Optional Units - Cache

Optional Units - Cache Optional Units - Cache


CYPOP 22: Understand the speech, language and communication needs of children and young peoplewith behavioural, social and emotional difficultiesLearning outcomesThe learner will:Assessment criteriaThe learner can:Evidencerecorde.g. pagenumber &methodAssessorjudgementachievedInitial and date1.4. Describe the range ofbehavioural, emotional andsocial difficulties that childrenand young people mayexperience and how they canaffect speech, language andcommunication development.2. Understand how to supportpositive speech, languageand communicationdevelopment for childrenand young people withbehavioural, emotional andsocial difficulties.2.1. Identify key barriers tobehavioural, social andemotional development thatare experienced by childrenand young people with speech,language and communicationneeds.2.2. Explain effective strategies toovercome barriers to supportthe speech language anddevelopment of children andyoung people with behavioural,emotional and socialdifficulties.2.3. Explain how adapting adultlanguage and interactions cansupport a child’s behaviour,emotional, social skills, as wellas support theircommunication development.2.4. Explain how positivechanges to thecommunication environmentcan support communicationdevelopment for children andyoung people with behavioural,emotional and socialdifficulties.© CACHE 2013 Version 5.0 94

CYPOP 22: Understand the speech, language and communication needs of children and young peoplewith behavioural, social and emotional difficultiesLearning outcomesThe learner will:Assessment criteriaThe learner can:Evidencerecorde.g. pagenumber &methodAssessorjudgementachievedInitial and date3. Understand how to adaptstrategies and approachesto behavioural, emotionaland social development tomeet speech, language andcommunication needs.3.1. Identify and explain currentevidence based approaches tounderstanding children andyoung people’s behaviour.3.2. Explain how setting widestrategies to promote positivebehaviour and emotional andsocial development can beadapted to support childrenand young people with speech,language and communicationneeds.3.3. Explain, using examples, howindividual strategies topromote positive behaviourand emotional and socialdevelopment can be adaptedto support children and youngpeople with speech, languageand communication needs.4. Know how to work withothers in order to supportthe speech, language andcommunicationdevelopment of childrenand young people withbehavioural, emotional andsocial development needs.4.1. Explain ways to work withparents and families insupporting children and youngpeople’s speech, languageand communication needs thatalso promotes positivebehaviour.4.2. Explain the roles of otherprofessionals who may beinvolved in joint or integratedworking to promote positivebehaviour and emotional andsocial development needs ofchildren and young people.© CACHE 2013 Version 5.0 95

CYPOP 22: Understand the speech, language and communication needs of children and young peoplewith behavioural, social and emotional difficultiesLearning outcomesThe learner will:Assessment criteriaThe learner can:Evidencerecorde.g. pagenumber &methodAssessorjudgementachievedInitial and date1.4. Describe the range ofbehavioural, emotional andsocial difficulties that childrenand young people mayexperience and how they canaffect speech, language andcommunication development.2. Understand how to supportpositive speech, languageand communicationdevelopment for childrenand young people withbehavioural, emotional andsocial difficulties.2.1. Identify key barriers tobehavioural, social andemotional development thatare experienced by childrenand young people with speech,language and communicationneeds.2.2. Explain effective strategies toovercome barriers to supportthe speech language anddevelopment of children andyoung people with behavioural,emotional and socialdifficulties.2.3. Explain how adapting adultlanguage and interactions cansupport a child’s behaviour,emotional, social skills, as wellas support theircommunication development.2.4. Explain how positivechanges to thecommunication environmentcan support communicationdevelopment for children andyoung people with behavioural,emotional and socialdifficulties.© CACHE 2013 Version 5.0 94

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