Optional Units - Cache

Optional Units - Cache Optional Units - Cache


CYPOP 47: Support the development of positive behaviour in childrenLearner declaration of authenticity:I declare that the work presented for this unit is entirely my own work.Learner signature:Date:Assessor sign off of completed unit: CYPOP 47I confirm that the learner has met the requirements for all assessment criteria demonstratingknowledge and skills for this unit.Assessor name:Signature:Date:For e-portfolio a signature is not required, providing the learner has a personalised and secure login.Additional information about the unit:Relationship to occupational standards –provided with the QCF unitAdditional unit assessment requirementsprovided with the QCF unitSCDHSC0326 – Promote the development of positivebehaviour in children and young people.Units need to be assessed in line with Skills for careand development QCF Assessment Principles.Guidance for developing assessment arrangements for the unit:Guidance for developing unit assessmentarrangements – provided with the QCF unitKey people are those who are important to a child whocan make a difference to his or her well-being. Keypeople include family, friends, carers and others withwhom the individual has an important relationship.Others may include:• colleagues• other professionals.© CACHE 2013 Version 5.0 276

CYPOP 47: Support the development of positive behaviour in childrenAssessment task – CYPOP 47: Support the development of positivebehaviour in childrenAn assessment task for this unit is available on request.© CACHE 2013 Version 5.0 277

CYPOP 47: Support the development of positive behaviour in childrenAssessment task – CYPOP 47: Support the development of positivebehaviour in childrenAn assessment task for this unit is available on request.© CACHE 2013 Version 5.0 277

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