Optional Units - Cache

Optional Units - Cache Optional Units - Cache


CYPOP 21: Work with parents, families and carers to support their children’s speech, language andcommunication developmentAdditional information about the unit:Relationship to occupational standards –provided with the QCF unitSpeech, Language and communication framework:• Universal: G1, G2• Enhanced: C2, E4, G1, G2, G3, G4This unit has some links to competencies from CCLDNOS unit 337.Guidance for developing assessment arrangements for the unit:Additional unit assessment requirements -provided with the QCF unitLearning outcome 2 and 3 must be assessed in realwork situations.This unit needs to be assessed in line with the Skills forCare and Development QCF Assessment Principles.Unit assessment guidance - provided byCACHELearning outcomes 2 and 3 must be assessed in realwork environments by a qualified vocationallycompetent assessor. Simulation is not permitted.© CACHE 2013 Version 5.0 90

CYPOP 21: Work with parents, families and carers to support their children’s speech, language andcommunication developmentAssessment task – CYPOP 21 Work with parents, families and carers tosupport their children’s speech, language and communication developmentIn your work role where you are working with parents, families and carers to support theirchild/children’s speech language and communication development, prepare a briefingdocument which includes the following two sections:Section 1: The importance of parental supportSection 2: The importance of partnership workingTask 1 links to learning outcome 1, assessment criteria 1.1, 1.2 and 1.3.Section 1: The importance of parental supportThis section should include:• an outline of the nature of the parent/child relationship at key stages of a child’s life inrelation to speech, language and communication• an explanation of the influences of different parenting styles on speech, language andcommunication development• an explanation of how supporting effective speech, language and communicationbetween parents and children could influence their relationship and overalldevelopment at home.Task 2 links to learning outcome 4, assessment criteria 4.1, 4.2 and 4.3.Section 2: The importance of partnership workingThis section should include:• a explanation of why it is important to be able to work in partnership with parents ofchildren with support language and communication needs• identification of the useful sources of information and relevant organisations andservices to support parents of children who have speech, language andcommunication needs• an explanation of the importance of partnership working across professionals,agencies and parents when supporting children with speech, language andcommunication needs.© CACHE 2013 Version 5.0 91

CYPOP 21: Work with parents, families and carers to support their children’s speech, language andcommunication developmentAdditional information about the unit:Relationship to occupational standards –provided with the QCF unitSpeech, Language and communication framework:• Universal: G1, G2• Enhanced: C2, E4, G1, G2, G3, G4This unit has some links to competencies from CCLDNOS unit 337.Guidance for developing assessment arrangements for the unit:Additional unit assessment requirements -provided with the QCF unitLearning outcome 2 and 3 must be assessed in realwork situations.This unit needs to be assessed in line with the Skills forCare and Development QCF Assessment Principles.Unit assessment guidance - provided byCACHELearning outcomes 2 and 3 must be assessed in realwork environments by a qualified vocationallycompetent assessor. Simulation is not permitted.© CACHE 2013 Version 5.0 90

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