Golden Domes Quarterly, Vol. 3, No. 1 - Maharishi University of ...

Golden Domes Quarterly, Vol. 3, No. 1 - Maharishi University of ...

Golden Domes Quarterly, Vol. 3, No. 1 - Maharishi University of ...


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GOLDEN DOMESQ U A R T E R L YThe newsletter <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Maharishi</strong> <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> Management communityDr. HagelinProposes U.S.Peace Government,Invites ScientistsFaculty member John Hagelin tooka bold step in March when heannounced plans to establish a“U.S. Peace Government” to beheaded by America’s foremost scientists,doctors, and educators. Its purposewill be to create prevention-oriented,problem-free administration.His proposal received significantmedia coverage, and many pr<strong>of</strong>essionalshave contacted him.“The U.S. Peace Government willbe a second, complementary government,and will not usurp the responsibilities<strong>of</strong> the current administration,which is largely concerned with crisismanagement,” Dr. Hagelin said.“Instead, the U.S. Peace Governmentwill implement practical programs thathave been scientifically proven to preventproblems in all areas <strong>of</strong> society,including in education, health care, anddefense.”Dr. Hagelin, director <strong>of</strong> the <strong>University</strong>’sInstitute <strong>of</strong> Science, Technologyand Public Policy, said that he is seekingtwo to four top scientists, educators,health care pr<strong>of</strong>essionals, and otherexperts in each <strong>of</strong> the 50 states “whohave demonstrated a strong commitmentto the public good, and who possessthe deep knowledge <strong>of</strong> total NaturalLaw—the Unified Field—and thepractical competence to lead society ina peaceful and evolutionary direction.”His proposal received significantmedia coverage, and many pr<strong>of</strong>essionalshave contacted him.These scientists will be the cabinetlevelrepresentatives <strong>of</strong> the U.S. PeaceGovernment. The U.S. Peace Governmentwill be the American affiliate<strong>of</strong> the Global Country <strong>of</strong> World Peace,which was established two years ago by<strong>University</strong> Founder <strong>Maharishi</strong> MaheshYogi as “a nation without borders forpeace-loving people everywhere.”Dr. Hagelin called on America’s topscientists, health care pr<strong>of</strong>essionals, andeducators to take action. “Americaneeds your knowledge and enlightenedleadership at this very critical time. Wewho are blessed with world-transformingknowledge <strong>of</strong> the deepest principles<strong>of</strong> Nature’s government, who knowhow to prevent problems, and who areexperts in the field <strong>of</strong> peace must rise upand fulfill our leadership responsibility.”Dr. Hagelin concluded his appeal bysaying that cabinet members will holdexalted, dignified roles <strong>of</strong> leadershipthrough knowledge.A group <strong>of</strong> 24 <strong>Maharishi</strong> <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> Managementstudents visited the <strong>Maharishi</strong> Vidya Mandir in Allahabadwhile on their Rotating <strong>University</strong> course in India.STUDENTS TOUR INDIA,LAND OF THE VEDAsat in the morning sun listening to the Pandit boys chant, Ithought how blessed these young boys were. They were in Varanasi,by the Ganges, dressed in gold, chanting Vedic Literature, all under<strong>Maharishi</strong>’s guidance. Then I thought <strong>of</strong> my life and how blessed Iam to be born in a meditating family, have Yogic Flying in the <strong>Golden</strong> Dome,and attend <strong>Maharishi</strong> <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> Management, all under <strong>Maharishi</strong>’s guidance.In a way these boys and I have so much in common.”“As IThis was the reflection <strong>of</strong> first-yearstudent Anna-Lisa Fredrickson, whohad just completed this year’s Rotating<strong>University</strong> course to India. With 23other students, Anna-Lisa visited 12cities in five weeks—from Kanyakumariin the far south, to Jabalpur in theheartland <strong>of</strong> the country, to Rishikeshin the Himalayan foothills.Dr. Joel Wysong and his wife Laurawere the course leaders for the trip.“Wherever we went, we had unprecedentedaccess to <strong>Maharishi</strong>’s facilities,”said Dr. Wysong. “We were treatedlike royalty by our Indian hosts. Whata privilege it was to experience firsthandthe power <strong>of</strong> <strong>Maharishi</strong>’s programsto transform the world!”At the end <strong>of</strong> the course, the studentsshared their experiences with<strong>Maharishi</strong> by telephone. <strong>Maharishi</strong>described India as Veda Bhumi Bharat,Gyan Bhumi Bharat, Deva BhumiBharat, and Purna Bhumi Bharat—theland <strong>of</strong> the Veda, the land <strong>of</strong> totalknowledge <strong>of</strong> Natural Law, the land <strong>of</strong>the Devatas, and the land <strong>of</strong> fullness.“<strong>No</strong>w you know physically,”<strong>Maharishi</strong> told the students. “You havebeen to that land where the knowledge<strong>of</strong> total Natural Law enlivened inthe individual consciousness is purifyingthe world consciousness all thetime.”Next year’s Rotating <strong>University</strong>course to India will be held in Februaryand March, 2004. It is open toanyone through the Continuing EducationDepartment. For details, seewebsite mum.edu/programs/international,call 641-472-1135, or e-mailcont_ed@mum.edu.Anational Yogic Flying competition heldrecently on campus attracted majorpublicity, including the Des MoinesRegister and other top Iowa newspapersas well as five TV stations. A newsclip by the Fox Network was broadcastworldwide.GOLDEN DOMES QUARTERLY 1 VOL 3 • NO 1 • SPRING 2003

