Walmer Design Statement - Dover District Council

Walmer Design Statement - Dover District Council

Walmer Design Statement - Dover District Council


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7 Green SpacesTrees, Channel LeaTrees, walls & hedges, <strong>Walmer</strong> Castle RdFrom the beach towards Liverpool RoadTrees planted in a modern cul-de-sac30Trees near <strong>Walmer</strong> CastleMature trees, St. Clare RoadFormal garden, Marke WoodFrom Hawkshill Freedown to Hawksdown<strong>Walmer</strong> is rich in green spaces, large and small, and although not all are open to thepublic, they add to the pleasant leafiness that is one of the characteristics of theparish.The most scenic open space is along the seashore promenade. At the north end of<strong>Walmer</strong> the promenade borders the large grassed area known as <strong>Walmer</strong> Green.On the shore side is a shingle beach where fishing boats and the dinghies of theDowns Sailing Club stand. Seats are sited at frequent intervals along thepromenade, which continues to Kingsdown. Where the grassed area ends, thepathway becomes known as Wellington Parade and is bounded on both sides bywildflowers and grasses. It passes <strong>Walmer</strong> Castle with its extensive and attractiveopen spaces and Garden, all of which are open to the public. The promenade endswith the seashore housing on the southern boundary of <strong>Walmer</strong>.Hawkshill Freedown has been designated a Site of Nature Conservation Interest(SNCI). It is an area of open chalk downland enjoyed by walkers and natureenthusiasts, which is rich in wildlife and rises inland southwards and westwards of<strong>Walmer</strong> Castle. Views from these heights encompass open farmland, the EnglishChannel, the Goodwin Sands and, on a clear day, the coast of France. A footpathdescends from here into a small valley – The Glen, an area of mature gardens andlarge trees.Although the former Royal Marines Barracks and School of Music retain their highwalls, their green spaces add to the attractiveness of the parish.Surrounded by mature trees, Marke Wood Recreation Ground is an extensive flatgreen area, which includes a well maintained formal garden.As well as these large green areas there are a number of significant ‘green wedges’throughout the community that enhance the green character of the parish.In the nineteenth century, the planting of trees in thegrounds of, and in the land surrounding, the largerhouses transformed the appearance of the parish.Trees remain a treasured part of our environment.They flourish particularly well in Upper <strong>Walmer</strong>where the downland provides protection fromprevailing winds. Many of these trees and othergarden features were retained during re-developmentto give the area an air of maturity.From Hawkshill Freedown

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