Optional Units - Cache

Optional Units - Cache Optional Units - Cache


CYPOP 22: Understand the speech, language and communication needs of children and young peoplewith behavioural, social and emotional difficultiesAssessment task – CYPOP 22 Understand the speech, language andcommunication needs of children and young people with behavioural,social and emotional difficulties.Your local authority is planning to provide information for parents and adults who work withchildren on the links between behaviour, social and emotional difficulties and speech, languageand development and ways that children can be supported. Produce information which includesthe following:Task 1 links to learning outcome 1, assessment criteria 1.1, 1.2, 1.3 and 1.4.• an explanation of why behaviour can be seen as a means of communication• an explanation, with examples of how children’s and young people’s speech,language and communication needs may affect behavioural, emotional and socialdevelopment• a review and report on relevant research about the incidence of speech, languageand communication needs and behavioural, social and emotional difficulties inchildren and young people• a description of the range of behavioural, emotional and social difficulties thatchildren and young people may experience and how they can effect speech,language and communication development.Task 2 links to learning outcome 2, assessment criteria 2.1, 2.2, 2.3 and 2.4.• an identification of key barriers to behavioural, social and emotional development thatare experienced by children and young people with speech, language andcommunication needs• an explanation of effective strategies to overcome barriers to support the speechlanguage and communication development of children and young people withbehavioural, emotional and social difficulties• an explanation of how adapting adult language and interactions can support a child’sbehaviour, emotional, social skills as well as support their communicationdevelopment• an explanation of how positive changes to the communication environment cansupport communication development for children and young people with behavioural,emotional and social difficulties.© CACHE 2013 Version 5.0 98

CYPOP 22: Understand the speech, language and communication needs of children and young peoplewith behavioural, social and emotional difficultiesTask 3 links to learning outcome 3, assessment criteria 3.1, 3.2 and 3.3.• an identification and an explanation of current evidence based approaches tounderstanding children and young people’s behaviour• an explanation of how setting-wide strategies to promote positive behaviour andemotional and social development can be adapted to support children and youngpeople with speech, language and communication needs• an explanation using examples of how individual strategies to promote positivebehaviour and emotional and social development can be adapted to support childrenand young people with speech, language and communication needs.Task 4 links to learning outcome 4, assessment criteria 4.1 and 4.2.• an explanation of ways to work with parents and families in supporting children andyoung people with speech, language and communication needs, that also promotespositive behaviour• an explanation of the roles of other professionals who may be involved in joint orintegrated working to promote positive behaviour and emotional and socialdevelopment needs of children and young people.© CACHE 2013 Version 5.0 99

CYPOP 22: Understand the speech, language and communication needs of children and young peoplewith behavioural, social and emotional difficultiesAssessment task – CYPOP 22 Understand the speech, language andcommunication needs of children and young people with behavioural,social and emotional difficulties.Your local authority is planning to provide information for parents and adults who work withchildren on the links between behaviour, social and emotional difficulties and speech, languageand development and ways that children can be supported. Produce information which includesthe following:Task 1 links to learning outcome 1, assessment criteria 1.1, 1.2, 1.3 and 1.4.• an explanation of why behaviour can be seen as a means of communication• an explanation, with examples of how children’s and young people’s speech,language and communication needs may affect behavioural, emotional and socialdevelopment• a review and report on relevant research about the incidence of speech, languageand communication needs and behavioural, social and emotional difficulties inchildren and young people• a description of the range of behavioural, emotional and social difficulties thatchildren and young people may experience and how they can effect speech,language and communication development.Task 2 links to learning outcome 2, assessment criteria 2.1, 2.2, 2.3 and 2.4.• an identification of key barriers to behavioural, social and emotional development thatare experienced by children and young people with speech, language andcommunication needs• an explanation of effective strategies to overcome barriers to support the speechlanguage and communication development of children and young people withbehavioural, emotional and social difficulties• an explanation of how adapting adult language and interactions can support a child’sbehaviour, emotional, social skills as well as support their communicationdevelopment• an explanation of how positive changes to the communication environment cansupport communication development for children and young people with behavioural,emotional and social difficulties.© CACHE 2013 Version 5.0 98

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