English version - European Renewable Energy Council

English version - European Renewable Energy Council

English version - European Renewable Energy Council


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C O N F E R E N C E P R O G R A M M ETHE CASE OF EEKLOSUPPORT FOR CONVENTIONAL ENERGYIn the small Belgium City of Eeklo a windpower project with an innovative financingscheme is running very successfully. Closecommunity involvement was a main aim of thisproject, which supplies approximately 4 MW tothe Belgian electricity grid. The success of thisproject lies in achieving local support by deliveringdirect benefits to the residents of Eeklothrough selling them shares at 250 Euro each,with 6% annual dividends. All shareholdershave an equal influence on the project regardlessof the amount of shares that they possess.Tentative estimates of subsidies and other kindsof support in the EU in billion of Euros per year806040200Fossil fuels Nuclear <strong>Renewable</strong>sThe main thematic focus will be:Advantages, benefits and potential of renewable energiesStrengthening financing for renewableenergies from all sourcesCreating a more effective governanceand policy environmentBuilding capacity, knowledge and institutionsThe expected outcomes of the conference will include:An international action planwith actions and commitmentsNational and regional targets and timetablesfor renewables, set on a voluntary basisGuidance for good policyA follow-up processand Development, the Federal Ministry for the EnvironmentSource: <strong>European</strong> Parliament - STOA, 2001Traditionally, emerging energy technologieshave always been supported and the value ofpublic support can last for many years, so thateven in countries where the government doesnot provide direct financial support for conventionalenergy sources today, it is frequentlythe case that public support which was madeavailable some years ago is still of benefit intoday’s markets.Many of the investment costs of the olderpower generating plants and distributionnetworks have now been written off in theaccounts of their owners, and therefore suchplants can be more profitable than new ones.Further, many of the traditional energy supplyindustries benefit from indirect publicsupport during their decommissioning phases.What are the best examples of schemesfor internalising the external costs of energyin Europe today?Transparency in energy costs: would thisfavour or discourage <strong>Renewable</strong> <strong>Energy</strong>investments in the long term?What are the long term added values ofrenewable energy compared with conventionalenergy?To what extent is it helpful to link financialinstruments and measures for promotingrenewable energies with those for promotingreductions in greenhouse gas emissions?Should the profits generated by the conventionalenergy industry contribute to thefinancing of renewable energy?How would the internalisation of the externalcosts of energy affect the competitiveness of theleading <strong>European</strong> industries in global markets?Is there a problem today in raising financefor renewable energy projects?Would innovative financing schemes beneeded on a level playing field?19H O W T O C R E A T E A L E V E L - P L A Y I N G F I E L D ? - P A N E L 2 d

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