency• Margot Wallström, Commissioner for Environment3C O N F E R E N C E P R O G R A M M E O V E R V I E W

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