Optional Units - Cache

Optional Units - Cache Optional Units - Cache


CYPOP 3: Lead and manage a community based early years settingAssessment task - CYPOP 3 Lead and manage a community based earlyyears settingA community early years setting is being planned in your local area. A meeting is to be held toprovide information on the aims of the centre. Produce notes for a presentation for families andinterested people from the local community which shows that you can:Task links to learning outcome 1, assessment criteria 1.1, 1.2 and 1.3.• explain the purpose and features of a community based setting• explain how a community based setting can be an agent of community development• description the benefits arising from community based early years provision for:- children- parents / carers- the early years setting- the local community.© CACHE 2013 Version 5.0 36

CYPOP 4: Promote young children’s physical activity and movement skillsCYPOP 4: Promote young children’s physical activity andmovement skillsUnit reference M/601/0133 Level 3Credit value 3 GLH 22Unit aimThe unit is designed to introduce learners working with children in theirearly years to the importance of physical activity with an emphasis ongross motor and movement skills. It assesses the learner’s competence inplanning and implementing physical activities and routines andencourages evaluation of the effectiveness of practiceLearner name:CACHE Centre no:CACHE PIN:ULN:Learning outcomesThe learner will:Assessment criteriaThe learner can:Evidencerecorde.g. pagenumber &methodAssessorjudgementachievedInitial and dateLearning outcomes 2, 3, 4 and 5 must be assessed in real work environments by aqualified occupationally competent assessor. Simulation is not permitted.1. Understand the importanceof physical activity and thedevelopment of movementskills for young children’sdevelopment, health andwell-being.2. Be able to prepare andsupport a safe andchallenging environment foryoung children thatencourages physicalactivity and thedevelopment of movementskills.1.1. Explain why physical activity isimportant to the short and longterm health and well-being ofchildren.1.2. Explain the development ofmovement skills in youngchildren and how these skillsaffect other aspects ofdevelopment.2.1. Prepare the environment andexplain how it allows allchildren to develop, practiceand extend their movementskills according to their age,needs and abilities.2.2. Demonstrate in own practicehow young children are keptsafe when undertakingchallenging physical activities.© CACHE 2013 Version 5.0 37

CYPOP 4: Promote young children’s physical activity and movement skillsCYPOP 4: Promote young children’s physical activity andmovement skillsUnit reference M/601/0133 Level 3Credit value 3 GLH 22Unit aimThe unit is designed to introduce learners working with children in theirearly years to the importance of physical activity with an emphasis ongross motor and movement skills. It assesses the learner’s competence inplanning and implementing physical activities and routines andencourages evaluation of the effectiveness of practiceLearner name:CACHE Centre no:CACHE PIN:ULN:Learning outcomesThe learner will:Assessment criteriaThe learner can:Evidencerecorde.g. pagenumber &methodAssessorjudgementachievedInitial and dateLearning outcomes 2, 3, 4 and 5 must be assessed in real work environments by aqualified occupationally competent assessor. Simulation is not permitted.1. Understand the importanceof physical activity and thedevelopment of movementskills for young children’sdevelopment, health andwell-being.2. Be able to prepare andsupport a safe andchallenging environment foryoung children thatencourages physicalactivity and thedevelopment of movementskills.1.1. Explain why physical activity isimportant to the short and longterm health and well-being ofchildren.1.2. Explain the development ofmovement skills in youngchildren and how these skillsaffect other aspects ofdevelopment.2.1. Prepare the environment andexplain how it allows allchildren to develop, practiceand extend their movementskills according to their age,needs and abilities.2.2. Demonstrate in own practicehow young children are keptsafe when undertakingchallenging physical activities.© CACHE 2013 Version 5.0 37

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