GOLDEN DOMESQ U A R T E R L YMAHARISHI UNIVERSITYOF MANAGEMENT1000 <strong>No</strong>rth Fourth StreetFairfield, IA 52557Individuals mailing<strong>Golden</strong> <strong>Domes</strong><strong>Quarterly</strong> mustaffix 45¢ in postage.NON-PROFIT ORG.U.S. POSTAGEPAIDPERMIT NO. 20FAIRFIELD, IOWAThe newsletter <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Maharishi</strong> <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> Management communityVisit the <strong>Maharishi</strong> <strong>University</strong><strong>of</strong> Management Website:News and Knowledge:www.mum.edu.MAHARISHI UNIVERSITY OF MANAGEMENTResidence Courses• May 30 – June 6, 2003 (3-day, 4-day, and weeklong options)• July 4 – July 11, 2003 (3-day, 4-day, and weeklong options)• Aug. 22 – Aug. 29, 2003 (3-day, 4-day, and weeklong options)TO REQUEST AN APPLICATIONOR FOR MORE DETAILSe-mail cont_ed@mum.eduor call 641-472-1135.OR VISIT US ON THE WEB ATwww.mum.edu/visitors/welcome.htmlLatest Books by <strong>Maharishi</strong>Call <strong>Maharishi</strong> <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> Management Press at800-831-6523for a free catalog or e-mail: mumpress@mum.eduShop online atwww. mumpress.com<strong>Maharishi</strong> <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> Management NewsOver 90 Percent <strong>of</strong> GradsSuccessfully PlacedArecent survey <strong>of</strong> graduatesshowed that in the three previousyears some 90 to 95percent <strong>of</strong> the graduating class, includingstudents from graduate degree andco-op programs, had been successfullyplaced within six months <strong>of</strong> graduation.Placement includes corporate employment,entrepreneurial activity, freelancework, and graduate school.Dr. Travis PublishesResearch on CosmicConsciousnessResearch by pr<strong>of</strong>essor FredTravis on individuals experiencingCosmic Consciousnesswas published in <strong>No</strong>vember in the journalBiological Psychology (<strong>No</strong>vember 2002,<strong>Vol</strong>. 61, <strong>No</strong>. 3, pp. 293–319).The study identifies the specific EEGpatterns <strong>of</strong> 17 subjects who reportedlyexperience transcendence—a silentunbounded continuum <strong>of</strong> awareness—along with the changing values <strong>of</strong> dailylife, and compares this group to two controlgroups.The subjects’ brain wave patternsshowed high frontal coherence in mostfrequencies—upper theta, alpha, beta,and gamma—during both the practice <strong>of</strong>Transcendental Meditation and duringmental tasks. Also, their brains were seento respond to tasks at precisely theappropriate moment, avoiding unnecessaryanticipation.This research suggests that the humanbrain has an innate capacity to functionat much higher levels, where mentalprocesses become very calm, precise,and efficient—almost frictionless—without common anxieties, frustrations,or unhappiness.New SustainableLiving Program to Focuson Integration <strong>of</strong> SkillsBuilding on the momentum <strong>of</strong>the successful Eco-Fairs, theworkshops <strong>of</strong>fered by famedexperts in sustainable communities, andthe mounting enthusiasm <strong>of</strong> the PermacultureClub, the <strong>University</strong> will <strong>of</strong>ferthis fall a new program in sustainableliving in the biology department.Sustainable living entails sustainableagriculture, renewable energy, energyefficientarchitecture, communitydesign, ecological landscaping, and lifein accord with Natural Law through<strong>Maharishi</strong> Vedic Science SM .The new program will create consultantswho will help plan sustainablecommunities, which have features suchas an edible landscape, systems for collectingrainwater from ro<strong>of</strong>s, solar energy,and organic gardening.www.mum.edu • 641.472.7000Survey Shows StudentsActively Engaged in LearningSeniors’ responses put <strong>Maharishi</strong> <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> Management among thetop bachelor’s and master’s institutions nationally, in a new survey cosponsoredby the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement <strong>of</strong> Teachingand the Pew Forum on Undergraduate Learning. The National Survey <strong>of</strong> StudentEngagement (NSSE) measures a student’s academic engagement, a strongpredictor <strong>of</strong> how much knowledge he or she will absorb and retain.The January newsletter <strong>of</strong> the National Association for College AdmissionCounseling (NACAC) praised the NSSE for measuring “what college studentsare getting out <strong>of</strong> and putting into their college experience.” The survey is consideredthe most comprehensive objective assessment <strong>of</strong> the quality <strong>of</strong> educationat American colleges and universities—more meaningful than the questionablepractice <strong>of</strong> ranking institutions numerically. “College ratings and rankings don’tmeasure what kids do at college—which is go to school.” (NACAC newsletter).According to Eric Sickler, principal consultant with the educational marketingcompany Stamats, “engaged students are increasingly difficult to ‘create‚’ butmy sense is that <strong>Maharishi</strong> <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> Management has an arsenal <strong>of</strong> genuinelyunique tools to engage students more fully than most colleges and universities.”Seniors’ responses put <strong>Maharishi</strong> <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong>Management among the top bachelor’s and master’sinstitutions nationally in NSSE’s “benchmarks <strong>of</strong> effectiveeducational practice‚” which are based on data froma total <strong>of</strong> 135,000 students at 613 schools.EnrichingEducational Experiencestop 4%Level <strong>of</strong>Academic Challengetop 26%Student-FacultyInteractionstop 7%Active andCollaborative Learningtop 3%SupportiveCampus Environmenttop 8%

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