Optional Units - Cache

Optional Units - Cache Optional Units - Cache


CYPOP 6: Support disabled children and young people and those with specific requirementsLearning outcomesThe learner will:Assessment criteriaThe learner can:Evidencerecorde.g. pagenumber &methodAssessorjudgementachievedInitial and date1.4. Explain the importance of:• advocacy• facilitated advocacy forchildren and young peoplewho require it• the personal assistant role.1.5. Explain the importance ofencouraging the participationof disabled children and youngpeople.2. Be able to work inpartnership with familieswith disabled children oryoung people and thosewith specific requirements.2.1. Explain the concepts andprinciples of partnership withcarers of disabled children andyoung people and those withspecific requirements.2.2. Explain the types of supportand information carers mayrequire.2.3. Demonstrate in own practicepartnership working withfamilies.3. Be able to support age anddevelopmentallyappropriate learning, playor leisure opportunities fordisabled children or youngpeople and those withspecific requirements.3.1. Demonstrate in own practiceengagement with disabledchildren or young people.3.2. Encourage children or youngpeople to express theirpreferences and aspirations intheir chosen way ofcommunication.3.3. Demonstrate in own practicehow to work with children oryoung people and theirfamilies to assess a child oryoung person’s learning, playor leisure needs identifyingsolutions to any barriersaccording to the principles ofinclusion.© CACHE 2013 Version 5.0 54

CYPOP 6: Support disabled children and young people and those with specific requirementsLearning outcomesThe learner will:Assessment criteriaThe learner can:Evidencerecorde.g. pagenumber &methodAssessorjudgementachievedInitial and date3.4. Develop a plan with anindividual child or youngperson to support learning,play or leisure needs.3.5. Implement the learning, play orleisure plan according to ownrole and responsibilityexplaining and evaluating itseffectiveness and suggestingchanges for the future.4. Be able to evaluate,support and developexisting practice withdisabled children andyoung people and thosewith specific requirements.4.1. Demonstrate in own practicehow barriers which restrictchildren and young people’saccess are overcome.4.2. Explain the importance ofevaluating and challengingexisting practice and becomingan agent of change.4.3. Explain how and when to usepolicies and procedures tochallenge discriminatory,abusive or oppressivebehaviour.4.4. Describe the impact ofdisability within differentcultures and the importance ofculturally sensitive practice.4.5. Explain the importance ofsystems of monitoring,reviewing and evaluatingservices for disabled childrenand young people.© CACHE 2013 Version 5.0 55

CYPOP 6: Support disabled children and young people and those with specific requirementsLearning outcomesThe learner will:Assessment criteriaThe learner can:Evidencerecorde.g. pagenumber &methodAssessorjudgementachievedInitial and date1.4. Explain the importance of:• advocacy• facilitated advocacy forchildren and young peoplewho require it• the personal assistant role.1.5. Explain the importance ofencouraging the participationof disabled children and youngpeople.2. Be able to work inpartnership with familieswith disabled children oryoung people and thosewith specific requirements.2.1. Explain the concepts andprinciples of partnership withcarers of disabled children andyoung people and those withspecific requirements.2.2. Explain the types of supportand information carers mayrequire.2.3. Demonstrate in own practicepartnership working withfamilies.3. Be able to support age anddevelopmentallyappropriate learning, playor leisure opportunities fordisabled children or youngpeople and those withspecific requirements.3.1. Demonstrate in own practiceengagement with disabledchildren or young people.3.2. Encourage children or youngpeople to express theirpreferences and aspirations intheir chosen way ofcommunication.3.3. Demonstrate in own practicehow to work with children oryoung people and theirfamilies to assess a child oryoung person’s learning, playor leisure needs identifyingsolutions to any barriersaccording to the principles ofinclusion.© CACHE 2013 Version 5.0 54

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